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Best way to fairly balance teams

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Darth Starscream, 18 Nov 2017.

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  1. Darth Starscream

    Darth Starscream New Member

    18 Nov 2017
    One persistent issue on the bay is players who drop infamy points by purpose to gain advantage.
    Two proposed fixes:
    - to use "weight classes", to form teams, guild match ups, based on the pearl equivalent figure for players ships and best equipment.
    - or make certain classes of ships, level of equipment only accessible to those with certain infamy. So if you drop below a certain level you cannot use certain ships, items
    This would create more balanced teams.

    Apologies if other post with same thoughts. Did not find other thread on this
    Daabang likes this.
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    It's actually fixed now, man/lady. Those people now have to play with ships that are on par with them.
    vis1234567899 likes this.
  3. jSwtch

    jSwtch Member

    28 Oct 2017
    Honestly balancing teams is pretty easy with statistics. The problems arise when considering wait time.
    Wait time is often the metric to optimize in mobile.
    Since there are fewer players at high infamy, there you may expect the least consistency.
    Ultrah likes this.
  4. Sandra baldwin

    Sandra baldwin Member

    18 Nov 2017
    I never dropped infamy points on purpose! My weapons are not strong enough to do damage not fair to me or players i am matched up with and i think it sucks! I just kept upgrading my captains like supposed to i went for epic weapons and its taking a long time to upgrade! When i reached appropriate levels i paid to upgrade my ships!
  5. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Yes you did, don't lie. You are a mk6 defender at 800 infamy
    Ultrah likes this.
  6. Sandra baldwin

    Sandra baldwin Member

    18 Nov 2017
  7. Sandra baldwin

    Sandra baldwin Member

    18 Nov 2017
    What! Yeah and what about it! Doesnt mean my weapons are there yet! Look at level of players i am matched with! Prior to changes i was about level 1700! I have lost almost all battles since changes, and that was not on purpose! You dont know what your talking about
    Last edited: 19 Nov 2017
  8. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Where did your weapons go with 40 levels of playing Battle Bay?
    Daabang likes this.
  9. Sandra baldwin

    Sandra baldwin Member

    18 Nov 2017
    I choose to go epic in order to upgrade one level you need two of each weapon! Even if i bought them you only get one! And those i can upgrade i need to get captains to a certain level to upgrade! You obviously arent there yet!
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Poor you. Defender mk6 with this gear. Why did you try to accelerate that fast? Go slow.
    Daabang likes this.
  11. Sandra baldwin

    Sandra baldwin Member

    18 Nov 2017
    I was content where i was working slowly to upgrade my weapons! I would not have chosen to go this way if i knew where the game was going! I was at 1500-1700 infamy prior to changes in match ups
  12. Sandra baldwin

    Sandra baldwin Member

    18 Nov 2017
    I have three accts and may not play anymore! And multiple friends i encouraged to play may also leave! Just because i am a mk 6 doesnt mean i should be paired up at the level i am now! I cant compete its not fun to lose every time! I thought the goal of the game was to upgrade so when i got epic weapons once they past lower level weapons i got rid of them. I could not afford to keep buying space to store all of them
    Last edited: 19 Nov 2017
  13. Sandra baldwin

    Sandra baldwin Member

    18 Nov 2017
    I think a better formula for match ups should be developed taking into consideration multifaucets of the game not just ur ships level and to change midstream is aweful it was for many to dramatic a change! I started from the bottom 4 months ago and managed to work my way up i dont know what the problem was but i was there! I had surgery and got to spend a lot of time playing this game! I can say that it is no longer fun, and in making this change everyone needed to be taken in to consideration considering how much i played this game! I never cheat and worked hard to get where i was i challenge any of u to say different! My infamy is low now due to the changes not because i choose to loose matches
    Shadow Moon! likes this.
  14. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I'm not calling you a seal clubber. I don't really know what to say! I've been playing seven months, am at Ace 3, and am a F2P. It all hinges on whether you are good with your guns. The match ups will improve if you play with a lower mk ship...but let me guess. All your ships are mk6, aren't they?
    Last edited: 19 Nov 2017
  15. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    There should be 2 matchmaking options. Going into a game like now, or selecting "strict matchmaking" which applies the new matchmaking
  16. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    How about giving players points based on individual performance rather than team win/loss? Team win could be a bonus. Basically the matching algorithm ensures an approximate 50/50 win loss ratio no matter how you play, it doesn’t really matter. To test this, I spent about 30 games basically running over to the opposite side and doing as much damage before being “taken out”. In spite of this, I saw the same win/loss pattern as before (i.e 5 back to back win/loss, then 3 back to back win loses, etc. Its not about competition, since pretty much short of floating, you will get a similar win/loss as if you are “playing well”. Seems like Rovio is promoting the paying route since their algorithm is designed to make the “playing/ad” route very long and painful.

    Would devs care to share what criteria they use to increase a teams chance of losing? From my experience I have seen the following trends:
    1. Opposing team gets a fixer or 2
    2. We get high amount of floaters
    3. Vehicle damage points significantly less on all ships as compared to other team
    4. I would love to know if they calculate the in-game performance and take the worst performing players from an average of their last, for example, 3 games and match them with a high performing player.

    It’s a good game and it’s their rules. It’s just disingenuous to claim it’s a competition all the while rigging it. Until this gets addressed, I won’t be clicking on ads or paying for upgrades.
    Last edited: 21 Nov 2017
    Sandra baldwin likes this.
  17. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Im a player who doesn't watch ads either way xD. I'm not a very patient person.
    Shadow Moon! and Zachiderp like this.
  18. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Tinfoil hat much? Not sure whether to laugh or cry. You cannot seriously think this is how it works?
    1. Amount of Fixers doesnt drastically change winrates (any combination of 0vs1 / 1vs2 / 0vs2 is within 48% wins). Its well documented (as in not using 30games and claiming that to be a significant sample).
    2. You lose more if you have more floaters absolutely. If you think the game runs an algoritm to decide who is more likely to float and then picks a side to lose and places the floater there, then you should call your school and ask for your money back.
    3. Defense and a build in variance is what you notice. Technically this could be used to even playing fields though, being almost 10k games in I stilll doubt that its happening though.
    4. And this is where it becomes apparat how idiotic (sorry, but that is the most fitting term) your argument is. How is placing poorly performing players together with a high performance player going to keep everyone locked in a win-lose-win-lose loop? One of the two players is going to break his cycle by being matched like this, wrecking your tinfoil hat theory in the process.

    So yes, you win around 50% of your games, that is what the ELO system is designed to do. Im impressed at just how efficient a job it does, in particular at low level where a 200infamy gain is very noticeable and where a power upgrade (mk / new item) almost immediatly enables you to climb.

    The amount of stupidity on these forums currently, my god.
  19. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Hey, don't bunch everyone together lol. I have every right to be salty today, lost infamy from 2299 to 2200. Freakin' crazy luck. But c'mon, that ain't no excuse! I got here, didn't I? So I have to keep my reputation as a Ace league player. Anyone who falls due to "bad matchmaking": Get up and fight moar.
  20. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    I hope you know what they say about people who resort to insults... Also, looks like overlooked some important qualifying words like “my experience”.

    Now, based on your in-depth knowledge of Battle Bay’s code, please tell us what factors the algorithm considers to ensure the 50/50 split. Excitedly awaiting your knowledgeable reply.
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