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Rep Points Unfair

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Dez Lew, 19 May 2017.

  1. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017
    I came on here to start a discussion about what could be better and on this thread, just like every other thread on this website, the people who reply have excuse after excuse for why things are fine the way they are and that they shouldn't change, and if you have a problem its because you suck...No. Look at the app reviews! People need to be able to play this game and have fun or they will quit, and im talking about before someone has reached 1000+ infamy with a mk5 boat and a level 3 sniper with instant heal and all that crap. It isn't fun to lose because of idiots and bots and I'm not the only one who feels that way.
  2. Memorize

    Memorize Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Would you mind please check out the old thread before posting same topic. You're just new to Battle Bay give it times man you'll understand more about it. There is a reason for why's every game share same infamy gain not because of Highest damaged but it's team work after all. Yes indeed sometimes there's one who carry the game,therefore someone sacrificed themselves to help teammates win the match.if those players gain less infamy so what a point playing team work? Become first place after match ended will gain you more gold and sugar than anyone els is that not enough for you?
    About fleeting more than two, you still have no idea what's it feel like playing with strong players fleeting together in high leagues. So get up there try out for yourself then create thread again see how it goes.
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.
  3. KnightOfZ

    KnightOfZ Member

    8 May 2017
    It happened to me 4 times in a row once. I even got the same guy twice. Yes I got mad and frustrated. I eventually climbed back up not fleeted with anyone.

    Also I never said it was your fault.

    I'm just saying

    A) it possible to climb with a mk1 to at least 1k infamy

    B) making games aren't easy when there's a handful of workers vs thousands of game exploiters and angry players. I'm saying I've read "make fleeting with more than one person a thing" on at least 4~5 different threads. I'm sure they have read it too. But in the end it's a lot easier to tell people what needs to be fixed than it is to fix it.
  4. - C l o u d y -

    - C l o u d y - Member

    20 May 2017
    A Person ⊙︿⊙

    There really isn't a need to change it just yet, from my pov I get the same kind of people every game. Ranging from, afk, bad positions, rushing the enemy team, and etc.

    Also like earlier stated, it actually is possible to get to mk2 on some in much less than 2 weeks quite honestly. Just like others, I could show you physical evidence.
  5. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    Exactly. He just makes excuses for himself. I didn't pay to boost my captain training and he thinks there is no way I could reach lvl 16 in the te I have. He doesn't think lower lvl ships can compete but with a mk ii I was competing against mk 4 and 5 ships and winning.
  6. MHz3000

    MHz3000 Member

    1 May 2017
    There's the matches where torpedoes don't make any sense. I delay moving to position and yet they're still fired in front of me. Or im sitting behind a wall and they are fired at the wall in front of me and nobodies even been spotted yet.

    Then the match where the fixer ignores me i'm sitting right next to him behind a complete wall and my 18 hp is suddenly gone to napalm. When there's no napalm around.
  7. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    It's certainly not "everyone should get a trophy." It's "those who contributed the most - even in a loss - shouldn't be penalized the same as someone who did absolutely nothing."

    As I said, it's about "rewarding" the first or second place player on a losing team so as not to completely penalize that player.

    A simple progressive scoring system takes a lot of the luck out of the game. Granted I am still at lower leagues (but just finished first in my league, so I feel I'm doing okay), but it seems like most games at this level come down to pure luck of who is on your team. If one team has two or three fixers and the other has one or none, there is little chance for the non-fixer team to win. There is just too much luck (it seems) to have everyone rewarded or penalized the same.

    I don't see how rewarding those who constantly finish on top more is a bad thing. This way, the truly good players will rank and level up quicker, creating better competition at the highest levels; meanwhile, players who truly aren't as good will never really get into better leagues where their lack of skill will become a huge liability.
    Dez Lew and Cunning Stunt like this.
  8. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    His suggestion for distribution of infamy for the losing side was " 1st yields +15, 2nd +10, 3rd 0, 4th -10, 5th, -20." Which would mean that only the bottom two people in the entire game would lose any rack at all. On top of that he has the worst person losing less rank than is the custom now to currently lose. If that's isn't "everyone gets a trophy I don't know what is.

    They are rewarded. Those people get awarded by winning more games and receiving more rank points that way.
    Well lucky for you that is exactly how things work now. If you are good at the game you will rank up. If you aren't, you wont.
  9. Cunning Stunt

    Cunning Stunt New Member

    22 May 2017
    I agree. It's driving me nuts to finish a losing match doing the most damage and pay the same price as those doing near nothing or often doing more damage than anyone on the winning team. I hope this structure can be patched at some point balance the rewards and penalties.
    Dez Lew likes this.
  10. Sir Michael

    Sir Michael New Member

    22 May 2017
    I value most arguments presented here but there are games where I more than double the damage of the unfriendlies' top two members combined. I lose twenty-five 'infamy' despite whooping them so violently that they prioritize my death in future games. If there's no intention of allowing exceptions to override the infamy calculations, that's fine; change its name to 'objectively victorious' rating or 'had a valid team' rating.

    I can understand the need to tolerate instances of dumb luck and I appreciate that no rule set will perfectly represent the theme and intention of our 'infamy' ratings, but don't pretend there aren't foul situations that are easily tracked and might easily be corrected in ways that satisfy all players involved.

    If a losing player performed exceedingly well, mitigate his losses. If a player contributed little/nothing in heals or damage, mitigate his gains.
    Dez Lew likes this.
  11. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017
    I agree, but according to most people on this post thats sooo impossible to do. Perhaps they could implement some sort of penalty where you lose extra infamy points for being completely inactive during battles, it might help to deter so called afk teammates. Put up damage points or lose 50 infamy points, that'll put a fire under their butts.
    Last edited: 26 May 2017
  12. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017
    And you did all this by simply hitting battle, unfleeted and being awesome all by yourself right? good for you.
  13. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017
    In my opinion, if you want things to change, everyone needs to speak their minds and request that change. That's why so many posts and reviews have been created about having fleets of 3+ and those topics will continue to be made until they create that update. I'm sure by now they're at least trying to consider ways to make it happen because so many people have opened their mouths (typed it anyway) and asked for.
  14. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    Pretty much.
  15. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    And just because you want something doesn't mean that it is good for the game or the community as a whole. I want everyone one in the world to send me $10 so I can become rich, but that's never going to happen. At best you may see variance in how much infamy gets lost due to performance, but there should never be rewards for losing.
  16. Sir Michael

    Sir Michael New Member

    22 May 2017
    Then it's not a rating of 'infamy'. It's a rating of team wins. Sometimes the two correlate. Not always. Again if the top two winners hardly scrape one thousand and I break four thousand damage, that causes infamy. When they see me next, they respond differently.
  17. Ikethelord3

    Ikethelord3 New Member

    23 May 2017
    Except you don't match with the same team every game. Infamy doesn't track your team's perfornance, it tracks YOUR win/loss which isn't entirely in your control but is an accurate representation of your skill. Even the best players in the world don't win every game, but they're the best players because they still win more than they lose.
  18. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    Dude, its just the name of the ranking system. And no one is going to remember you. Especially if you lost.
  19. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017

    The top players are speeders because they can keep running away and get a draw if their team is losing.
  20. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017
    Btw I've reached over 1200 infamy now and I still agree with my previous arguement, but everyone was right about the bots not being an issue anymore.

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