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Napalm Launcher - Short Guide

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Tirth2_, 5 Dec 2017.

  1. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Hey there,

    Back with a short, quick Statistical Guide on Napalm Launcher. :)

    Some things you already know about Napalm :
    Name: Napalm Launcher
    Slot Points: 2
    Description: Sets the water on fire, dealing damage over time to all enemies foolish enough to get close.
    Base Cooldown: 13.3s
    Base Range: 22
    Base Radius: 4
    Base Duration: 20s
    I've prepared some charts based on Damage dealt by the Napalm Launcher for different Levels, Tiers, and Rarities, so we can have a better look at how effective(damage wise) the weapon is in long run.
    It will also give you an idea of what a high-level Napalm at a specific Rarity looks, might help you to decide if it's worth that costly upgrade. :p

    Key to the chart:
    • The chart consists of :
    1. Damage on the vertical axis
    2. Evolution Level on the horizontal axis
    • Evolution level refers to the Tier of the Item.
    • Base Value refers to the value of damage dealt by the least level of the weapon in that specific Tier. Example: For Tier 1- Base Value indicates the value of Level 1 Napalm.
    • Max Value refers to the value of damage dealt by the maximum level of the weapon in that specific Tier. Example: For Tier 1- Max Value indicates the value of Level 10 Napalm.
    • Each chart consists of 4 lines, each indicating a specific condition with unique color assigned to the line
    • The Key to the Lines is given in each chart.
    So, Let's start with Common Rarity :

    common - napalm.PNG
    • Highest Damage Value a Common Rarity Napalm Launcher can achieve is 72.6
    • There is a constant difference of 4 between the base and max values at a specific tier without considering the activation of the talents.
    Second, Uncommon Rarity:

    • Highest Damage Value an Uncommon Rarity Napalm Launcher can achieve is 127.6
    • There is a constant difference of 8 between the base and max values at a specific tier without considering the activation of the talents.
    Third, Rare Rarity(probably most popular rarity level for f2p players) :

    rare napalm.PNG
    • Highest Damage Value a Rare Rarity Napalm Launcher can achieve is 171.6
    • There is a constant difference of 11 between the base and max values at a specific tier without considering the activation of the talents.
    Fourth, Epic Rarity:

    • Highest Damage Value a Epic Rarity Napalm Launcher can achieve is 226.4
    • There is no constant difference between the base and max values at a specific tier without considering the activation of the talents.
    Last, Legendary Rarity:

    leggy -napalm.PNG
    • Highest Damage Value a Legendary Rarity Napalm Launcher can achieve is 290.4
    • There is no constant difference between the base and max values at a specific tier without considering the activation of the talents.

    It is Interesting to see, to what extent can talents boost the damage output of the weapon.
    The Magic starts from Tier3 of the item at any rarity! :p
    The talents after Tier 3 boosts the Damage output!

    Perk Slots:
    Common Rarity: 1 // Unlocks at Tier 3
    Uncommon Rarity: 2 // Unlocks at Tier 2 & 4
    Rare Rarity: 3 // Unlocks at Tier 1,2 & 3
    Epic Rarity: 4 // Unlocks at Tier 1,1,2 & 4
    Legendary Rarity: 4 // Unlocks at Tier 1,1,1 & 3​

    Coming to loadouts and strategy, here are some wise words from @TheAntiSnipe on Napalm Launcher

    Napalm launcher is an AoE denial weapon, with the largest DPS in the game. It is advisable to run only one. You can pair it with mines on a speeder though it isn't meta, and run it on a fixer to make yourself a support fixer, OR on a defender to do flare+napalm+blast/explosive cannon to do tons of damage with the flare+napalm+excannon combo that O recently discovered. On a shooter, mine+napalm+ snipe+rail+LRM is an awesome combo, with the sequence being putting a napalm on your mine at a chokepoint and waiting inside till your opponents enter. Then execute long range and midrange suppressive fire with your snipe and rail, eliminating stragglers with LRM. For enforcer, napalm is NOT an option for obvious reasons.

    How to go for it :

    1. Chokehold:
    This is a defensive tactic to hold chokepoints. Use your team to bait the enemy team into a tight spot where whatever weapon/ship composition they have is rendered useless. The chokehold is simple: Napalm the exits/possible escape routes. Then call your shots so your team can cut loose.
    IMPORTANT: Consider YOUR team composition as well before doing this, you don't want to lure a torpedo centric enemy into a tunnel.

    2. Miner:
    The miner is a supporting tactic that can also be used in offensive manners. It is considerably handicapped by the fact that it won't give you MVP in most battles. It works, however, to limit the enemies' movements.

    3. Torp smokescreen:
    A highly powerful offensive move. You use your napalms to hide your torpedo trails. This makes you considerably annoying to the enemy team, since they are constantly getting hit by torps coming out of nowhere. It is a double-edged sword, though, best used with caution.

