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In-Game imporvements

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by ArctiC, 2 Nov 2017.

  1. ArctiC

    ArctiC Active Member

    18 May 2017
    Some of my suggestion around in-game improvements(keeping it to the point):


    1) Raffle rewards: A choice to refresh reward once every week (only available to VIP members).
    Pros: Help boost sale of VIP

    2) Raffle tokens: A choice to buy raffle tokens just like daily deals. 200k for $50


    1) Guild seasons: it provides incentive for guilds to reach #1. Same as regular seasons but with different tiers. It focuses on importance of infamy & improves seriousness in game play. So if a guild is #1 in the world then it should get same rewards as #1 player in the world i.e 4 legendary pieces & 3 epic pieces. So people will strive to reach the top!

    2) Nightmare league cut-off: should be divided into 3 tiers now that alot of players are in nightmare.

    Tier 1: 4000-4300 infamy
    Tier 2: 4300-4600 infamy
    Tier 3 : 4600-5000 infamy

    3) New League: Legendary league - 5000 infamy. They will still be reset to 4k after every season but they need to climb to 5k everytime to maintain their position.


    1) Frost blaster/Frost blaster: redcuce speed deduction by 10%, + resistance & breaks on hit similar to a tesla stun.
    2) Explosive cannon: Shots not registering can be improved by increasing projectile speed by 10%. (This is a known issue & everyone is complaining about the same on vip chat) Increasing projectile speed helps overcome the problem of latency)
    3) Suggestions around high tier ships at low infamy (mk7 at 2500): inorder to unlock a ship you require captain level + infamy for eg: to unlock mk5 -2000 infamy, mk6-3000 infamy, mk-7 4000 infamy.
    4) Contribution to guild rewards: Higher for tougher boards

    Looking forward to everyones feedbacks but please keep it health! - ArctiC_

    P.s: I forgot to give suggestions about the most useful item in the game - Power cells xD
    Last edited: 2 Nov 2017
  2. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    Remove uncommon powercells from the damn clean raffle, it's polluting a guild raffle slot :(
  3. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Explosive cannon shots only register if you hit. There comes a time where on your screen it will show you hit but in reality you missed
  4. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think contribution to boards should absolutely be higher. I contributed over a 120 speeder wins to the very hard board last season. That’s over a 1/3 of the very hard quest on my own, and 4x more than the next best person, and I got something like 250 tokens — not even 0.1 of a roll :confused:
    Last edited: 2 Nov 2017
    BattleRascal likes this.
  5. ArctiC

    ArctiC Active Member

    18 May 2017
    Sometimes they do not even if you hit them right in their face. This could be improved by picking projectiles speed on bhurt level 27. You can try it yourself, ive done my research :)

    (I recommend it to Boa Gente and it works for him now but the point is we are wasting a talent :( )
    Last edited: 2 Nov 2017
  6. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    It's just a visual from your side of the server. If the projectile lands it will do damage
  7. ArctiC

    ArctiC Active Member

    18 May 2017
    Id prefer a developer commenting on this rather than a person who has no idea of how the system works behind the scenes.

    If you have any other thoughts regarding the suggestions, feel free to comments! :)
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.
  8. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    There you go :)
    Spinners71 likes this.
  9. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Would mean same top players guild would get this all the time and rest can't get even near as their gear can't keep up the pushing there. Otherwise a good idea but as long as this is RNG which you can go around only paying first thousands, this can't be brought into game as it would make spenders even more advantaged (sure few f2p/p2p players could get there but many doesn't even have a chance there).

    Not a bad idea and would help but we will see :D

    Would help too much to get those perks and also would lead this game right back to "we're bored, give us something new as we skiped all the fun and challenges with money" - no offence :) but unfortunately, last time before guild update that was the case and I personally see it would go back to that situation way too fast if you allow buying tokens. Devs can't bring new stuff fast enough to keep up in that case.

    Personally I don't care as much as would think but this gives you better season rewards as you probably get higher on leaderboards than now with 300+ other nightmare people and all except top 25 gets quite bad reward.

    Not a bad idea to be honest but one question: What happens if you get into losing streak and drop (let's say 1,2k infamy, yes, I've heard these stories) below the line? Will your ship be blocked? What if you don't have other (lower mk) ship there to help you get back up and unlock the top ship?
    I've personally droped 800-900 infamy just because of bad matchmaking so I know this kinda things could really happen especially under 3,5k infamy. From nightmare I haven't heard this bad drop but it is possible though.

    Hope this would give some thoughts to you all :)
    Last edited: 2 Nov 2017
    Evilchicken235 likes this.
  10. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Disagree on buyable raffle tokens, not everything needs to be pay2win considering the large payout raffles give.
  11. Mr. Aussie

    Mr. Aussie Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    I think a new league would be pretty sick
  12. :Beardman:

    :Beardman: Active Member

    18 May 2017
    Skins for the boats. Color options would be sweet also.
  13. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    So even more benefits for the payboys and even more overpowered explosive cannons?
    Where do I sign up?
    Babablacksheep and Joey who like this.
  14. Zusay

    Zusay Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I do like the ideas for new leagues and what you have said about frost blaster.

    Purchasable guild tokens is a total NO GO! Would make it very very boring! I also don't think explosive cannon needs any more buff. I feel like all explosive cannons that hit my boat, also deal tons of damage and a defender with flare and double explosive is fearsome to see! Explosive cannon surely is no weapon that needs any buff.

    Oh and I do like beardman's idea on customizing the design of our boats. Just like in the game vainglory, where every character has different skins of different rarities. It's still obvious for opponents which char they are playing against but the legendary skins mostly just look way cooler.
    Last edited: 4 Nov 2017
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.

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