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why should everyone on a losing team be penalized ? the top players should get something ....

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by rock3r, 22 Dec 2017.

  1. rock3r

    rock3r New Member

    14 Nov 2017
    ok BB its time to treat your dedicated players with respect. there are players on every losing team that did excellent dmg/healing and should get a bonus for doing so. give the top 2-3 players on a losing team a bonus and only remove 12-18 infamy. there is no reason to punish the entire team and deduct 24 infamy just because a few players decided to afk/slack off/etc .... and that happens way to often. show love to the players that make this game great and ban those players that are only here to screw it up for everyone else.
    Mr. Chompers and Darth like this.
  2. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Spinners71 likes this.
  3. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I cant believe that noone has though of this before!
    H.A.D.E.S, Zachiderp, Stelmo and 8 others like this.
  4. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Yeah let's give some reward to the losing TEAM. While we are at it, lets make BB a free for all game instead of a TEAM game.
  5. rock3r

    rock3r New Member

    14 Nov 2017
    i feel it does matter benquin8. i usually do great in battle, but if my teammates are goofing off, then i get penalized. infamy was never the best way to match make in the first place. its just what BB uses. other factors like player level, ship/gear level are just as important as infamy in matchmaking. i'm sure plenty of other players feel the same. ijs, there is a better way to match teams and give/take infamy points to those that work hard in battle.
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    How can I say it? Okay, listen.
    1. It's a team game, if your team was bad, you lost, just bad luck.
    2. This will not happen to you constantly, will it?
    3. Also, tell me this, if you had a mortar spammer on your team who dealt 14000 damage against a two fixer team while your team struggled to fight the said fixers, does he deserve the lowered infamy loss?
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  7. Gloryah

    Gloryah Member

    6 Jun 2017
    Battle Bay is a team sport. There are no participation trophies.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  8. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Aside from the team aspect this is what I was thinking. At least at my infamy levels I see an awful lot of "spray & pray" torpedo, mine, and mortar users. They frequently wrack up big damage numbers but usually the damage is too random and diffuse to actually help the team much. As an alternate example, in one battle I was in there was a M1 speeder among a crowd of M4's with some M5's. My assessment is that speeder turned the tide of battle single-handedly. That guy must've been shaping the matrix because he was freakin' unhittable and he kept the entire enemy team shooting waves for more than long enough to allow the rest of us shooters to demolish them. If he didn't land a single shot the entire battle he deserved the crown anyway.

    In the end I don't think raw damage is a particularly good way to measure team contribution.

    head nod to that one triple torp user (two bigs and a swift I think) who blew my mind with his ability to actually hit boats with those things. He was clearly one with his torpedoes and in his hands torpedoes they were a precision instrument.
    Mr. Chompers and Ian like this.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I know this type of speeder. In my opinion, these people make speeders the dread that they are in BB. Unhittable, taunting and kiting superbly, using their nitro and OB to perfection.
    I have to meet that guy... And duel him(of course). The battle would be epic. Other than @Eeyore and @00starlord00 I haven't met my match with torps so far.
    I'll just leave this here:
    Snapshot likes this.
  10. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    There's no I in TEAM
  11. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I know this type of speeder. In my opinion, these people make speeders the dread that they are in BB. Unhittable, taunting and kiting superbly, using their nitro and OB to perfection.

    *shudder* I know. Although I've gradually come to realize that my particular shooter style is well suited to dealing with them. I'm heavy on fast projectile weapons (canon, sniper canon) and I like to "knife fight". If I can get in position to start with on one of these guys and I'm not totally overmatched gear wise I can usually take them down. Even if I win though, they've probably taken me out of the match for a good minute trying to get the job done since I am routinely out-geared by substantial margins.

    LOL. I JUST watched that video last night (along with a different "torp tricks" video that might've also been yours and yeah, that was pretty freakin awesome too. I remain unimpressed with the torpedo usage I see at my low infamy levels... particularly the random spray & pray session at the match start. But I've been forced to reconsider the issue of torps on the whole. Obviously, in the hands of a skilled user, they are far from "random".
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  12. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    I'll duel ya :) bit rusty since I switched to EC + Flare tho
    00starlord00 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  13. 00starlord00

    00starlord00 Member

    15 Jun 2017
    I would like to duel with you
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  14. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    This has been discussed before, and I think the consensus is that it would be even more unfair, because it would introduce bias.

