it's worth a try... "Tesla Cloak" - under Dr. Buzzkill's skill tree.
2 slot yellow item - base duration 8 secs, cooldown 20 secs.,
when activated: boat turns invisible, only visual clue is the wave trail... cannot be locked on... 1st damage source halves duration, succeeding damage source deactivates cloak (cloak deactivations done this way causes boat to be stunned for 4 secs). when cloaked boat activates a red item, cloak disappears.
blue item - 2 slots "Mirror shield" - Brock's skill tree
Adds XX HP (probably lower than standard shield) or almost the same as standard shield HP stats.
Passive ability: whenever boat equipped with mirror shield is damaged, mirror shield passively activates a cloaking mechanism that last 6 secs (base duration), passive ability cooldown is 20 secs.
cloak deactivates when boat receives damage OR if boat activates a red item (weapon). cloak ability does not activate again until cooldown is recharged.
when cloaked, boat is invisible and cannot be targetted/locked on, only the wave trail is visible. if boat stops, it will be completely undetectable.
*duration indicated is just my suggested figure.... might be too OP if duration lasts longer.
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