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win/lost in a row

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by HectorBarbossa, 30 Oct 2017.

  1. HectorBarbossa

    HectorBarbossa Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Engineering Data Analyst
    Sometime I keep win without lose, sometime I keep lose without a single win. How Rovio put the players in a team? any explanation on this? I think I was grouped with lost/win player from previous battle in a number of battle. My infamy dropped from 24xx to 17xx as per today. Coincident? I don't know..

    PS: Just my personal thought. They will not response to a thread like this.
    IMG_5747.PNG IMG_5748.PNG
    Last edited: 30 Oct 2017
  2. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    As a general observation the longest streaks I've seen is 8 in a row, and 4 wins out of 20 matches is not uncommon before matchups have a tendency to start forming in your favor and the tables turn.
  3. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    Thats exactly how the game is designed.the game is designed to kept everyone at 50% win/lose ratio.if u dont believe me check ur profile and other peoples profile and u will notice everybody has approximately 50% wins
  4. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    The longest winning streak I’ve had is 13, I think (I know I was close to the 15 achievement). I don’t think I’ve ever had a continuous losing streak that bad, but I’m pretty sure I’ve had runs where I’ve only won 2 out of 20 games.

    One of the curious things I’ve noticed is that if I’m overrated and start losing, often the losing streak will continue until I’m way below the infamy that I usually float around.

    Yesterday, I had so many games, in a row, where we were against a mk5 fixer, with no fixer on our team, and in every single one my team played pretty well, but just wasn’t able to overcome the 7000+ healing. It actually really started to annoy me.

    Sometimes I wonder if it’s kind of ‘weather’ in the site. Like the game gets harder at certain times of day, or at certain points in the season.
    I am a SAILOR, Dupes and The Otherguy like this.
  5. Jerem18

    Jerem18 New Member

    30 Jul 2017
    [QUOTE = "HectorBarbossa, poste: 67396, membre: 10882"] Parfois, je continue de gagner sans perdre, parfois je perds sans une seule victoire. Comment Rovio a mis les joueurs dans une équipe? une explication à ce sujet? Je pense que j'étais groupé avec un joueur perdu / gagnant de la bataille précédente dans un certain nombre de bataille. Mon infamie est passée de 24xx à 17xx aujourd'hui. Coïncident? Je ne sais pas..

    PS: Juste ma pensée personnelle. Ils ne répondront pas à un fil comme celui-ci.
    [ATTACH = complet] 6337 [/ ATTACH] [ATTACH = complet] 6338 [/ ATTACH] [/ QUOTE]
    Je vie actuellement le meme cas que toi je suis passé de 2300 à 1600 en peu de temps et ca a le don de m'énerver à un point ou je me demande si la seul solution ne se resume pas a la désinstallation. Je ne comprends pas que par simple tirage au sort on decide que tu devras perdre et un autre devra gagner en mettant par exemple un fixeur avec ou contre toi et si le rapport etait effectivement de 50% alors tout le monde serait au meme niveau ce qui n'est pas le cas comme quoi c'est bien le jeu qui decide qui doit gagner et qui doit perdre
  6. HectorBarbossa

    HectorBarbossa Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Engineering Data Analyst
    Correct, I have checked. Maybe the game wouldn’t let us to be the only champion, this is the way how rovio balancing the game.
  7. HectorBarbossa

    HectorBarbossa Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Engineering Data Analyst
    I thought so. Previously if I had lose two times I will stop playing. Yesterday I tried to test my hypothesis by keep playing even I lost the battle with result my infamy drop really bad. At least I knew what I thought was correct.