    However, I’d like to go a step further, and say that it would also fail to change anything.

    Imagine you got your way, and the people with higher damage lost less infamy each game. Imagine you’re one of those people...

    At first it would be great! You’d see your infamy shoot up, but not for very long. After 8-10 games your opponents would start getting tougher. You’d start running into more and more people with hi-tier ships and weapons. Before long you’d be finding it much more difficult to get top damage, then you’d start struggling to get middle damage.

    After all the dust has settled, you’ll probably find that you’re back in a similar situation to when you started, with all the same problems.

    Infamy can only rise so fast. Mk3s, with uncommon weapons, are never going to be able to compete with mk6s and mk7s, running legendaries. If the mk3 player is good, then he might get his infamy up to a point where he’s being matched against mostly mk4s and mk5s. That’s how infamy works now, and changing the system wouldn’t make any difference to that. Sooner (rather than later) you’ll find your level, then you’ll just start bouncing again.
  15. llr

    llr New Member

    8 Oct 2017
    I don’t necessarily see that we are penalised as we get stars if we were good and there is always loot which is slightly higher the better you are, but yes it is frustrating.

    Certain times of the day are worse than others. Friday night Uk time (I think it broadly corresponds approximately to kids getting out of school in the Us) is the worst of the week.

    I totally get where you are coming from though. I have had matches where I have taken out 3 players, there is one friend left with 2 badly damaged enemy boats... and he has 3 long range mortars..... did not end well. I think the worst recently was a penta kill I did, 2 speeders, 2 enforcers and a shooter @1100 ish’infamy. The following matches were spectacular... but not in a good way.

    Although I can understand what other people are saying - re finding your own level. That isn’t how the infamy works in practice. I often drop due to using different weapons for quests. Unfortunately there is a threshold below which you are paired up with a selection of players that aren’t very good. I’m not great - but often I can be the only person who had taken out any of the unfriends.

    Usually this is because of weapon choice - the guy with 3 mines and a triple torpedo, unsurprisingly, died very quickly. Or you find that your win is dependent on the torpedo guy who has managed to miss every single one of his targets. Or just the fact that they have no concept of team work, constantly ignoring any messages, tho this could be bcause they are difficult to see. I’ve had a fixer literally next to me refusing to heal me at 300 health... and concentrating on fixing someone with nearly 2000. And I’m the one hitting the enemies!

    Once you are stuck in a rut it is very hard to get out of....and you can find yourself sinking quicker than your team mates boats. Anything that can show the drop will help.

    And yes, some of the matches have been lost due to me.... I’m not perfect by any means.
  16. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I find this comment really interesting. You are worried about slowing your fall. I'm worried about slowing my rise. What that sounds like to me is a system which is overly sensitive to input... particularly at the extreme ends of the 800 infamy window.
  17. Mr. Chompers

    Mr. Chompers Well-Known Member

    19 Aug 2017
    I know exactly what you mean, my normal is around 900-1000, I never have big swings, but just recently I have dropped to nearly 600, that is only a difference of 300, but it is really big for me. And I just keep loosing, and it is really tough to get out. I have gotten 2 stars on a loosing match several times. One thing that helps me regain infamy is play my good old defender, it feels like I get 3 stars every time I play it.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  18. llr

    llr New Member

    8 Oct 2017
    I think that the in game description of the leagues is fairly accurate.

    For me the main issue is the guild quests, I can contribute a lot to them .... but much of which, when my infamy sinks, isn’t counted as I get ‘stuck’. Just because we win doesn’t mean that I have done the most damage with the selected weapon on that match. And, generally, lower infamy means lower health on boats. Though not always.

    I think that we both want to find our ideal zone, for me that is where I can win some, lose some and have a good battle. Having a good match and losing doesn’t leave me sad and I can appreciate skills on the other team. Winning all the time doesn’t help develop skillls in the game :)
  19. llr

    llr New Member

    8 Oct 2017
    You are in what I call ‘the doldrums’. I hope you don’t get stuck too long.

    I’ve recently upgraded my defender to mk4, so I may try that when I fall low.

    What really helped me is having a fleeting partner from my guild - at least if there are two of you who know how to fight you stand a chance!
  20. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Yea, I remember those. I walked out of them with a mk4, after trying torp shooter, snipe defender and some fixer. Tough days... Tougher now due to the matchmaker. Its acting odd lately.

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