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Does anyone know when BITTERSTEEL made Nightmare first time?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by THE ONE (sniper), 22 Nov 2017.

  1. THE ONE (sniper)

    THE ONE (sniper) Member

    13 Sep 2017
    Does anyone or @BITTERSTEEL himself lol know when he first made Nightmare?
    What captain lvl and what weapons tier lvl?
  2. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    Who knows but when he did it was probably much harder than it is now. Now several players can get 6k when before that was not so
    Babablacksheep and The Otherguy like this.
  3. THE ONE (sniper)

    THE ONE (sniper) Member

    13 Sep 2017
    Why do ppl say it was harder back then?
    Just my personal experience from what i can remember. I started playing my ship myb 6 months ago roughly. And it was much easier to climb up. I tried starting a baby account on my other device and it was so much harder. Granted i might not have tried so hard. But i am at mk2 lvls battling mk3s and 4s. I quit it now lol
    Sandz likes this.
  4. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Agree, at lower levels it was way easier than today. I climbed to 2k infamy at level 25 with my speeder mk 4, but now we can see mk4 that haven't ever been above 1k infamy...
    In Ace 1 (and Ace 2 a bit) it may be different, but not easier at all. It is true that there are a lot of "unskilled" players, but there is now a plenty of leg weapons around there that weren't there before, so skill can be lower now but gears are way higher.
    THE ONE (sniper) likes this.
  5. THE ONE (sniper)

    THE ONE (sniper) Member

    13 Sep 2017
    Agreed. Thats what most guys say that it was harder back then. Same i broke 2k inf at lvl 23. Faced my first mk5 at probably lvl 20 and up...myb even later. Nowadays u see mk5 ships at 1k inf with leg weapons creeping around.

    If we follow logic. Not sure how long this game has been around myb a yr or so. But when it was newer less players were playing it. The more famous the game gets the more players play it. Especially a lotta P2W players. So it would make sense that it is harder now. Different for sure. But not easier back then, from my ships experience
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It is significantly easier now -- There is a massive overflow of infamy going around and the amount of Nightmare players is skyrocketing.

    Quality of gameplay has also drastically decreased as a new generation of p2w jokers has made their way up, sure there are still quality players, but the average skill displayed in Nightmare games is depressing when compared to the time period you refer to. Proof? A very mediocre player like myself can reach 5k infamy these days.
  7. THE ONE (sniper)

    THE ONE (sniper) Member

    13 Sep 2017
    I still dont understand how this has made it easier now then before.

    1. So an overflow of traffic on the road makes it easier to get to your destination then non rish hr traffic? The more ppl the more competition the harder to climb.

    2. If the quality of play drastically decreased because of noobness then that practically means harder to climb. We have all played with noobs and have experienced first hand the countless losses because of suicidal solo players.

    3. I challenge any nightmare or high inf players to start a baby account, it is mich harder now. Especially with so many P2W players with mk5 and mk6 sitting at 1k inf range.

    Its easy to say "back in my days it was much harder". But any nightmare player who tries a new account will see the noticeable diffenrence between their old ship and baby ship careers. Not fun at all down there lol
  8. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    1. If we want to use your traffic analogy then this is more accurate: There is more lanes (much higher influx of infamy to be gained), so more people get further. When Nightmare was capped at 3500 it was a rare feat for anyone to make it past 4k in a given season. Now you wont reach the top 100 even if you push from 4k to 5k. There's nothing wrong with more people reaching Nightmare, but it is not reserved for the elite players (which is was too a much larger degree back in the day, before I got there!).

    2. So Real Madrid would win more games if they played against better teams? Obviously a good player has an easier time shining in a sea of poor players. I like a good argument, but give me something thats atleast halfway logical to argue against :)

    3. Granted, you reach higher level players with better items much sooner. Its incredibly rough on new captains, yet the best new talent reaches Nightmare league during the late mk5 career. The gamestate at 1000 infamy doesnt have very much to do with gameplay at 3k+. I'm not claiming anything about low level play, I merely stated that reaching Nightmare now is nowhere near the feat it was when Bittersteel did it, people talk about his achievement for a reason :D
    KILLER KOI, BITTERSTEEL, Ian and 4 others like this.
  9. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Porthos himself mentioned you as one of the best fixers on the bay:eek: you mean Porthos was lying:p
  10. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    About two months ago, I started an account to play with my son and I've got 700 infamy points with my mk1, then I had to stop because my son wasn't following my infamy, and I'm from Ace, not Nightmare. But that doesn't mean it is easier to play down there now than when I started, but it illustrates the role of experience in the game. Maybe that's why the game seems to be easier to experienced players like Kitterini, because money has made a lot of new players to rise infamy with better itens and boats. A Legendary item can became 33,33% better than an Epic one, using them let you skip a lot of infamy gaps without necessarily learn what whoud be needed with only epic and rare items.
    THE ONE (sniper) likes this.

