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Some Useful New Commands

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Subject89P13, 21 Nov 2017.

  1. Subject89P13

    Subject89P13 Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I think Some Commands should be Added in the Game

    1 - Don't Break My Stun
    Very Necessary as Speeders try to Get away from Danger by Stunning Defenders and Shooters but they die cause Team mates break the Stun Instantly , also Breaking the Stun immediately can kill the Fixer who is Trying to save itself in Stun time

    2 - Don't Break My Frost
    After Frost nerf , It was definite that People were going to break it Regardless of The Knowledge that Its useless If You break it , So At least People who Fire Mortors and Other Weapons On Frosted enemies should be Warned by Using this Command

    3 - Don't Hit that Mine
    Lots of People trap into Mines or They dont see it and Get Destroyed by Mines , even If You say Negative Its not enough I've Seen 3 Ships getting Destroyed Cause I knew There was a Epic Tier 5 mine Ready to Trigger but Negative Command wasn't enough , So At Least Other Team mates can Notify That You are approaching the Mines

    On the Other Side , I know If These Commands Come in Game Still Some People will break the Stuns and Frost or Unnecessarily Spam the Mine Command , But For Serious Battlers , It will be Useful

    At Least These Three are very Necessary in my Opinion and Can Save the Battle

    Thank You ! !
    THE ONE (sniper) and Thepilot like this.
  2. Stonebanks

    Stonebanks Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    In a year, we will spend 5 minutes pressing on commands instead of battling
  3. Rango8

    Rango8 Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    If they’re actually serious they know not to break stun or frost until an opportune moment. There’s an icon that says they’re stunned or frosted. No need for an extra pop up. As for the ‘watch out for mine command’ we already have negative. Whenever someone yells negative be sure to always make sure of where you’re going and what may be around you.
    Shadow Moon! and Babablacksheep like this.
  4. Subject89P13

    Subject89P13 Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Negative was Never enough and About Stun and Frost I think We need Commands and If Still Mistakes will Happen , Then That will be Reason for their Defeat
  5. Subject89P13

    Subject89P13 Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I use Commands and Battle at The Same Time, Some People respond to Commands cause Thats how We Communicate
  6. noelips

    noelips Member

    15 Oct 2017
    The game still needs buttons in chat for retreat and split up
  7. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    People cont even understand simple commands like togtehr or negative lol

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