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Lucio Ultimate: Sound Barrier Poll

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Miku Da Yo 39, 2 Nov 2017.


Is this item too similar to Tesla shield?

  1. Yes the idea is too similar and should be scrapped.

  2. No it's unique to itself and should totally be implemented.

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  1. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    So I want a new item that works like Lucio's Ultimate. I have already suggested the idea but many people say it is too similar to the Tesla shield. So I wanna create this poll to get the community's opinions.

    The item:
    Overdrive Pulse: (2 yellow slots)
    Effect: Unleashes a pulse that provides surrounding teammates with an instant boost of health that decays overtime.
    Duration: 5 Seconds (Cannot be changed by crew or perks)
    Hp amount: 500 (maybe around Max 1000 at T5 Epic)
    Cooldown: 25 Seconds ( Can be affected by crew and perks)
    Radius: Same as repair pulse

    1) If necessary HP can go over max HP using the boost.
    2) Decay will stop if dmg taken > health boosted which results in the effect ending early.
    3) Decay causes 1/5 of the boosted HP to be lost every second during the 5 second duration regardless if you are hit or not.
    4) The goal of this item is to help teammates push together as a team.
    Mr. Aussie likes this.
  2. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    It's an interesting idea, but it's underpowered as it is right now. I don't know who told you it was too similar to Tesla Shield, because I've played Overwatch and that is a completely different mechanic. There are two extremely important differences between the way TS works and the way "overheal" works:
    - The first is penetration. There is no amount of damage that penetrates the Tesla Shield. There are weapons that can bypass the Tesla Shield, or hit multiple times, but no single projectile can hit both the Tesla Shield and your ship. A Tesla Shield with 1 HP will block 100% of the damage from a legendary T5 Railgun shot, without the ship under it taking the slightest scratch. Overheal doesn't literally shield you, it just adds an extension to your health bar. If you have 1000 base health, then get overhealed for an extra 1000 health, an attack that does 2000 damage will still kill you.
    - The second is counters. Tesla Shield only blocks direct hits. An overheal is an addition to your health bar, so it would block ALL damage, not just specific kinds. However, since you're not actually protected by anything, you can still be stunned while overhealed.

    The reason I say it's underpowered is because the health amount is too low, the decay is unnecessary, and the cooldown is too long (though only one of these really needs to be changed to make it more balanced). As a 2-point yellow, the only classes that can use it are Speeder and Enforcer. Speeder wouldn't be caught dead using it because he would never be in a position where a Tesla Shield wouldn't be a far better option. Therefore, this is an Enforcer item. Enforcer's unique advantage means he can equip two of these, so we're going to jump to best-case-scenario, where an Enforcer rolls out with his posse, his team sticks to his side as if he was a Fixer, and he's free to pop these off two at a time (assuming they stack):
    - Two regular mortars or one Berta is countered every 25 seconds. With enough speed, it's nothing he couldn't have done with two Tesla Shields, which are on a 20 second cooldown and have a slightly longer duration. Though your method is more reliable!
    - Bigpedos or surprise Mines can be mostly negated if that Enforcer is paying really, really good attention. This can't be done with TS at all!
    - A guy on 1 HP about to get sniped can be saved for up to 10 extra seconds before he falls, though Fixer would do a better job at this.

    All of these are situational, meanwhile Enforcer is locked to a specific role on the field. Sure, he can play normally and use the Overdrive for personal use, but since he can still take carryover damage and the shield amount isn't that high, he would quickly realize that he would survive a lot longer if he stuck with the Tesla Shield. If he's okay with playing support-forcer for the match, he'll find that the Overdrive isn't that great at that job either, in practice. The decay doesn't really need to be there at all, but if you want to keep it, just significantly increase the health amount (since a portion of it is immediately gone after 1 second). The cooldown can be reduced to 20 seconds, or even 15 seconds, without it becoming too powerful. Instead of reducing the cooldown, you can increase the duration so that it decays over a longer period.

    Just my super long 2 cents. Personally, I would love to take this item, with some tweaks. It would be cool to have a panic button against a torpedo I just can't dodge.
  3. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I initially didn't want to give it only 500 as that is ridiculously low. But some people said it was a bad idea so I changed it. How much HP it should boost is pretty simple. 1000hp at common lv 1 5000 HP at legend lv 50. Cooldown should be 20 seconds. Decay remains 1/5 of boosted HP lost per sec
    It would serve as a counter to frost torp, unless u are stunned. By the way, the ,2 slot version doesn't work on the person casting it. If it did then it would be like the pulse, only 50% of max hp boost.
    Mr. Aussie likes this.
  4. Mr. Aussie

    Mr. Aussie Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    I'm in full support of any cool new items.
    And this seems pretty cool to me:D
  5. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Maybe we don't have to quintuple numbers lol. 1000 hp max is still too low, 5000 hp max is still too high. 1000 minimum Common is pure insanity o_O! Remember, this isn't literally an ultimate and some people do have good enough reflexes to block attacks during the first second. Even if you assume that an attack won't be blocked until mid-way through, a 5000-max shield would still leave him with 2000 extra health, 3 seconds in. That's high even for Nightmare level players, especially on an item that gives that shield to all nearby teammates, possibly every 12.5 seconds. I was thinking more like 2000 for a maxed Epic, maybe 2250 for the Legendary, and 150 minimum for a base Common.
    Last edited: 4 Nov 2017
  6. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    That works

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