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Enforcer is the best overall ship

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by WaveRider_, 5 Nov 2017.


which is the best ship after reading this post?

  1. shooter

  2. speeder

  3. defender

  4. fixer

  5. enforcer

  1. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    And not to mention the audacity to block my explosive shot with Tesla shield. Like...what the hell? I waited 12 seconds for that. You think this opportunity comes easily?

    Yeah it's pretty op atm. I made it from challenger to ace 3 last night with my mk3 enforcer.
  2. noelips

    noelips Member

    15 Oct 2017
    I voted for defender even though enforcer is my favorite and my main ship. For me the enforcer is a good boat for close range combat and a good boat for supporting the team. I voted defender because IMO it's an even better boat for close range combat. It's got more health, more defense, more blue slots and can equip a loadout full of stronger weapons. Basicly, it's better for what I want to do with my boat, get up close and hit hard. But that's just my opinion. I like my yellow items though, so I'm in the enforcer.

    Here's a thought though:

    The word enforce basicly means to keep something in check, make sure it's not breaking any rules or laws. So by that definition enforcers should be keeping the unfriends under control. At mk1 you get a blast cannon, tesla shield and gear lube with the boat. It's almost like the game is suggesting that one should protect their friends by tanking shots. But your health is low and the shield is weak so you gotta be careful. Most enforcers throw on turbo and overboost like a speeder would but the thing is it's a slowboat, something not yet obvious at such an early level. By mk5 your pretty slow and end up with 4YY. To me this suggested that an enforcer should be a boat to buff their team. A boat that could make its friends stronger by controlling the unfriends movement and actions while debuffing them as well. It's a boat meant to bring friends together and make them stronger (sorry if that sounds cheesy). It can float on its own but with out a fleet its not really going anywhere. (Not to say that really is that kind of boat.)

    Now, most enforcers at this level have an overboost bolted onto to their boat and a tesla shield or a any other yellow item for various reasons. Speed is so essentail to most that playing without a turbo or overboost (or both) in this boat is like commiting suicide before even entering the battle. You can mess around with your loadout but the boat just feels like its lacking something. And you know it, you just don't know what it is. It's not speed, you know you took off the turbo or overboost (or both), you expected to be slower than before. But what if it is, are you slower than you thought you would be? Could it be defense points? You don't have much of those.. Could always use a few more right? Or is it HP? Was two tesla shields and two small shields really enough? Should you get another one? No matter what it is you can think of, it's there but it's not. (I hope that makes sense..) Whatever it is, it is most definitely missing. But it's hard to really say what it is.

    I have thought about this ever since I got my mk5 enforcer. And I don't think that the boat needs a buff, I think that I need to become a player. You see, this has inspired me to become a slow boat. I believe that my fear of mortars and my relying on overboost has handicapped my abilities to properly control a battle for my team. I haven't removed my overboost yet since I don't have an item to replace it with yet and I haven't removed my turbo either. I did take off my small shield to put a gear lube on though. And I'm loving the high turret agility it gives me (currently at 54.5). I'm never going to ditch the turbo but I don't believe that overboost is really a necessary item to my boat anymore. I could be using something else to help my team more before I ride up close on an unfriend.

    Being slow isn't easy, of course, but if the tortoise can win the race then a slow boat can win the battle... Well, that's just what I like to tell myself.
    Epekka, Mr. Chompers and WaveRider_ like this.
  3. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Enforcer is good if you run 2 frost launchers and 3 ball parks, or 2 ballparks and any cannon. At mk6 u can add an OB, nitro or tesla bolt or even frost blaster. If you are really good, use ballpark and berta.
  4. noelips

    noelips Member

    15 Oct 2017
    I've been offering many sacrifices to the RNG for a frost launcher...
    Shadow Moon! and Joey who like this.
  5. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    RNG gave me a leg Frost launcher, but my enforcer only MK3 LOL
  6. Tutle - YoloJason

    Tutle - YoloJason New Member

    4 Nov 2017
    I main enforcer next to speeder so I have more of a speeder instinct when playing. I'm Mk5. Running with sniper, grenade, mine, turbo, standard shield, overboost, nitro. Enforcer is a great ship. I am able to control movement with mine and sometimes with nade. Someone said that enfo was to control enemy movement. Well this setup can do just that. Even without tesla bolt, I can speeder circle in 1v1 because of speed. Speeders are no problem(most of the time). So enfo isn't bad like some people say. Just don't use till you get to atleast mk5. Under mk5, speeder clearly dominates( depends if you want more speed or health as mk 4 speed and enfo are basically clones of each other)
  7. WaveRider_

    WaveRider_ Member

    26 Oct 2017
    i have rare and it lasts for 5 seconds, and that does heaps for me (i am still only 600 infamy tho so idk how it is for higher lvls)
  8. WaveRider_

    WaveRider_ Member

    26 Oct 2017
    also, has anyone ever tried using ONLY the weapons that the crew members suggest?
    i use a grenade, sometimes double
    or grenade with a flare (my first and only epic weapon is a flare lol so sad)
    i dont use any ob, nitro or even tesla shield, and im fine in battles.
    i dont use a rudder, as suggested by Burnice, who seems to be an enfo supporter, but instead use a big shield, no turbo at all.
    i stil dominate medium/close combat without turbo or speed yellow items...

