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Meta Snapshot 3/12 [Top 100 class stats] aka "Urgent Fixer nerf required, it's getting out of hand!"

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Kitterini, 4 Dec 2017.

  1. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    2nd edition of Meta Snapshots restricted to looking at how well representated the various boats are at peak level (defined here as top 100).
    1st edition can be found here - https://forum.battlebay.net/threads...a-omg-why-do-you-keep-nerfing-speeders.14699/
    Data was collected around 40 minutes before Nightmare league was reset, with one exception. #1 changed at the very end, and I figured that updating that was a worthwhile change, in particular when considering the class that took the #1 spot this season!

    The Data:
    Dec Stats Data.jpg

    & the piecharts!
    Dec Pies.jpg

    Some class comments:
    Speeder -
    Slight drop in presence, but the general picture remains. Speeder dominates the absolute top, no news there.
    Shooter - No major change here either. Slight drop in the top 10, but quite a few more shooters in the overall top 100.
    Defender - This time one features in the top 10, in return for a drop in overall presence from 11 to 8. Not a drastic change, there isn't much infamy difference from #75 till #125.

    Enforcer - KSA managed to bring ´the other´ yellow boat all the way to #1. He is an absolute nightmare to play against and seems to have found the boat he shines in now, well deserved!
    It does bring up an interesting discussion though, is the Enforcer underrepresentated because people just prefer other boats or does it need a buff (the opinion that seems to be the most common on these forums)? My gut feeling is that both Enforcer & Defender already have the tools required to fight for ultimate #1 glory, but to unlock the potential they both require some heavy whaling for pearls. Perhaps a way to address Enforcers would be to look at ways to make the lower end of mk6 Enforcers better (fx make rare Tesla Shields absorb more than 1 hit, at least sometimes). Aside from the #1 glory, the overall stats for the boat remain roughly unchanged.

    Fixer - Joyfull data sample for the green boat! We have a Fixer in the top 25 ladies & gentlemen. Aside from that its a small overall drop from 11 till 9, worth noting that 4 of the 9 are located in the 90's. But, in the spirit of christmas, we shall focus on the positives & celebrate the single Fixer in the top 25, its been a while since that happened last! If I was more cynical, I would be worried of a repitition of what happened the last time a Fixer dared to fly that close to the sun :( Worth noting that I main a Fixer & my comments on this are absolutely heavily biased!

    - I'd suggest focusing discussion on endgame balance -- There are plenty of other threads where mk2 imbalances are part of the topic. Try to keep the discussion to topics the data are relevant for.
    - No need to turn this into yet another ´nerf speeder!´ thread. We've beaten that horse to death by now.
    - Anything (thats easy and fast to process) that you would like to see in the next edition of the top 100 snapshot?
  2. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Yet another amazing analysis, great job!
    It’s been a real tough time playing as Fixer, but with that news, I can say now that my spirits have risen again! What was the setup of the Fixer that shined this season?
  3. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I have no idea - 40mins before season reset is 20 mins past my bedtime, so it was done with a focus on speed :)
  4. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    How many enforcers are using legendary tesla shield as it seems not to have received the nerf.
    T5R=T1L in Tesla Shield case T5R<<T1L.
  5. Earel

    Earel Active Member

    24 Jun 2017
    gj... same picture - (
  6. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Buff Rare TS :)
    LimeOnMars likes this.
  7. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    No buff rare carronade

    A55A51N likes this.
  8. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    What about weapons? My guess is 70% are using shooter. Totally balanced
  9. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    My reasoning behind why many fixers don't exist in the top 50 is simply because they don't have the tools to "carry" a team like other ships do. They play a support role, so they rely on their team to do the damage. if you're a 5.5k+ fixer chances are your team is severely underpowered, and the enemy team can just go all in in which case no amount healing is enough to stop their attack. I'd always rather have the lowest infamy player on my team be a fixer rather than the highest to be a fixer, if that makes sense.
  10. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    To some extend this is a good point, Fixers does rely on teams to work together.

    My experience from the games where I'm 1k above the rest of my team is that I can carry them though. But there is surely a difference between having to carry 3.5k infamy players & 4.5k infamy players. Once Im in those Ace games its always fun to see how much teamplay and people's ability to land shots improve between Ace and NM.

    However Fixers ability to carry weaker players is also a consequence of the nerfs slapped onto the boat --- Not too long ago Fixers had more HP, more mobility & could better combine selfhealing with teamhealing.
    Did they dominate the game back then? No. So its hardly a surprise that they still dont.
    Ian and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Fixers WERE strong back then, the reason they didn't dominate was RNG. Once fixers started getting their hands on legendary pulses(in my opinion), that was when the devs thought, "OMG! The fixer will be indestructible at 100% selfheal!" and since the weapons weren't catching up, and with Brizo becoming a 1v5 killa, they took the step. If this is the explanation, it's high time to remove the nerf. And nerf flaregun. Yes. Flaregun, which can stack a 60-90% healblock. That has to be unstackable. But fix tesla bolts
    A55A51N and Kitterini like this.
  12. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Strong sure. Stronger than average? Doubtful.
    A matter of Rng? There were Fixers with lvl 50 green epics, and some of them did fight for the top spots. Usually 2 made their way to the top 10 (not sure if a 20% presence is considered too much in a game with 5 classes!). Much like now the #1 spot was almost always reserved for a speeder or shooter though.

    Legendary damage scales much more crazy than healing - Healing for 20more pr second isnt crazy in a world of 2.5k+ hits. How many players use legendary pulses at mk2+? Those 2 unicorns hopefully arent why they neutered the class.

    I know i going on repeat here, but this point is crucial; Fixers were not dominating the leaderboard (Nightmare) before the Repair Pulse nerf, thats fact not opinion.

    I think That nerf was intended to make the boat less dominant at mk4+5. A fine example of how to not think when making balance changes.

    Looking at Flare Gun changes might be a way - That is how I usually die in the scripted losses. Tesla healblock is fine (imo), more often than not you can find a Mortar to get hit by!
    Ian likes this.
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Well, mk 4 and 5 fixers WERE a headache back then. You dropped the pressure on a mk4 for 5 SECONDS, and BOOM. Unfriends coming back from the dead.
  14. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Yes - But this is where infamy based matchmaking shines. A good mk4 Fixer would be matched according to his skill and not according to his captain level. This is partly true for max level also, but then you need to accept that some classes just have lower endgame potential than others (which the top 100 stats show), which the current state of Fixer indicates that the devs are ok with.

    Oh well, enough Fixer rant for one thread :) It is what it is and I guess the uphill challenge is part of the charm!
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    From playing the support in most games(I love medic classes) I can safely say it's a rewarding but thankless job. xD. I enjoyed fixer too, but the chaotic side of me that takes sadistic delight in burning enemies down is too dominant, I guess.
  16. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Nightmare league
    Spartz, A55A51N and Earel like this.
  17. Earel

    Earel Active Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Just one thing - shooter and speeder should be switch-placed. Speeder should do - killshot !
    Babablacksheep likes this.

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