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Current Shop System, does it suck?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by D3X, 26 Apr 2017.


What do you think of the Current Shop / Item System?

  1. Needs work.

  2. Good.

  1. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Well since this post, it's been about 3 weeks.

    I have finally picked up a duplicate Rare Sniper Rifle and finally able to upgrade to T4. Which has enabled me to move up in Infamy to the 2800 range. However I still think that the system should be improved with the some of the solutions we spoke of or possibly looking at the algorithm again.

    What's more telling is that since this game is being actively reviewed by Game sites and Pro Gamers, their initial reaction is of the same. That the Store and upgrade system is too complex and confusing. I know it's just one review out of many positive ones, but this reviewer hit some key points right on the Head.

    Here's a recent review:

    Upgrading your ship and your gadgets is needlessly complicated, most likely to encourage microtransactions. There are lots of items to buy to improve your chances in battle, and lots of currencies to buy the upgrades with. Sugar cubes are plentiful, but that's the least valuable resource. It's used to train your crew and upgrade cannons, among other things. In order to upgrade cannons you also need scrap that's divided into varies subgroups depending on rarity. You buy this with gold and you can also buy crates with random rewards by spending stars earned by completing challenges. Finally there are pearls, and these are used to speed up your progress. Pearls can be bought with real money.

    We quickly grew tired of upgrading our ships and gear as there's so much of everything. Particularly given how mediocre the actual battles are. The whole point of spending time and resources on upgrading and maintaining your ships is pretty much lost as you feel that you've experienced everything the game has to offer after a dozen or so battles. There's simply not enough here to pull you in for a long-term addiction.
    Last edited: 17 May 2017
    Netsa, Jammo and Helius Maximus like this.
  2. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    I'm convinced Rovio just want to cash out now. The soft launch dragged on too long so they were willing to release an inferior product to the masses hoping it made a few bucks in the first couple of weeks.
  3. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Which worked.. look at all the legendary wallet whales out there now. No skill and OP items.. ruining the game further
    Faze Rug and TheRedSpeeder like this.
  4. Tor

    Tor New Member

    15 May 2017
    This have happened to so many games, going from soft launch or beta test to worldwide release.
    History always repeat itself

    Rovio have already recieved alot bad reviews on their product because of this.
    The only thing we can do are to speak up like we do here, quit the game and/or give a 1 star rate with bad feedback.
    D3X likes this.
  5. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    Posted this somewhere else on the forum as a laugh. Might as well stick it here as well.

    Let me explain my issue a little bit more simply for the sake of the BB noobs.

    Soft launch good! Shop good! Item upgrade system good! @Jammo spend money. @Jammo have good time. BB good!

    V2.0 upgrade bad. Shop bad. No choice to buy items bad. RnG only bad. Power Cells introduced bad. Scrapping items give useless parts bad. @Jammo spend less money while giving new update a chance. Less fun had. BB bad.

    Global launch good. Whales join game bad. Whales spend $1000s to buy OP weapons bad. Within weeks whales catch up to original players who spend a little money and much time bad. Whales make @Jammo 's weapons that he spent real money on useless and uncompetitive bad. @Jammo spends no more real money because previous investment has become worthless bad. @Jammo quits and complains non-stop about how good original BB was and warns other players of end game myth bad. BB bad.

    I'm not sure how I can make the concept any easier to understand.
  6. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Just an update. Found rare cannon and 2x rare sniper in about a month. Playing at least 20 games a day, at 4.5k games now(so almost half of Porthos famous 10k milestone) and 4months actual play time. Still cannot progress much. I've dropped in infamy too due to players now at the 2.8-3k range with many legendaries and well developed epics. Not familiar faces, never seen them before and i assume they are from Global release and dropped a few thousand dollars to progress past the original pack. All in all, this game has become cancerous. It's the same Game of War ridiculous pricing system, and us daily grinding seldom $20 a month players no longer have a place in the game to play competitively. There's no way i'm justifying paying thousands a month to play a game when other console games with way more full featured FPS Teamplay and well rounded weapons exist for $80 lifetime. Those that say it's skill to get high up, sure, keep fooling yourself that.

    Games like this will never to recognized on the competitive scene. Never, you'll never see competition or tournaments similar to COD, BF, or even League of Legends. It's not a level playing field.

    Here's my little speeder now. Bit capable but still weak and not good enough to reach 3k or beyond.
    Love the fact that the 1/10 Red legendary part is still without a friend.

    For those like me, more interested in a linear evolution with the monthly binge in pearls. Look elsewhere, unless you don't seek competitive or account growth and just shooting around, this game isn't for you. Its really for people with excessive need to want to spend ridiculous amounts of money to prove their worth in this game. Congrats Rovio on creating a game copying other cancerous games like Clash of Clans, i hope you make your billions.
    Last edited: 22 May 2017
  7. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    I agree with you (Though I reached 3k and I'm not pearl user). Anyway this is getting annoying that p2w is passing hard work (which is over half an year) in less than two weeks. I'd like to know if there's going to be a way to get the weapon you need to progress so there's no so much lottory in this game.
    Yes, it is exciting to get the needed weapon after few weeks wait but when the wait time is unknown and is possible that you will never get the duplicate, it is not couraging at all.
    Hopefully this gets changed soon