    if you want to try my build, and so happen to also have an mk3 enforcer, here it is:
    uncommon grenade lvl 20 with epic fire chance perk
    epic flare gun lvl 8 with two uncommon duration perks
    rare tesla bolt lvl 10 with uncommon duration perk
    uncommon freeze bolt lvl 20 with uncommon duration perk
    rare big shield lvl 10 with rare shield hp perk

    that is all, and i use this most often. it works astonishingly well as a peek then charge tactic. cant show any replays because im doing these posts on my laptop
  9. WaveRider_

    WaveRider_ Member

    26 Oct 2017
    you said it perfectly.
    pretty much every point i was trying to say, you said it.
    thank you!

    btw as goes for enfo speed, if you have no turbo, equip ob or nitro.
    if you have turbo, DON'T use ob or nitro.
    simple as i can get it as goes for yellow items...
  10. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Lol, an mk3 noob under 1k infamy proclaiming the "best ship." Enforcer is definitely not the best ship. It might actually be the worst ship at higher tiers. I have both an mk5 speeder and enforcer and the speeder is by far better. Enforcer might gain some ground at mk6, but I doubt it.

    Let me just give you this advice.... ANYTHING works at mk3 under 1000 infamy. Any weapon, any ship, any item. None of them separate at such a low infamy. However, it is pretty common knowledge that shooter is the best ship probably all the way up to mk4. I have mained speeder the entire game and I also have mk5 enforcer and fixer, so shooter is a ship I don't even use.
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  11. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Enforcer is more powerful than many people would admit, but only at mk6. However, I would not say it's the best ship.

    Fixer isn't either, it peaks at mk5. Since the pulse nerf and introduction of bolt, the favoured fixer setup is pulse / box / bolt, which means the 5th green point goes to waste anyway. The 2nd weapon slot isn't that important either. 3 heals + overboost + 1 weapon are already taking all my time. So, while fixer mk5 is awesome, I feel like fixer mk6 is underwhelming. It's only nice for the extra HP.

    Defender is the first candidate for being called best ship. Since people have discovered the power of explosive cannons, the "meta" seems to be to stack shields and then rush straight into the enemy to use your (preferably fire perk buffed) explosive cannons on their lower HP ships. Hard to counter. As a fixer I died to this plenty of times.

    Shooter is the second candidate. The only ship that's good at any level. Carries insane firepower at mk6, as well as 3 blue slots with a convenient 4 points.

    Speeder is the last candidate. Low HP, but the most threatening ship of all, especially given the current preference for frost items combined with a big torp or big berta. Hit-or-miss, but if it's hit, prepare to die. Speeder gets my vote because of that. In the hands of a skilled player, the sky is the limit.
    Shadow Moon! likes this.
  12. Kraptastic

    Kraptastic Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    I love Enforcer. Best ship if you want to have fun. Worst ship if you want to get into Nightmare league. It is way underpowered until you get an MK5, and then just okay at MK6 or MK7. It's the only ship that can never equip a 2 slot red item, and only has 2 blue slots (Turbo is mandatory btw, so only one). Sure you can outfit all kinds of yellow items, but these keep getting nerfed (R.I.P. Tesla Shield).
  13. Elothean

    Elothean Active Member

    19 Jul 2017
    The best ship depends on your play style. I use an mk5 enfo and it's not until I found the right build that I was able to become an above average player in a battle. Speed helped me a lot to be able to control the map. I considered switching to speeder, but I win most of the time against them. Im in the Ace 3 league.
  14. WaveRider_

    WaveRider_ Member

    26 Oct 2017
    i dont use turbo anymore and now i am winning more...
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You know I got something. Enfo is like the Enchanter in MMORPGs, while speeder is the attack mage/scout. The capabilities they bring to the table are drastically different. Too many enfos follow speeders around. Guys, you're teamplayers. Don't go solo, SUPPORT THE TEAM.
  16. Elothean

    Elothean Active Member

    19 Jul 2017
    funny because I started winning more when I used turbo
    Riddlerpaji likes this.
  17. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    Mk5 enforcer is fun to play but is also the weakest boat on the bay :D
    Their users have to work harder than the ones who use the other boats. It is a slow boat, besides his high accelaration, with a low HP and can use only one slot weapons, if you want to use 3 of them. They are really tough to hit, when they're away, but in close combat they're kind of fragile against any boat with high damage weapons (BC, EC, etc).
  18. Elothean

    Elothean Active Member

    19 Jul 2017
    it depends on the player's skill. I thrive at close combat than long range. The key is you should know when to circle round back again to reengage.
    Last edited: 7 Nov 2017
  19. Mr. Aussie

    Mr. Aussie Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    I voted speeder because I'm happy to go 1v1 with any ship. Shooters, enforcers and other speeders are my favorite targets :)
    (Although if I could have any ship I would have @ysl defender.)
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  20. WaveRider_

    WaveRider_ Member

    26 Oct 2017
    to finish up this forum, i guess that every ship besides fixer has an opposite, that can either counter it well, defeat it well, or are just complete opposites.
    it comes down to which one you prefer and are better at, ant the way you use it against others.
    e.g. enforcers counter speeders, speeders counter defenders, defenders (might) counter shooters, and shooters (might) counter enforcers (unless you think defenders counter enforcers)
    the only reason enforcers, in my case, are better, is because they can take out speeders like ants, with the freeze weapons and all.
    AAAND, speeders are very hard to kill, without an enforcers help, which technically makes speeders the best ship.

    post your thoughts, but this pretty much sums it up.
    StrictSalmon307 and Elothean like this.

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