    PS: Pardon my english.
    Hellagood and ViscountSniffit like this.
  8. Cyn

    Cyn Well-Known Member

    20 Jul 2017
    There is a certain random element to the game. One thing that you'll find, if you lose three or four in a row, you get frustrated. That might make you angry or desperate and do things that will contribute to additional losses. The flip side of that, if you're on a win streak, your confidence and morale will be up. You'll likely play smarter, then when you're in the middle of a losing streak. The other thing to consider is that your infamy is a range. Meaning that, you probably have a mean that you play at, you're highest infamy is probably not your true level, just like your lowest infamy is not how bad you really are. Your highest infamy is your peak, while your lowest infamy is your valley. While your true play level will lie somewhere in between. Go on huge run, where you're fortunate enough to end up on a lot of good teams, and you're likely to get knocked back down. Go on a losing streak with a lot of bad teammates, and you'll end up at a point where you're able to rise back out and carry your teams to wins.
  9. HectorBarbossa

    HectorBarbossa Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Engineering Data Analyst
    What I thought is Rovio tried to maintain the player, but some players decided to leave the game, while new players keep coming. Maybe what ViscountSniffit think is right, there is some ‘weather’ at sometimes in the game where we can win/lose continously.
  10. HectorBarbossa

    HectorBarbossa Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Engineering Data Analyst
    Maybe.. But yesterday I tried to not thinking about the infamy, keep playing as usual, not involving my emotions, but my team plays really bad, then became a loser.
  11. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think it’s certainly possible to get frustrated and play worse. But sometimes it’s a bit out of your control. Here’s a few of my losses from today...

    CBC37708-7F65-42D8-B2C2-CFF514C614F2.png 896D8B7F-B0FA-48F4-9EB2-2390EB05CAF2.png C4032004-BF15-4449-824A-B27B8E02BE62.png AC521E96-BA75-425C-B4CB-FFC9FFF049B4.png 0D2BE9EB-C0A4-4B15-8D78-0E6B4AAB5947.png

    Now I’m not gonna say I didn’t deserve to lose these games, but I’ve certainly played worse and still won.

    Here are some of my victories from today...
    538DCF9F-CC6C-4E71-A307-899412315848.png 0932071A-836B-4A10-B339-A48801815658.png 64754DCC-AE1C-4642-8B0B-A108DFD5A359.png

    I’ve had games (on other days) where I killed 4 unfriends, and still lost. What can you do? It’s a real lucky bag.
    Last edited: 30 Oct 2017
    Cyn likes this.
  12. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    I have played over 8000 battles and trust me when it comes to winning u win even if u deal 0 damage.i was around 1700 infamy last week droped from 2300.i constantly lose so many battles and guess what im now around 3200 infamy shocking right?its because the system is doing its job to maintain my win/lose ratio.
  13. HectorBarbossa

    HectorBarbossa Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Engineering Data Analyst
    I played the game this afternoon using speeder, won for 4 times in a row, after that my speeder ran slower (I felt it, really) with result lost in battle. I tried 1 more battle, my speeder was still slow, and lost in battle. So I decide to stop playing to keep my infamy.

    I think this is Rovio’s way to keep the player balancing.
  14. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    Lol u dont need to stop playing.keep playing even u lose and u will win eventually
  15. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017

    Luck is luck and sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. sometimes I lose matches even if I get 5000+ damage as a Mk 4 speeder and win matches when I get 0 damage( capturing or if my Big Bertha and Blast cannon miss every shot)
  16. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Yeah, I had one match where my connection dropped. By the time I got back online the game was over, so I was the floater that game :oops: (if anyone reading this was on my team, I’m really sorry).

    I felt so bad, but when I checked the battle log, my team had won anyway.

    Weirdly, I also ‘kind of’ contributed. When I watched the replay, an unfriend speeder had broken off, and decided to hang around shooting at my dead ship, instead of helping his team. His absence is probably what allowed my team to get the upper hand. By the time he got back he was outnumbered.

    In a way, it goes to show how unjust the infamy system is. Kill 4 unfriends: lose 24 infamy; disconnect and float the whole game: gain 24. :confused:
    laiyhman and vis1234567899 like this.
  17. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    U know whats weird, yesterday in one match 4 people helped capture but 2 people ( including lone gunman) got three stars while I and the others got 0.
  18. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    recently gained 600not in 2 days by losing just 1 match in the full run, still i am 100 not below my top not
  19. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    For the past week I have barely had any fixers on my team and literally every single time the enemy team has a fixer or two
    What's Up Player likes this.
  20. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    What is ur infamy range?

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