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Some things im concerned about.....

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by iam_ImpulsE, 28 Oct 2017.

  1. iam_ImpulsE

    iam_ImpulsE New Member

    5 May 2017
    I dont know if there are already discussions going on about this. The first and foremost hinderance is communication gap. No way to make my teammates understand what i anticipate or what i think we should do. This makes me drop almost 500 infamy often. I struggle veerrrry hard I tried shooting them and telling them 'attack' or 'capture'. But that doesnt work everytime (maybe 1 in 50 games or so). I have some ideas (i think). 1. Audio chat. 2. Text chat for 30 seconds before game starts. (But that is useless in my opinion because we cant really tell anything for sure.) 3. Add some more chat options like 'get back', 'careful' (i dont know what else to add). But this will make the chat wheel clumpsy.

    I thought of another idea. I dont know whether you guys thought about it or not. A draft phase after map has been alotted. We can choose ships and weapons in this phase. 30 seconds for this. We can also see allies' ships too. This way, i will be able to play all the ships i have. I have epic healing items but i really (really really) suck at playing fixer. By this, we can either choose to play any ships and also any weapons we want. This will also make the map more enjoyable by choosing the right weapons. For example, in 'chill zone' mortars, fire bomb and napalms are really useful. But in the new map, since it has a roof (and more and annoyingly more blind spots ), it is very hard to use mortars. With this phase, we can choose to bring the weapons we need.

    Next one is getting weapons or items from parts. I saw another thread regarding this but i will mention this anyway. When getting parts, the importance should be given to the weapons we use often. Its very difficult to play with uncommon wepons in higher leagues. The damage it makes is like a mosquito bites for some players. And they have tier 3 rare weapons with epic or rare perks. I have been using tier 1 shield and turbo for months now. I am an mk5 shooter and i have just 3k+ hp. While other mk5 shooters have even 6k+ hp. And like i said first, it is very hard to make my teammates to understand what i think should be done.

    Please give solutions to these problems.
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    1. Battle bay is designed so that the challenge is to get together, then work as a team. So no on that.
    2. This will allow misuse. It will cause problems in the algorithm for matchmaking. No on that too.
    3. I sympathize. I'm a mk4 speeder, but I am one of the people you will end up blaming, I use t3 and t2 rares. The problem is not my weapons, it is the fact that shooter mk5 is TOO DAMN ACCESSIBLE. Shooter mk5 has a really wide infamy range, from 600 to 3500 infamy or so. So you'll run into many, from the guys with t3 t4 uncommons to the guys with t4 and t5 epics. My only advice is, get better.
    This is a real long game, my friend.
    vis1234567899 and The Otherguy like this.
  3. iam_ImpulsE

    iam_ImpulsE New Member

    5 May 2017
    But actually when i tried to play some other game, there was an option to use voice chat. I think blitz brigade. I am a Dota 2 player and i know the importance of communication when it comes to teamplay. That is why i asked for voice chat. And as for getting better, i agree with you but what is happening to me now only gets to my nerves. I lost around 500 points. I saw a post stating there are mk5 ships in 600 infamy range. I think this is what is happening there. Maybe that guy knows what to do but due to his teammates, he keeps losing infamy up until the point where he lost all hope (as i am now ).
  4. craz¥burd

    craz¥burd Well-Known Member

    8 Jul 2017
    United Kingdom
    Not everyone can use voice chat, my partner is often asleep when I play this game I don’t want to be chatting away ‘KILL’ ‘DIE’ ‘ATTACK’ lmao
    Phalgun likes this.
  5. iam_ImpulsE

    iam_ImpulsE New Member

    5 May 2017
    And another thing i noticed is that i am being given +/- 23 and 24 infamy randomly. How is this decided? This really messes up my infamy.
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You get +24 or +23 for winning, and minus the same for losing. Also, voice chat between 5 players would encourage trolling and confusion. In a two man fleet, its okay, but you can use discord for that. Rovio's serverd are busy as it is:).
  7. iam_ImpulsE

    iam_ImpulsE New Member

    5 May 2017
    I know about discord, but sometimes i get +23 and the next game i lose -24 points :(. Y u do dis to me? :( :(
  8. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Normally when match is evenly balanced you get 24 for winning or lose 24 for losing. But your team is slightly overpowered then you get +/-23 and +/-25 if you win against overpowered team.
  9. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    It’s to do with the matchup. Not all matches are perfectly fair so the system adjusts the amount of infamy you get for winning/losing. I believe the actual calculation has many decimal places, but you only ever see it rounded off. Usually, this will mean either +/- 23 or 24 depending on the difficulty of the team you’re fighting. However, I have seen games at higher tiers where one side got a big nightmare player and it ended up being +/- 19, if the underdog had won they would got something like +27/28.

    I quite like your draft idea... maybe not for all your ships and weapons, but it might be nice to have an alternate build for your ship stored, and be able to choose once you see the map/teams.

    I actually find it really annoying when I get games on Chill Zone, and especially Damage Depot, because those maps make it really difficult for me to use my regular weapons until much later in the game. It would be really nice to be able to switch in my Napalm or something with more range. But if I run that all the time, I’d feel quite underpowered on other maps.

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