    Btw @D3X Clash of Clans isn't so p2w as this since you still can progress without spending money (I have maxed out village soon without any money spent to game).
  8. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Yep i agree. I have a maxed Th11 in CoC, its less p2w because trophy hunting isn't the only thing that keeps the game enjoyable. However at high trophy, it's p2w because players gem to rebuild their armies to hunt for more cups right away instead of waiting for their troops to build. Base progress is more linear because the structure of levelling up is right in front of you with no lottery aspect. Imagine if troop upgrades were crates like this and what comes out are parts and scrap materials to actually tried to level your Golems. That's Rovio's cash cow system. Clearly they know what they were doing.
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.
  9. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Yep, it pretty much is their cash cow as you said. Hopefully they could change the system at least bit more linear like giving us chance to choose what we will get from combining items.
  10. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017

    I wish they just dropped more rares that way we can take all the items to T4 or T5 easier. Even finding duplicates for Rares have been a complete struggle.
    Last edited: 22 May 2017
    TheRedSpeeder and Jammo like this.
  11. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    I knoww I'm have been waiting for another rare canon and berta and feels like forever.. I don't get why we can't buy it if we didn't buy it before.. Like I won it not bought it so why does my option go away? Lamee
    Faze Rug, TheRedSpeeder and Jammo like this.
  12. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    @D3X - not a flame but curious, have you tried running tesla shield instead of nitro?

    @everyone - so I agree that p2progress definitely exists but then so does skill. If I give my account to my 3yro I will drop. Point being, tough it out, get epics or the odd legendary and I'm guessing you will win your fair share against the spenders

    Unless of course black tail mortgages his house then I guess we are all screwed, lol

    Actually, black tail, he's still doing ok against pay to progress? Right?
  13. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @monobrow - of course.However, i lose a slot and only run overboost. Which slows me down significantly.

    As for skill, sure. But honestly it's really not rocket science. You see someone, and you shoot at them. Most of the isolation moments are all simply cannon fodder, and at that point it's who's got the bigger gun. Even if they miss more than you, once that big crit legendary lands, it's pretty much over. We're currently winning most battles or giving them a run for their money, but for how long(let me remind you that global release was how long)? Once they get Legendaries to T3 and up that task becomes a lot harder, and it's not like skill can't be acquired.
    monobrow likes this.
  14. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    There actually is already few legendaries over t3 (Winkleberry5 (I think his nick is written like that) has t4 cannon which deals as much dmg as my t3 epic blast cannon BUT it deals it TWICE as fast). How am I supposed to manage against him/her if my guns deal half dmg of his/her? Not by skill even if I manage to dodge few times, he/she can still deal more dmg than I.
    We simply need a possibility for p2progress too. Now there is none other than pay thousands and have the luck with you to get good items and that way to make progress.

    Hopefully this changes soon

    Btw @D3X coc is not even that p2w in high leagues (not anymore since the shield doesn't disappear after first attack but lets drop this subject, okay?)
    Last edited: 22 May 2017
  15. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Wow! When you put it like that - twice the damage , twice as fast, that is kinda sick ...

    But then , devils advocate, the haves and have nots always exist. Lesser teams still exist in Lower divisions (like the championship teams in English football/soccer) yet the top of the premiership like Man Utd have resources that mean they will always remain on top

    Personally I'm ok with spending what I have to get where I can as long as I enjoy the game

    When the fun stops, I'll stop - as the saying goes
  16. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    I see your point and to be honest I do not mind if someone wants to spend a lot of money to mobile game, sure do it if you want BUT what I mean is that I do not see possibility for slower progress and for little spending (lets say 10€/£/$ per month) to keep supporting the game and making some progress. I just decided that since I can't see the way to get progress with my money (unless I use huge amounts of it) I do not use any. I keep my wallet closed as long as there is no way to make a progress to that direction one wants - not the progress that is basicly guided with only luck.

    We have to remember that there is a lot of gamers who are young people who cant use much money to games since they need to pay rent and food to study. Only well paid workers/bosses can afford this game at the moment. Therefore making progress possible for monthly payers (10-20€/£/$ per month) would be more worth it on the long run.

  17. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Yep. i think i'm through with this game. This might be my End game. Like many has already stated, there's no p2 progress in this game there's no appreciation for players that pay reasonably to get anywhere. It's all trap doors to get you to spend and random lottery parts to get what you don't want which is an utter waste of time. It rewards people that spends ridiculous amounts of money and you got to kiss a leprechaun to get the weapon you want. So 4 months and 2.5 weeks of constant grinding and not actually doing anything good in the game, I'm calling it quits. What the hell is the point of dedication to the game if you can't progress? Back when I started a month in, I nearly quit from the previous shop system, which was horrible, and maybe I should have gone through with it then. But this new shop takes the cake, it's been utterly brutal, at least to me. So screw you ROVIO!

    I suggest everyone similar to me to quit while they are ahead and also get a full 90 day refund on everything you put into the game so far.

    Good game guys, I met some great people in the game the short time I've been here. However, this game sickens me to the bone. I swore to myself to never fall trap to another cancerous game that is P2W.

    EDIT: Added "Might be". I've contemplated on quitting, but I'm having withdrawal.
    Last edited: 24 May 2017
    Helius Maximus and Jammo like this.
  18. Faze Rug

    Faze Rug New Member

    14 May 2017
    Honestly I agree that this game may be p2w. I am a new player, but have spent no money so far. Just treating this as a co-op game I can play with my friends (in real life) for fun lol.
  19. OniZoro

    OniZoro Member

    19 May 2017
    Glad I got to read this lol, definitely not spending money now, I was seriously considering it because I liked the competitive aspect but as I always do, I looked into just how bad the CC power was in this game and it seems absurd. Another game I'll only be playing for a short while till I get bored I guess.
    Jammo likes this.
  20. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017

    Last edited by a moderator: 25 May 2017

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