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[Feedback] - Rivalry Rule changes

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Phalgun, 25 Oct 2017.

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  1. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    @ Rovio -
    Two other things:
    - The non-exploiters (vast majority) are 100% justified in their frustration around the timing of your communication and implementation of this new rule.
    - If you want to open a private dialogue with me, I would be more than happy to consult with you on both (a) implementation of new rules (especially ones dealing with handling exploits), and (b) communication with the player base. I have a unique background that is actually pretty specific to exactly these kinds of issues, and just want to offer up my services. This game and the great players who support it deserve an improve
    Regarding your 3 listed extra rules:
    1. Seems arbitrary and restrictive. If a solo warrior wants to compete, let him compete.
    2. What you suggest is difficult to both implement and manage from a guild leadership standpoint. What I proposed is far simpler on both accounts, and makes your suggestion here completely unnecessary.
    3. Again, arbitrary and restrictive. Hoppers can hop all they want. But they'll only win Rivalry rewards from the guild they started in at the start of the Rivalry.

    Lastly, leaving a guild should have consequences. That's the only way to limit the exploits. My proposal greatly limits opportunity to exploit, while maximizing rewards we can still offer players.
    behumble likes this.
  2. Desirè

    Desirè Member

    30 Jul 2017
    @The Grim Repair Dont you agree a notice would have been relevant here. Maybe for the next week?.
    xBonk likes this.
  3. Lizi

    Lizi New Member

    5 Oct 2017
    1. I dont think a short buffer time is good for all the players, since it is worldwide game. I am sleeping when the new rivalry starts. It should be at least one day and fair for all worldwide players.
    2. We spent real dollar on 5x boost and finally won the 1st price by 51 missions, but you just tell me my 42k is gone?
    3. We had four sub-guilds and 100 members. We helped each other with their missions. You shoud know how many of them missed their final reward!
    4. I dont care your "necessary evil", but this time most of us are innocent. Now all fo us are thinking and asking apple/google refund the money we spent through this month, especially the VIP expense.
  4. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    A poor solution with notice is still a poor solution. ;)

    But announcing it a week in advance could have provided time for it to be altered based on community feedback.
    FloydTheDuck likes this.
  5. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    If my eggs could reach you , I would be in a long line.
  6. Concerned Citizen

    Concerned Citizen Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Is that all you're willing to concede? You guys are making giant mistake after mistake! OWN UP TO IT. MAKE ANNOUNCEMENTS. THINK THROUGH YOUR FREAKING DECISIONS.

    How could none of you see the consequences this would have on people playing the game just as they ought to have? Any half-brain could have seen this coming from a mile away. I can't express how disappointing is that you guys refuse to admit your mistakes and own up to them. It would make me a lot more forgiving of the general incompetence we've seen lately.
    yellowocean, behumble and Joey who like this.
  7. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    Look, I understand the anger and frustration - I have stated so before. I also said I would update again tomorrow - so please be patient at least till then with comments regarding what we are not yet commenting on. So no, this is not all we have to say.

    I am still replying to a few posts now because the thread is important.
  8. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Ostrich eggs???
  9. lakshya

    lakshya Member

    22 May 2017
    All the Groups have great research team. Why u guys can't see all possible outcomes of a new feature added to game in a shooter span of time?
    You guys need to expand your staff to provide quick support and who do the research. Otherwise, you guys keep on seeing us as exploiters of your features and keep punishing us. (Just becoz we found a new way to do something)
    D3X likes this.
  10. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    They are all hardboiled. Now that has gotta hurt!
  11. lakshya

    lakshya Member

    22 May 2017
    You guys are punishing all the assests of the game.
  12. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    petrified would be better
    Mr. Chompers and Davidtb like this.
  13. Evilchicken235

    Evilchicken235 Well-Known Member

    18 Aug 2017
    CSIE Student
    The pearls spent are EXACTLY for rivalry position. Imagine we’re on board 5, 7200k damage needed for one quest, how many boosts do you think we would spend to complete one quest? We weren’t doing it for the measly 2000 tokens. It’s to achieve a “better ranking”, that’s why why use boosts, to finish faster than the “other guilds”. Once you take away the 42k tokens, none of it would have been spent.
  14. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    This issue wouldn't even exist if you would have just announced the new rule for the next rivalry.

    Nobody saw this coming. There were no hints. Nothing ever regarding there was any issue changing guilds. Nobody even found it an issue. But all of the sudden everyone is punished.

    I'm scared for the future of this game. I feel one day I'm going to log on and there will be a new rule where you can only use your top mk ships and since I used a ship 1 mk lower for 1 game a week before that update I will be banned for a week.

    You are lacking communication. You need to let us know in advance so you can get feedback, not just throw out punishments out of the blue
    Mr. Chompers, Ultrah, @YSL and 4 others like this.
  15. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    @The Grim Repair You even acknowledged yourself that pearls spent on boosts is to achieve quest completion faster. Now think of the reason why you would want to do it faster? Its to be first in rivalry. Seriously cannot understand how you guys are missing this point. Also please address REPLAYS because if you cannot leave your guild without this penalty you cannot share replays with friends!!!!
  16. Jerbears

    Jerbears Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    If you look at this "new rule" from an exploiting persons standpoint. In my opinion it should have been there from the beginning! I actually just left my current guild today because the guild leader late last night kicked 5 of our least contributing players before the week was over. Then invited him and his buddy's alt accounts to collect the rivalry rewards. When I saw that this morning I couldn't believe it, was super pissed and left. So yeah I guess I won't be getting rewards for this week but whatever. Rather sacrifice mine than let some cheater get theirs. Just want to thank the dev's for this change. One suggestion for the future: Put these "minor" updates in the Inbox. Just like the "Guild Exploit - Action Taken" and the random Battle Spotlights. Peace :cool:
    Mr. Chompers and xBonk like this.
  17. lakshya

    lakshya Member

    22 May 2017
    You guys need to poll out the decisions before implementing any new rule/punishment.
  18. lakshya

    lakshya Member

    22 May 2017
    Do u think u won't get kicked now?
    I think there will always be a chance of leaving the guild or getting kicked and ur whole contibution (or that rivalry reward which keep u movitvated will go) ??!
  19. w@x

    w@x Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Boston, MA
    No egg throwing from me, sorry if it came off that way. Just wanted to let you guys know how it seemed from an outside perspective.
  20. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Agree very strongly. This is what I was warning other people even during the exploitation issues prior, and how they managed "fixing" the exploitation issues. The bottomline was the lack of communication at informing rules / regulations and timing of when changes will be in effect.

    Biggest Take away from all of this...
    Rovio Battle Bay Team, you need to be 'A LOT' MORE TRANSPARENT.
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