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Communication problem of developers, moderators and rovio staff.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Shadow Moon!, 25 Oct 2017.


Do you think devs should communicate before implementing new rules.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Infinity[on]

    Infinity[on] Member

    1 Sep 2017
    I just read the new change. I love it . thanks devs .

    I wanted that change in the beginning . Awesome change ! made my day.

    #black Shark Torp
  2. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    This exploit was discovered during the rivalry which ended today. We just barely got the change ready hours before the rivalry ended to prevent the exploitation damage happening already this week. The change was communicated immediately when we had the fix at hand and started doing the server update. Even if we would have been able to send the announcement a bit earlier it wouldn't have really made a significant difference anymore in this case.

    In normal situations when the game rules are changed on fly (for example when Nightmare was raised from 3500->4000) we always leave time for people to adjust before the change takes effect. However, when facing bugs/issues/exploits the changes will be released immediately without artificial delays.
  3. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Sorry I will beg to differ, if you played more multiplayer games you might realize that update is a responsibility and the time interval before they gave us this big update was quite too long. We did pressure them yes!!! But it took too long. RIVALRY REWARDS LOCK was suggested by kitterini even before guild exploit action were take, so they had pretty much the time. Sorry, maybe my expectations are too high, but before this game I was royale player (update includes new troops every 2-3 weeks) so can't we pressurize them for new update since it had taken too long.
    D3X likes this.
  4. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I like this answer, not for its content, but for it's shallowness. Simply because it shows such a short notice, reactive change, spontaneousness and how Rovio works. It clearly mirrors previous mistakes(should I quote your post here from a few weeks ago?), there's no thought of:

    1. What could go wrong:
    • Would it penalize the legitmate players, the vast majority ie: helping guilds, transitioning, getting kicked, all legit actions?
    2. No thought of possible repercussions if there was any sort of bug related to the fix:
    • What if the code had more bugs? Catastrophic? Community backlash? More loopholes?
    3. Any sort of announcement at a the earliest time:
    • But you guys stayed silent until you dropped the fix 2 hours before the Guild reset.
    • Your statement of "wouldn't have made much difference" really shows how careless you guys operate.

    Honestly this has left a sour taste in my mouth, since the Guild update telling us players that we're "clever", and then applying a "clever fix", and now this...

    You guys will continue to moderate and censor out the displeasure here on this forum , heck this is your playground too and we are the evil spoiled players ruining your stuff right? Good stuff Rovio!

    Seriously, get your shit together Rovio!

    I'm ready to check myself out from this game.
    Last edited: 25 Oct 2017
  5. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Learn from this post devs. This is valuable information
  6. Hodges

    Hodges Well-Known Member

    4 May 2017
    So whats the poor excuse for a blanket patch ? How come you cant differ who was legit helping other guilds out with quests ?

    Your response is quite sad.
  7. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Contrary to this believe a small minority of players actually hop between guilds. And even smaller group of those players were in a position to win the full 42k reward.

    Of course there are thoughts of possible repercussions. Every change contains always the risk for bugs. That's why we test all our changes. In this case no bugs have been found (yet).

    As I said earlier we did communicate this "early". Everything just happened fast and we don't have a time machine to backdate the announcement before we even knew about the exploit.
  8. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    What about this new season too? Did you announce in game? Is there confirmation dialogs that warn players when leaving a guild or kicking a member from the guild? Zero thought on accidental guild-hop prevention. Zero thought on how to even change guilds without sacrificing Rivalry tokens at least 1 guild season. Again, it's similar concept to the list I mentioned, repercussions ...
    I'm sure there's a good minority of players now that would not receive for next Rivalry Token distribution as well! Rovio: "oh it's only minority, nothing to worry about, just patch away". Jesus.

    Even if it's not 42k.... 21k, 10k or even 5K is significant.
    Much the same as the bugs / loopholes we as a community have found for you. Enough said.
    There needs to be more time so that the community can adjust and even absorb this news. Adhoc sudden rules and outcomes should not be the norm. Besides, a week ago you guys dealt out FREE 42K of tokens to players that didn't exploit, and now you guys are penny pinching on this minority of players that guild-hopped? Is this your way of revoking and rebalancing the Battle Bay economy from previous generosity?

