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Need help please

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by TenaciousAvid, 30 Nov 2017.

  1. TenaciousAvid

    TenaciousAvid New Member

    22 May 2017
    I read in here that if we lose like 800 infamy, y we get penalised by not getting stars etc for our rewards even when one is the top score etc. Thing is I am not cheating here nor am I deliberately losing just so to get to battle with ships that are not within my league. I have taken screen captives here where one guy didn't even score any hit or damage and he gets a star... please review my battle logs and videos and u can see for yourself that I was trying really hard but was either teamed up with God knows what kind of players (I don't want to label anyone as a bad player or anything else since I am no expert player myself) or I made a wrong decision while in battle that had cause me to lose. Can a device please help me in this? Or there is no way except cross my fingers that I get to team up with players that are more experienced than I am? My game id is TenaciousAvid.

    Attached Files:

  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Basically, once the system labels you a tanker, the only way to get your rewards back is to fight till you get within that range. Good luck, man.
    The Otherguy and Mr. Chompers like this.
  3. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    This hurts to see genuine players hurt by the tanking rules set by Rovio, and again this further supports that a blanket punishment for anyone that loses 800 is abusing the system.
    Battle logs should be analysed to see if anything untoward is going on and then the punishment should be imposed!
    TenaciousAvid likes this.
  4. TenaciousAvid

    TenaciousAvid New Member

    22 May 2017
    It is very frustrating for me, and frustration doesn't help really. I win 1, 2 battles amd think, ok good getting back and then lose the next 10 games... and I have been on a losing streak since. I actually have no idea what is a tanker and what they do. For me every battle I try and work with the team and win lol. I don't know, I hope rovio can work out something better because this is killing me. It's not like I do my own thing in battle, sometimes I don't follow the team because I think it's silly when everyone is rushing to the circle to stop capture and sometimes in such a narrow space everyone gets hit and targeted easily etc. So far I have been teamed up with God knows what kind of players but experienced they are definitely not!
  5. Gautham

    Gautham New Member

    23 Jun 2017
    I too have same problem I was 3600 once ...then used naplam for quest but it was like 2 loses and 1 win hence lost infamy below 2800 ...now I have no rewards .That is not fare. I never cheated
  6. Zerolive

    Zerolive Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    This whole system is one big flaw. On a good day you climb quite a number of infamy. And then rovio's 50/50 win loss system kicks in(maybe) and you lose trophies gained.Lose some more due to obvious matchmaking flaw and no stars and no gold sugar etc. 5 minutes of your time for nothing at all and it is just one battle. Ship unlocks at that right moment where higher mks are beating the crap out of lower mks. I may be wrong but I think ship unlocks should be determined by the infamy too. After all infamy is just a numeric representation of skill. After a player reaches certain infamy, higher mk ships should unlock. If infamy was requirement for ship unlock then mk3 and mk4s at 300 infamywouldn't be beating up newbies and training crews to get higher mk ships. Infamy for ship unlock and the infamy required to unlock will be a barrier from where there is only way up. For example: mk4 unlocks at 500 infamy and no matter how much player tanks, player cannot get below 500 infamy. This is just a theory to maybe resolve issues on some degree. There are many complications but it is worth a try.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Infamy as a barrier in addition to level or as an only parameter?
  8. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    OP: they won’t let you out of the penalty box. You need to buy your way out, the devs clearly don’t care
  9. Mr. Chompers

    Mr. Chompers Well-Known Member

    19 Aug 2017
    I agree, the system could use a rework. But you don't need to slam the Devs in the process. They are some of the most responsive and nice Devs I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
  10. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    I’m sure they are lovely people. But I am only going by how indifferent they seem to be on this issue. In all the many many threads I have yet to see any devs say anything other than ‘thats unfortunate’

    Once I might have read something along the lines of “they are aware of the problem”

    And Sandra was a nice lady too. She didn’t deserve to be starved to death and then banned but she was. and the nicest people you have ever met didn’t even reply in the thread when AntiSnipe, one of their staunchest defenders, called on them to help her.

    Perhaps they are gnashing their teeth and flagellating themselves in private, but here in the forums they appear callous and uncaring.

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