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Down over 700 infamy since last update

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Shamus-6-6-6, 18 Oct 2017.

  1. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    The 50% thing is okay, imho. It keeps competition healthy. You shouldn't win everything, and you shouldn't lose everything. Since both extremes are covered, it's all good. Also, if it was a precise 50% win-loss, we would all be at 0 infamy, innit?
  2. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017
    this issue is on my nerve , i am gonna to make a photo album with all the screen shots of match results , trust me if they dont fix this issue many players will quit this game same as other games by the same issue on matchmaking system , i can show you 3 of my friends that they quit this game just cause of matchmaking system , they were mk3 mk4 and allways they faced mk5 mk6 and even mk7 , as i said befor if mk7 players dose not have brain to use and no skill to play , they can beat you so easy , just with 1 shot of the game auto aim , and you should try so hard to kill a mk7 with mk3 , thats absolutely not fair
    i dont know why developers do nothing about this problem , they can see every day these posts and they know players reporting this system is not a fair and not a good one , anyway at last they just read and give some warnings to posters and finally they ban everyone that talking about this matchmaking system
  3. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017
    yeah and this is exactly happening to every one , stock on some range of infamy , like me , i was mk2 with 600 infamy and i droped to 350 and i stock on this range between 300 and 380, that shows more loss than 50% , cause droped from 600 , case i play against mk5 mk6 on this infamy range with my mk2 , there is no way to beat them with mk2
  4. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    That's simply the game telling you to improve your gear. I myself feel inadequate with my mk4 speeder against mk5s in the 1400s. It's always been this way. Maybe even I need to GIT GUD.
  5. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017

    i really have nothing to say anymore
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You know what? Report that fixer. No way he can be here due to bad skillz
  7. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Sorry, but it’s guaranteeing to be worse as you climb up. That’s why the game is trying to get you paired up with these matches, so that you can adapt quickly and learn the game mechanics which you can quickly get used. If you can’t get used to game limitations, then you are bad.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  8. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Want another reason to get rid of weapon-specific guild quests?

    I realized today that quests for non-Shooter ships don't exist:
    - there are no quests for yellow items
    - there are no quests for causing unfriendlies to miss
    - there are no quests for taking damage (oh God, can you imagine?!)
    - there are no quests for healing

    The point is, damage quests flood our quest board, all of which are best approached as a Shooter.
    This means more people will play/upgrade Shooter now above other ships (even more than they already do).
    This hurts ship/item variety at every level.

    I don't know whether it was this thread or another, but I think I remember saying something about how weapon-specific quests should go away.
    This makes me believe this now even more.
    I'd rather see a smaller quest board (say, just 6 quests)
    We need to get rid of damage quests (weapon-specific or not)
    The remaining quests should only measure stars or wins.
    I guess I could suffer having them be ship-specific.

    But you know what I would really want?
    Get rid of all quests.
    Rivalries now only care about one guild-wide tally: # wins.
    Rovio can still distribute raffle points to the whole guild at various checkpoints (i.e. 100, 500, 1000, 3000, etc).
    Rovio can still give extra raffle points to members who contribute more wins to the total.
    Rivalry rewards don't need to change.
    People will no longer have incentive to play sub-par ships/weapons.
    People will have incentive to play their best every game.
    People will have incentive to play MORE HOURS (win-win for everyone).
    People will have incentive to stay in their guild for the entire duration of the rivalry.

