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Suggestion - Bigger Fleets

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Nepleptic, 16 Dec 2017.

  1. Nepleptic

    Nepleptic New Member

    22 Oct 2017
    One thing I never understood was why you can only fleet with 2 people at a time. Especially now that guilds are so prevalent. Would it be nice to fleet with 3-5 people at a time. It just doesn' make much sense to have guilds so big and not be able to play a match as a guild, not only a single member at a time
    PastelPiku and Zachiderp like this.
  2. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    Hmmmm... Lets imagine if i mk5 enforcer fleet with 4 mk5 shooter the enforcer use double frost launcher and frost a player and then tell all his friend by skype ,discord etc... To shoot him with big berta and that player die immediately or any other tactic , completely unfair unlees it is a guild vs guild or five fleets vs five fleets and it will be rare to see double 5 player together and near in infamy and ships
  3. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    The game rn is already super unfair. There are changes that could be made to fix this like fleets can only go against other fleets and this idea will bring in more teamwork
    ChickenSurprise and The Otherguy like this.
  4. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    Yeah and 5 fleet will make it worse.
    But i will love if there was an option to fleet with someone but they both will be placed in diffrent teams but sirius action should be taken if one just dont attact ...
  5. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    It would be too overpowered, so i hope that it won’t be added
  6. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    There are numerous games where groups like this were very successful in making the game better. Battlerite league of legends dota guns of boom and more. Adding this will make this game more teambased and make players want to fleet with eachother more so that they all can recieve more infamy. And as I said, if the situation gets out of hand then fleets should only fight other fleets
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Why exactly do we deadlock this discussion? Why not have a separste 5v5 matchmaker? Maybe a new currency and ranking?

    *Squad Battles*
    Play with four friends against enemies in a 5v5 no holds barred winner takes all championship. Infamy will only be used for matchmaking, but will not increase or decrease in this zone. You can play for perks and parts and (I hope soon) ship skins in the post battle raffle. Also, to prevent tanking, people recognized as tankers in the regular matches will not be allowed to play here.

    This boosts progression, keeps matchups fair and does not completely rule out the need to play the game in regular mode. But I know I'll play here more for sure;)
  8. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    That is no more unfair than someone buying a legendary weapon and ‘one shoting’ other people all the way to the higher leagues.

    But eventually, those people will find their level and meet thier match.

    There is no need for seperate matchmaking, or to complain about it being ‘unfair’. The infamy system is self correcting: if a team is strong then they’ll get put into more challenging games until they return to 50:50.
  9. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    5 v 5 fleet will always lead to op teams unless and until devs make it a seperate game mode with item caps
    This 5v5 will lead to this 50% win ratio rise upto 80% for good teams because other teams comprising of good members might to online at different times and pick on noob teams
    A55A51N likes this.
  10. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Ok all the good teams will rise until they can't rise anymore and the infamy will be balanced again.
    Evilchicken235 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  11. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    why they can not rise anymore there is no infamy limit and now 7k infamy player can play vs 4k infamy player if they have the same ship MK
  12. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    How old ARE you?
    When i say they can't rise anymore i meant that eventaully teams with more skill and better gear will stop them until they begin making new strategies and getting better gear
    vis1234567899 likes this.
  13. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    maybe a fleet of three so it is more fun but not totally unfair. Although it could be one shooter plus two fixer combination
  14. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    But after they face a better team they could rise again back like you said (answered your questions)
    Finding a better tactic is not that hard for thoese who found the other tactic that helped them to rise that seemed unfair
    Again again and again....
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Dude, if they reach the top of the game and fleet up, they are gonna HAVE to face teams of Nightmares, no way they can be matched versus Ace, infamy gap will be too big for five top Nightmares. So... Either match with the big dogs, or find easier fleets, which may not be as high-powered.

    Let's take an example. Ysl, arctic, master baiter, eric and kenzer. Combined infamy will be a minimum 20000 meaning that they HAVE to fight at least four Nightmares. Considering Nightmare is Nightmare, the fights will almost always be fair.
  16. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    *sigh* this has been sugested 100's of times it feels like, sadly.
    imagin the 5 best bb players fleeting with eachother...
  17. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    They prolly wont be able to, on pain of 3 hour wait times lol.
    Evilchicken235 likes this.
  18. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    Even if they played against 5 nightmare player
    We are talking about tactic
    If thoese player made a tactic it might be undetectable
    Probably you have seen all of them playing
    You know what they can do solo so imagine they do a tactic they are actully proud of

    And like i said at my first comment its gonna take for ever to find a 5 fleet near in thier infamy and MK
    We both are around 2k infamy so we dont know alot about nightmare
  19. Evilchicken235

    Evilchicken235 Well-Known Member

    18 Aug 2017
    CSIE Student
    Why isn’t 5v5 implemented yet?

    It’s not because
    (common misconception)

    1. It’s too OP, top players will fleet together and dominate.

    Not true, fleeting with high infamy players means long waiting times. The matchmaking won’t output a match unless it’s considerably fair. 2 top player fleets can take tens of minutes let alone 5 top player fleets.

    2.Waiting times will be too long.

    Not true again, if the waiting time is too long, it means the combined infamy of the 5 players is too high. Players will simply find a more suitable fleet. Same logic as 2 player fleets.

    3. Special tactics and strategies will disrupt gameplay and create unbalance.

    How is this even a problem? Don’t you guys want more interesting gameplay? If good tactics formulate people will find ways to beat it. Those players that go off on their own and plays without using their brains will drop to a significantly lower infamy level, therefore it’ll promotes skillful play more than ever. It’s going to put the game a step closer to Esports for sure.

    I think some of the reasons are

    1. The whole META of the game is going to be changed.

    Items, perks, boat stats everything will need to be rebalanced when new OP strategies are discovered. With the current situation of the game, the devs probably do not have enough time to manage all this chaos. They already have enough problems to fix before they can create new ones.

    2. It will kill some whales.

    F2P players will finally have a level playing field(sort of). You won’t need superior weapons and gear when you have a skilled team. Many, many, many spenders do not have skill and they will not survive this META shift. Some may adapt by trying to learn, others will just quit due to the lack of accomplishment, by constantly losing to weaker geared opponents.

    3. They’re waiting for the perfect opportunity to release.

    They know that this will completely changed the game. It might mess the whole game up if they don’t get it right but if they do get it right, it will be the best update to ever come the game. So they have to get it right. It’s a one shot opportunity and they must make sure they have it all planned out without any flaws.

    These are my personal thoughts, you don’t have to agree with them but please give me a rational debate if you don’t. Hopefully we can see 5v5 sooner than later.
  20. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    if the players wait alot they simply will unfleet
    players fleet to fleet with some players not to fleet with anyone is online
    and you will never know who you are gonna face so you dont know which tactic to use that is specific to beat 1 or 2 or even 3 tactics but not all

    now dont get me wrong guys iam not againts 5 players fleet but iam saying why probably it is not added yet and wont be added
    Evilchicken235 likes this.

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