    You seriously don't think Rovio has a communication problem?
    Last edited: 25 Oct 2017
  9. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I'm willing to bet more innocent players were penalized than exploiters were... I was in my guild from when guild rivals came out, I got kicked as a friendly joke 5 days ago and joined back immediately and I lose my reward for that? Little things like this happened to the majority of players whether it was to share a replay in another guild or to help a friend finish a quest (knowing they wouldn't get rewarded for it). At least give us a warning. At least tell us "There is a bug that allows to whatever, we are working on a fix".
  10. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    And that this is the impact of the fix; what constitutes into forfeiting your Rivalry tokens, what all the conditions are...

    Otherwise it's just going to cause an uproar.
  11. Cyn

    Cyn Well-Known Member

    20 Jul 2017
    Aside from the fact that the notification came out at the exact same time it was enacted, which completely blindsided a lot of people. One trend that I'm seeing on this forum which is a little disturbing is how quickly the moderators are to lock or delete threads, particularly ones that are critical of them. Threads are getting merged then almost immediately locked down. I understand a few people have left somewhat inflammatory comments, but for the most part players have left constructive feedback and stated legitimate concerns. Handling these threads in the manner in which the moderators are dealing with them is basically sending us a message, 'We don't really care what you think.'.
  12. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Losing rewards from guild hopping means we can't leave to show people on our friends lists our replays. Either a mod or dev reply to me so i know you are going to address this.
    @The Grim Repair @Miika
  13. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Devs could've made everyone shut up by immediately injecting say 42k tokens to everyone's accounts. At the end of the day 42k isnt gonna bring you all that much and i seriously hope @Miika can goto sleep soon. I have seen you online the entire day. If you don't take better care of your physical health you are going to not be able to keep up with your work. In the long term you will also have problems. Goto bed, i'm sure as salty as we are we are not going to hurt you in the real world. You are doing that to yourself right now so please... goto sleep and rest easy.
    Last edited: 25 Oct 2017
  14. Hodges

    Hodges Well-Known Member

    4 May 2017
    You are infact correct, thet do not care what we think.
  15. Jillycut

    Jillycut Member

    8 May 2017
    Nice. Helping out sister guild and whamo, nothing. Moved to sister guild with like 30 mins left in season to gain a few needed points. Long hours played, pearls spent on boosts. This fix needed done but not like this. A little heads up would be appreciated. How about don’t release an update without testing if possible. So many unsuspecting players will think it’s just another bug and uninstall.
  16. Plabon rocks

    Plabon rocks New Member

    26 Oct 2017
    I was staying in the guild from the beggining of rivaly still not earned victory tokens rovio why u dont care about us. We had done the hard work for that and didnot got anything in the last very disappointing.
  17. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Devs. Fix your error. Give everyone their reward for this rivalry. Make a notification in-game so everyone knows about it. Now that everyone is aware of this rule they won't have a reason to complain about rewards being lost anymore.

    Everyone is happy and nobody is refunding all their money spent last rivalry. It's a win win
    Zotah, *JAWS*, Hodges and 1 other person like this.
  18. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    This new rule was introduced with the battle bay foresight, integrity and respect for players that I'm somehow still astounded by.
    Hats off for consistency.
    Babablacksheep, behumble and Hodges like this.
  19. Zusay

    Zusay Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Last time you (Rovio) have rerolled all my work (spent days over days farming) back to where I was over a week before. All this due to a lack of communication as I have stated on this forum more than a few times, always kept it friendly though. I would never have started guild hopping if you guys would have made an early announcement (once you have registered that this bug occured) and at the say time calling it clever, but i am not here to talk about the last guild hopping update, i am basically over it. Now just little time later you mess up again, launching new rules which apply exactly at the end of the rivalry.
    In this case I didn't guild hop at all, got kicked out of Rebellion as some of those greedy players think being nr.1 in guild infamy is the most important thing! After that i had to join another guild and as always worked to complete the guild quests. So why did I try to push my guild for nr.1 in rivalry if i dont even get any tokens from being nr.1??? Just this week I have spent over 350€ on battle bay which is a lot for me - this is just not what I want to be treated as a costumer and if I don't get the 42k tokens back from last season, I'll quit! Enough is enough and I don't wanna be trolled.

  20. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    I think next time, if there’s a major update, anticipate exploits and glitches before releasing the update, it’s more safe and makes the game more eco friendly. Especially with the guilds, none of these abusive exploits wouldn’t have happened if guild update didn’t release. But poor communication by the developers.

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