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Post battle ranking stuck at bottom

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by cdnkevin, 25 Oct 2017.

  1. cdnkevin

    cdnkevin New Member

    25 Oct 2017
    I've noticed this since yesterday. Regardless of the damage that I inflict in the battle I am stuck in the bottom ranking and don't earn any stars. In the past players after the battle have been ranked according to the damage they have done, but I see to be stuck, regardless of the damage I inflict at the bottom of the ranks. There have been times I have dealt the most or second highest damage and I haven't earned any stars.

    Please see attached image as proof. In this image I dealt the second highest damage but didn't earn any stars and appear at the bottom (only above the person who scored 0).

    Attached Files:

  2. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    I think it is due to u being a very low infamy when u should be at 1700. It probably recognises that u dropped.
  3. Mon4 Lot

    Mon4 Lot Member

    24 Jun 2017
    If you drop 800+ infamy from your highest ever achieved then you get penalised until you climb back up. It doesn’t go on season high but highest ever achieved, unless of course your season high is the highest you have ever been and it will count from there.
  4. cdnkevin

    cdnkevin New Member

    25 Oct 2017
    Prior to yesterday I had no trouble climbing. I don't know how to describe what I'm facing but I am stuck in a pocket of nowhere but down. Look at the following images. It seems like I am set up to fail regardless of winning or losing the battle. Is what you both are saying something that started yesterday? This issue has resulted (I believe) in me dropping a huge amount in infamy because when I start the following battle I am always the lowest ranked player. Stated another way, regardless of doing the most damage in a battle, I start the following battle as the lowest ranked player. This is a cycle that isn't affected by my performance in a subsequent battle. doing the very best or the very worst has the same result: the next battle I'll start at the bottom. It used to be that you could start anywhere.
    Please take a look at the images below and tell me what you think.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: 26 Oct 2017
  5. Mr. Aussie

    Mr. Aussie Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    Two of those you lost, very rarely do the loosing team get stars. And the other you died as well. If you die quickly u don't really get stars.
  6. cdnkevin

    cdnkevin New Member

    25 Oct 2017
    The last two images, #386 & 387, are losing games. I think your attention should be on the damage done by each player on the losing team and the stars given to the player(s) on the losing team relative to the damage they did. It was always that the player doing the most damage on the losing team got at least one star. Unless you are saying that changed in the last 48 hours.

    I don't know what you are talking about die quickly. I don't believe I died quickly, but I don't think that applies either. I think stars are tied to damage done during a battle.

    Perhaps I am wrong and the game mechanics have changed drastically in the past week/days?

    Is there a game dev. that could respond?
  7. cdnkevin

    cdnkevin New Member

    25 Oct 2017
    Here is another example. This was a game I just played.
    Look at my rank, the damage I did, and the stars I received. Compare that to other players on the winning team.

    No matter what I do, I'm still ranked lowest (after a battle - regardless of winning or losing), am not rewarded in the battle fought (stars), and start out in a poor position in the next battle (ranked at the bottom again when starting the next battle).

    Attached Files:

  8. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    It's the seal clubbing protocol. Your rewards are nerfed until you gain infamy again. Notice how everyone you match with is way higher infamy? That's another part of it. Either way, just rank back up and you'll be set.
    Mr. Aussie likes this.
  9. Mr. Aussie

    Mr. Aussie Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    What @TheCrisco said is correct.
    And also things like heal, stun and freeze can have an affect on that as well I believe.
  10. Mon4 Lot

    Mon4 Lot Member

    24 Jun 2017
    My highest ever infamy was 3208 but had a really bad run and dropped to just over 2200 so stopped receiving stars, got very little gold and sugar and always appeared at bottom of Battle report even on a win. Once I got back up to over 2408 I started getting rewards again. Here’s 2 Battle reports showing that.
    You will start getting rewards once your infamy starts climbing back up.

    Attached Files:

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