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>>>[SUGGESTION] HUD Improvements!<<<

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by SrammVII, 16 Nov 2017.


Select which ever idea you agree on. (Maximum 3 votes - you won't need more than that)

Poll closed 4 Jan 2018.
  1. 1st Idea

    5 vote(s)
  2. 2nd Idea

    3 vote(s)
  3. 3rd Idea

    4 vote(s)
  4. 4th Idea

    1 vote(s)
  5. ALL of the above

    3 vote(s)
  6. NONE of the above

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. SrammVII

    SrammVII Member

    30 Oct 2017
    -First thing first... The health bars, they are frickin' ENORMOUS! And oftentimes they completely block the targeted ship, making hard to make fine aims, especially in mortar/grenade aiming camera, which I'll get to it in the next idea. And if it's not the health bar that is blocking the enemy, it's the surrounding environment that is being the blockage...

    -Secondly, the mortar/grenade projectiles flight path indicator, in my humble opinion, it's missing something rather important, obstructions indicator... It's true that if you do fine aims you'll know if it would hit the enemy/water surface or not, but if you know for sure even without aiming in the shell would hit, you'll make a quick shot but later realizes that it is obstructed, so my idea is, in addition to the aiming line for mortar/grenade add a way to indicate obstructions, maybe by blacking out the reticle partially.

    -Thirdly, adding ship's tier in ally and foe indicator bar, for better battle strategies, the ship's icon alone is pretty hard to tell their tier so adding this would make "targeting priority" better, right now I have to always remember the enemy tiers and in the heat of the battle, it's quite difficult to make out who's who and which ship is which tier.

    -Forth and finally some small changes that would probably make the game better, by making torpedoes, mines and shipwrecks belonging to friends or foes more distinguishable. Additionally, remove friendly fire... I'm sure I'm not the only one who really hate it when your team mate get in the way of your shot...

    Don't forget to make your vote(s) on the poll above :^]
    Last edited: 16 Nov 2017
  2. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    Second idea opinion:what about a mountain like icon next to the shooting reticle
  3. SrammVII

    SrammVII Member

    30 Oct 2017
    i think that would just add even more clutter to the flucttercuck of the current HUD already

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