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Aim options suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by *\_(-_-)_/*, 21 Nov 2017.

  1. *\_(-_-)_/*

    *\_(-_-)_/* New Member

    21 Nov 2017
    full-time Battle Bay Player
    Seattle, Washington, USA
    Hi there,

    Ace Division II player here. I play this game almost every single day, and am really enjoying it. However, since the update in which guild rivalry was introduced, aiming dynamics have really become poor.
    In order to get the best shots, I usually manually aim so that I can lead my shots. However, a dynamic was added that makes the targeting reticle grab closer targets, or targets that happen to interrupt the line-of-sight with your current target. It's really screwing with my ability to aim. Also, the reticle will often "bounce" to the next target if my current target hasn't fired anything and disappears from view at a certain range, throwing off my manual shot (which I often could still hit blindly). I'd like to suggest a couple new tick-boxes for aiming options, as in-game aim assist is getting really really bossy.

    • Disable aim-assist to next visible target in event of loss of line-of-sight to current target: (this is really important when trying to lead shots at a great distance and the enemy vessels are all closely grouped), please just have the reticle rest at its current position instead of sweeping over to the next target, which may be half a screen away from what I'm trying to aim at. Especially if I have a shot cued, and the enemy just disappears, this jerks the reticle and I end up shooting into nowhere land.

    • Disable aim-assist to closer target: another important one is when you have a lot of enemies closer together and you're trying to single-out an enemy vessel, but are frequently being interrupted by other vessels passing through the line-of-sight at a closer distance. If I wanted to aim at them, I would.

    • Reduced aim-assist auto-lock tolerance: look, its great that aim assist sticks to the vessel your reticle happens to be near, but for shark's sake please make this window a little smaller. It's currently massive, and those of us in higher leagues really don't need "all the help we can get". By now we're pretty apt at aiming our weapons.

    • Mortar weapon aim-assist: now, this is much more of a balance suggestion, but as it stands, running double turbo, its still almost impossible to get out of an all-team mortar shelling without taking significant or fatal damage. I don't think mortar weapons should have nerfed damage per-say, but it'd help a TON if aim-assist was disabled for mortar weapons. If you want to use a weapon that has a huge splash damage, and stupid range, you really shouldn't be treated to aim-assist. Fire them manually. I think this would REALLY help balance the game, especially with players that run almost entirely mortar weapons. That, or add weapon spread like missile, where it may fall outside of your designated target zone, or increase global reload so enemy vessels actually have a chance to flee in between salvoes.

    Thank you for your time. I really hope these options are seriously considered, because as it stands, the game is almost unplayable due to aim-assist interference.
    Crashedup and The Otherguy like this.
  2. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    *\_(-_-)_/* likes this.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Well-thought out answer. Though I'm a yellow boat, this would make people ACTUALLY THINK before they fire. God, I hate those tap to shoot shooters. Can't even lead a sniper shot on a overboosting speeder.
  4. WaveRider_

    WaveRider_ Member

    26 Oct 2017
    the weapon reload is fine. if someone can hit you when you have double turbo, that means they r not completely relying on the assist thingy.
    also, if they be doin mortars, you could just get undercover!
    that ez ( most of the time )

    also, thats what speeders are for ;)
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You know, you're in that unfortunate division of players who have to face shooters who are mortar spammers BECAUSE THEY CAN'T GET TO NIGHTMARE with the setup, meaning that their mortars are NIGHTMARE levels. xD GG lol. Ever wonder why so many F2Ps don't use shooters? Bloody spammers. I try to kill them, but the dang idiots end up killing my rear line which was giving me cover fire and trying to help me. Jeez. Ace 3 here. Barely.

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