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Mindless torpedo spam

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by dikshift, 24 May 2017.

  1. dikshift

    dikshift Active Member

    4 May 2017
    I made a similar post on the subreddit, so sorry if you're reading this again. Just want discussion, that's all.

    I feel that the infinite range on the torps allow for mindless spamming in the beginning of the game. Even if torps are easy to dodge, just the option of dealing 1000+ damage to your enemies before you even see them seems wrong to me. I sometimes start out games on half health because I'm hit by either the torp itself, or the splash off a wall or a teammate. The high damage is fine because torps are pretty slow and have a long-ish reload time, but the infinite range is unhealthy for the game imo.

    I propose a nerf so that torps automatically explode when out of sight. This literally doesn't change anything except for the cheeky, high damage 10 seconds in. Keep in mind that line of sight is pretty far (farther than sniper range), so this nerf will ONLY affect the spam.
    Last edited: 24 May 2017
  2. Winkleberry5

    Winkleberry5 Active Member

    11 May 2017
    Lol make them explode at a certain range? That would be more effective especially once you find out the range of the torpedo. My advice for you is to look before you cross torpedo alley, everyone knows their coming in the beginning just have to watch out until you find some cover. I feel the game is already very well balanced as is but that's opinion.
    Miathan likes this.
  3. dikshift

    dikshift Active Member

    4 May 2017
    But the issue is "torpedo alley" is sometimes right outside your spawn. The fact that everyone knows it's coming supports what I'm saying; you shouldn't have to expect to be attacked right out of spawn. How does making them explode out of sight range be more effective? If you can see the enemy, you're going to be able to target them. The likelihood that someone is just outside your sight range and gets hit with the explosion is a lot smaller than the likelihood of damaging opponents right out of spawn right now, so I'll take this nerf anyday.
    Last edited: 24 May 2017
  4. Winkleberry5

    Winkleberry5 Active Member

    11 May 2017
    I see what your saying but it doesn't really make them OP (only because you can see them coming) so I highly doubt they will nerf them.
  5. dikshift

    dikshift Active Member

    4 May 2017
    Oh sorry if it seems like I was saying torps are OP: I don't think they are. Just the infinite range makes them annoying at the beginning of the game. The rest of the time, I agree they are balanced.

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