    Rovio's has a business incentive for people to use a larger variety of ships/weapons.
    That means there's more stuff for us to spend on upgrades.
    I hope they see how their quests stifle variety in the short and long term.
    I hope they see how my proposed changes could really help player frustration AND their bottom line at the same time.
    At least, I think so...
    Anshak and Earel like this.
  9. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017
    nice answer , just i have a question i can show you some screen shots shows that mk2 fighting mk4 mk5 . i mean my whole team was mk2 and opposite side was mk4 mk4 mk5 mk2 mk3
    would you please tell me where i was bad at this match ? just i want to know to train more to fix my bad in games , this is just a force to loss by rovio thats all , my bro
  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    The game lets you upgrade to MK5 before you really should, and does not allow you to downgrade. I didn't know any better when I upgraded to MK5 as soon as I was allowed and floundered with massive ups and downs in infamy 700-1200 until my weapons and armor could catch up. Unlike most players I didn't focus on a small set of items, I managed nearly one of every type, so my weapons were all underpowered relative to everyone else and my infamy suffered, and I am also FTP. Then you have P2P players who can buy amazing weapons at lower levels without skill or time devoted. At that 1000 infamy it's perfectly acceptable to see anyone from over-extending MK2's to under-performing MK5's in the same battle... that's OK. Should any MK5 be at 500 infamy? Probably not... but things don't really iron themselves out until 1500+ when everyone is MK5.... below that it's a crap shoot, and probably not worth worrying about too much.... just bide your time and level up.
  11. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017
    defeated 11 games in a row , who wanna see the screen shots ? that was really ridiculous , i think i am gonna quit this game cause thats really nervous by that match making system , mk4 mk5 mk4 mk3 mk4 against mk3 mk2 mk2 mk1 mk3 , or even better than this : mk2 mk2 mk1 mk2 mk2 against mk5 mk4 mk4 mk4 mk2
    11 games in a row the same match making , i dont know why you ppl dont like to accept this matchmaking system is full of issues and tons of problems , that would be the same result till DEVELOPERS rework this system based on weapons and levels , thats going to be much worse than the day before , i can upload all 11 games battle stats to prove it. absolutely this system is not on the right way , as i said before "the only solution is reworking the matchmaking system based on weapons and levels instead of infamy"
    and i am gonna quit this game till they fix this issue, maybe one day or maybe not cause it seems developers cant see this BIG PROBLEM at all and even they are not reading the posts to see whats going on
    anyway have a nice time everyone and take care
  12. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Despite the various issues with the matchmaking system, it continues to be largely based on gear and skill level. I dropped around a thousand a few weeks ago (2500 to 1500). That's a checkered streak of over 40 losses, yet I've still been able to slowly climb my way back up. Low-level matches tend to be plagued by different level ships, HOWEVER the majority of those guys are unbelievably bad. One of you posted a screenshot of an extremely imbalanced-looking match that ended in a DRAW. Give me a break.

    Also, keep in mind some of the issues that comes with basing games off ship level and gear. One of them being that, since you can't downgrade, you're locked into fighting tougher opponents as soon as you upgrade. It's a system that's begging to be gamed, and way harder than our current one.
    _devill and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  13. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Personally I think it’s often down to luck. I’ve won games with two floaters on my team, and I’ve lost games that I expected to be easy wins. All it takes is for someone to get lucky with a mine or big torpedo and the game is anyone’s.

    I’ve often looked at the battle log after a defeat and thought: “Damn! If I’d known that guy (unfriend) was gonna be so dangerous, I would have focused on him first”. I’m sure, by the same measure, I’ve had lots of games where we did focus on ‘that guy’ first (just by chance), and got an easy win, without ever realising how lucky that was.

    Other things can happen too. Maybe you get a team that just happens to work well together. Maybe you decide to go left instead of right, and it happens to be the right choice... that’s all luck.

    Obviously skill matters, but I think it matters in the same way that it matters in games like poker. You can’t win every hand. Sometimes you just get dealt a lemon and have to suck it. But if you’re a skilled player, then every once in a while that skill will be the difference between a win and loss. It probably doesn’t happen every game, but over hundreds of games it will add up.
    craz¥burd likes this.
  14. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017
    yeah that was my screen shot , just i want to say this system is full of problems , why mk5 picked against mk2 in this matchmaking system ? there is a reason , and you should look for that in coding , i really like to see a developer comes here and answer these questions , and then explains the screen shots that i shared here , and i have a full album of screen shots from every game i played , wins and defeats , over than 150 screens shots , uploaded to online photo book , they can see the times and they can see i take screen shots none stop after every game , i really like to see developers explain about all these matches , 150 matches and just about 4 or 5 games was balanced . even i have screen shots that i win the game but not as a balanced one , we were 2,3,3,3,3 and unfriends were , mk1 with 250 hit points, these are not fair and balanced , 85/100 games are exactly like this , i mean those are not balanced at all
    i have a suggestion for developers , please just register a new account and play from mk1 , you will find all your mistakes in coding this matchmaking system
  15. Dirtylegs

    Dirtylegs Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Do a search of prior posts. If new threads on matchmaking fairness were banned this forum would be dead- its all any newer member talks about. Does that mean there is a problem with it? Yes and no. The devs have consistently stated that they have huge amounts of player data and the current system is MATHEMATICALLY fair- people over time drift to the appropriate level for their current skill and gear set. I agree with this on the whole.