    BITTERSTEEL Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017

    My old screenshots indicate that I was at level 37, the first time I got into Nightmare (3.5k).


    This is the setup I used.

    It is easier to get into Nightmare league today. Much, much easier. Infamy is based off of the population of the game. New accounts generate 100 infamy when they farm bots, which is then distributed upwards as players win and lose until it gets to Nightmare league.

    The infamy records being broken are reflected by Battle Bay’s rapidly expanding population. The “value” of a single infamy point decreases every time a new player joins the game. I go more into depth on this topic on another thread: https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/the-economics-of-infamy.11703/

    Consider what happens to the value of a dollar when more notes are printed. When I got to Nightmare, there were a little over 100 players above 3.5k. Two months ago, there were only 200 or so players in Nightmare. Today there are over 900.

    The population is also reflected in my own career. I haven’t evolved or levelled up my gear in months, but I’m ranking higher every season. Last season I even made it to 4980. While I’d like to think that I’m getting better and better as a player, realistically that is not the case.
    Tmfh67401, KILLER KOI, D3X and 12 others like this.
  12. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    The only thing to counteract this is when nightmare players are reset to 4k infamy, and therefore a bunch of infamy is lost. However atm the new players first 100 free infamy outweighs the loss of infamy for nightmare players
    The Otherguy likes this.
  13. THE ONE (sniper)

    THE ONE (sniper) Member

    13 Sep 2017
    Thanks for posting those screenshots. And the analogy of money and inf makes sense.

    I was curious cause i want to compare my standing with a top tier shooter.

    And damn the graphics looked wayyy different back then.
  14. THE ONE (sniper)

    THE ONE (sniper) Member

    13 Sep 2017
    Also wouldnt the rise in number of nightmare players just be reflective of the influx of players joining the game?
  15. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Indirectly sure, the influx of players is the cause for the influx of infamy required to level up.
    Its much easier to buy good gear now, so be happy with your performance even if you cant reach 4k with lvl 30 rares (thats incredibly difficult still, except for a few Fixers noone manages that).

    If you want honest opinions on your progress then post a screenshot!
    THE ONE (sniper) likes this.
  16. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    I'd say he's doing quite well for his items!
  17. THE ONE (sniper)

    THE ONE (sniper) Member

    13 Sep 2017
    Thanks bro! I appreciate it
  18. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    it was much easier back then... my infamy mean consistently improved with my captain level. At level 35 i was hovering around 3500 infamy. players breaking new records in infamy in nightmare nowadays is, in my opinion, is the result of bad matchmaking and a bigger base of players in nightmare where there are more average players for the "skilled" ones to feast on. back then, it was almost unheard of to get past 4k infamy, then when the average was around 4500, blacktail broke through 5k, and so on.

    Climbing the ladder nowadays is really much harder than before due to the presence of so many high powered ships with low infamy levels. i tried out a new account and played a few games, at 300 infamy, LVL 6, MK1, i was already getitng matched up against Mk3s with T2 and T3 rares (the HP difference alone was huge, 700hp vs 1800). i remember when i started BB, i got to 1k infamy in a week's time i wasn't upgrading my items properly yet.

    my conclusion ---- before: progressing through the lower levels was easier but competition was much more fierce at the top leagues. Now: progressing through the lower levels is much much harder but once you break through and get to the top leagues, the matchups will be more balanced.
  19. THE ONE (sniper)

    THE ONE (sniper) Member

    13 Sep 2017
    I feel the same way. Agreed!
  20. THE ONE (sniper)

    THE ONE (sniper) Member

    13 Sep 2017
    But all in all there is mixed feelings about easier or harder to climb. Some say it was harder back then. Some say it was easier. Unless we have solid research into this it will always be a toss up.

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