    4. The Angler:

    A high-quality fixer tactic. Sit in the middle of your napalm and help your team. It can be used in tandem with the chokehold technique. Also, it is kinda risky to run it on a fixer, but helps you in that you don't have to worry much about enemy assassin speeders. Napalm is a beast at high levels and since assassin speeders like getting in close and personal, this will make that a risky prospect. Mk6 tri bolt campers will love this paired with a blast cannon or a mine. Because hot damn, that damage.

    Tips :
    • It Does not break stun or frost, hence can be used freely on stunned and frosted enemies.
    • Napalm Launcher breaks tesla shield if hit in center and damage penitrates if a yellow boat passes with tesla shield on.
    • Low trajectory compared to other mortars, hence can be used in some tight spaces.
    • One of the most useful weapons to stop unfriendly capturing.
    • Can be used to disintegrate enemy team, can be used by fixers.

    So that's all for the mini guide, I'd love to have feedback from the community to improve it and make it a complete guide! :)

    Special Thanks : @TheAntiSnipe and @yellowocean , for helping me with strategies and loadouts. :)

    Thank you so much for reading! :)

    Mentions: I'd love to have some feedback from you guys(input to improve this post too),
    @The Otherguy @Kitterini
    @CaffeinatedChris @Joeyaa @Babablacksheep @Shadow Moon!
    and from everyone whom I forgot to mention! :p
    Last edited: 6 Dec 2017
  2. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    u have never used napalm have u
    xxxBISMARCKxxx and metaky like this.
  3. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    I have! Don't worry the strategies are from much more experienced players! :)
  4. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    i have never actually seen it used effectively in lower levels thats all, there are basically nobody with napalm
    Tirth2_ likes this.
  5. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    and i thought u were going to study very hard today
    i am sorry my game crashed while we were fleeting but yes
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  6. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    I did! :)
  7. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    really then i wonder how long u spent on this instead
    Tirth2_ likes this.
  8. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Good guide though i have never quite understood why to use napalm. Very easy to dodge, inferior to mine as a chokeholder. It just blocks a small area for a limited time and does dmg only if you are staying in it. In my opinion, napalm is only worth if you run 2-3 of them. Then enemies have to constantly relocate, and are forced to stay in the damage area.

    But maybe add one pro: it’s very good for stopping capture
    TheAntiSnipe and Tirth2_ like this.
  9. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    I also noticed some defenders using it as an offence.Exp canon,Naplam and blast/Std canon/Mine.

    Its very tricky to use,But you can seprate the entire unfriends team while charging if done correctly.

    (P.S.---Not something that porthos did)
    Tirth2_ and The Otherguy like this.
  10. Earel

    Earel Active Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Napalm just a FPS killer... looks cool with frost launcher before fix ... totally useless in our days.
  11. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    The Otherguy likes this.
  12. vbkevin57

    vbkevin57 New Member

    7 Aug 2017
    Napalm is probably my favorite weapon on my defender. I pair it with my standard and blast cannon. I primarily use it as a defensive tool to scatter the unfriends and keep them off of me allowing my standard cannon to crank out 300 damage every 5 seconds. It also helps my team to pick off stragglers.
    The Otherguy, FirnenAhead and Tirth2_ like this.
  13. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Very well said and a very nice introduction to a player who is not aware of the potential napalm holds. :)
    Tmfh67401 and The Otherguy like this.
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Napalm is hard to get much damage from because it's easy to avoid. Running two napalms is more than 2x the crowd control as you can have 4+ patches going at once which chokes everything off and makes unfriendlies more edgy than even mines do. It's a similar deal with mines, while it's super easy to avoid a single mine, if you run two of them you can litter an area to make it impossible to cross, and enough throughout the battle to nearly guarantee damage.
    Tmfh67401 likes this.
  15. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    First of all, there are typos from rare and up. It's says they are common.

    But anyway, napalm is really fun to use. Sometimes, if you fight a fixer in the right conditions, you can hit the entire team for at least 5 seconds.

    Also napalm indirectly boosts your damage too. You can use it to push enemies back into you comfortable range. If they get too close, push them back. If you like using close ranged weapons, push them forward.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  16. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    It's meant to be easy to avoid, hence the huge DPS. And two napalms may look better on paper, but most shooters are not resourceful enough to use them to their full potential and end up spamming, followed by roasting said napalm on the forum xD.
    Tirth2_ and The Otherguy like this.
  17. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Thanks for pointing out! Corrected! :)
    Anything else you find wrong, please let me know! :)
    Rivet likes this.
  18. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Napalm is one of those weapons I hate on unfriends team
  19. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    How to use napalm?
    Get an mk6shooter,use 4 of them:D:D,COOK THE BAY!!
    Tmfh67401, The Otherguy and Tirth2_ like this.
  20. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Satanas, was it?

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