    Aside from the still present problem of intentional tanking, currently infamy is primarily a function of player skill and gear/ship quality. Due to constant captain and gear progression the longer the game goes on you will see inflation of gear/ship quality at lower and lower infamy because individual player skill may not improve but gear does regardless across the board. This trend brings its own problems.

    In my view where the matchmaking fails especially for newer players is the PERCEPTION of unfairness. Due to the trend above, earlier and earlier you are matched with what APPEAR to be higher level opponents and get disheartened and frustrated and post screenshots of it, totally understandable. Your brain however tends to forget the matches where you face higher marks and do more damage or win, it's human nature.

    The perception of fairness is a real problem though and shouldn't be dismissed by the devs. Increasing the new player base and retaining them is vital for the devs to make money and for the community to have a long lasting fresh competitive experience. I don't proclaim to have the solution but I hope the devs are at least considering some changes to tackle this aspect.
    LimeOnMars, Spinners71 and Netsa like this.
  16. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Pretty much hit the nail on the head. I would argue that it's not just perception, though. There is a reality to it that simply doesn't get better unless you keep playing the game, something many newbs don't have a reason to do. There are a lot of matches you thought you were going to lose that you ended up winning sure, but if your infamy doesn't move then it doesn't matter. Nobody wants to hear "that's the infamy you're supposed to be at" in general, but it's worse at the beginning since there's a bigger emphasis on sheer gear progression.
    Dirtylegs likes this.
  17. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017
    i know i dont have any problem on my skill for playing this game, as i said before i can beat many mk4 mk5 on dmg done by my mk2 shooter and i did more than 6k dmg at end of game , i can dodge many incoming dmgs and many more , and i am playing on 670 infamy with my mk2 , you know i just said thats sucks while you play on 400 infamy and you face mk5 at 400 , i asked devs to explain why their system making these matches ?! why mk5 should be in a same match as mk2 mk3 ? and why the matches are really really unfair ? one side ships are mk3 mk2 and other side gets mk5 mk4 , it can put a mk4 at the other side to be a little balance , anyway i accepted this match making sucks so hard till you get mk5 or mk6 , so keep playing and keep losing until you get mk5 , this is the last solution , cause devs cant open their eyes to see these posts on forum by tons of players.
    and this is my last words :
    with all my respect to Rovio and devs but we should accept this match making sucks so hard for new players , maybe this is a way to force new players to pay money for get stronger so fast to pass this period of game , but thats not a good way , they can try more better ways to get more customers , for example they can try more better special offers and players will pay for that , and now i know why some one said "JUST DEAL WITH IT"
  18. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017
    i have another idea , we can use this in a right way , so i am gonna play at 100 infamy instead of 700 , i can carry the game by myself , that would not nervous anymore , cause this matchmaking system let us to face against mk1 on 100 50 infamy , easy way to do guild quests , more kills in a single game and improvement on profile stats
  19. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    One way ships at different levels could fight each other would be to have uneven teams, like 3 vs 5 or even 1 vs 5. It would be pretty fun to take on a team of low mk ships by yourself, and I wouldn’t mind having a crack at some nightmare players in a 5 vs 1. :)

    That would also, potentially, make it easier for top players to find games.
  20. _devill

    _devill Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Pune, Maharashtra
    I guess you are thinking of doing the same thing you complained about in your previous post. Infamy tanking is bad. The players that you said are at 500 infamy with mk5 are either not that good yet or are tanking infamy. Think how you feel and if everyone does the same more will be here to complain about matchmaking as well.

    Yes maybe match making sucks but really, just deal with it. You also said you can take on mk4 and mk5 ships and beat them. And that you have the skill required to go up in infamy. My suggestion, get a bigger boat and then move up. You can not go all the way on a mk2. If you can beat ships 2 tier higher than your current one it will be even easier with mk3 or mk4 right? That way you can climb up in infamy.

    To be honest, your skill means nothing when you face higher tier weapons. Mk2 shooter with 700hp is a one shot against rare/epic weapons, literally. I play with a mk5 speeder now and I have been through this as well. Same was for the top players of this game. If everyone could climb the infamy ladder without upgrading ships/gear it will get more frustrating when other ships have 4 times your hit points and can dish out your entire hp in one shot. Then you will complain about other ships with OP weapons.

    Upgrading you ship and gear is the only way to move up, believe it or not. It's how this game is and it's the same for everyone. You will hit a ceiling eventually with any mk ship or gear and you will have to upgrade your ship/gear or develop you skills if you already have highest possible ship and gear available. Be patient, keep going and you will climb higher.
    Good luck. :)

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