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[Feedback] - Rivalry Rule changes

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Phalgun, 25 Oct 2017.

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  1. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    That would definitely remove the exploit, but it would greatly adversely affect guild recruitment. You'd have only 12 hours a week to recruit new people or to kick inactive ones. I really do not think a timer is the right option.
  2. Kinetic Theory

    Kinetic Theory New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    So if you leave an inactive guild for an active guild we get punished for that season? That doesnt seem okay. Seeking better opportunities shouldn't be punished. I have to remind myself often this is a flimsy effort by the developers
    xBonk, lakshya, D3X and 1 other person like this.
  3. Desirè

    Desirè Member

    30 Jul 2017
    Well quoted KT
    Kinetic Theory likes this.
  4. AhBuiBuiBui

    AhBuiBuiBui New Member

    25 Oct 2017
    I did not get my rivalry reward. I been working on the guild mission actively and i'm one of the top contributer to the guild mission. Please look into this seriously or you will lost many active player.
  5. Desirè

    Desirè Member

    30 Jul 2017
    A timer is the only alternative for what they want to do
  6. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    That's not true. I think it is a bad idea to limit any guild switching to only 12 hours a week. I think they need a combo. End the war one day and then give an ENTIRE DAY to switch guilds freely before starting another war. Then once the war starts, impose the rules that I've stated above.
    xBonk likes this.
  7. w@x

    w@x Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Boston, MA
    The biggest issue is that there was no in game announcement of this, I happened to stumble upon it while prowling the forums with my morning cup of coffee. I was the first to make a thread actually asking Grim Repair if it would be the same for people who are KICKED from a guild, which he confirmed was the case. Then he later deleted the thread saying it was a "Duplicate". Mind you, I am not even remotely affected by this, I have a small guild with a few people in it and have never left or changed. The plan was just poorly thought out and too quickly implemented; Coming from a person who HATES guild hoppers o_O
    xBonk, Help I Cant Swim and D3X like this.
  8. RunAndHide

    RunAndHide New Member

    18 Oct 2017
    No skin in the game here because I didn't switch guilds during the week, but it seems like the best idea would be maybe to implement this NEXT week, and retroactively give everyone their rewards for the past week? It's one thing to punish people after the fact for exploiting, it's entirely different to change a game mechanic that will affect a week's worth of effort 4 hours before the end of the week and punish people.
    w@x likes this.
  9. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Thank you for considering buffer time. What about guild leaders who kick a player ( top 5 contributor) right before rivalry ends? How fair is it to be kicked with over 5k guild trophies and not recieve your just reeards. Too much power in the hands of the leader.
    Ultrah likes this.
  10. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    @ Rovio....
    A buffer between Rivalries isn't necessary, and I don't feel it's the best solution.
    Here's what we need:
    - When a new Rivalry season starts, your are "imprinted" on your current Guild.
    - You can still leave that Guild at any time, and join another.
    - You can earn quest-based rewards in the new Guild, but not Rivalry rewards in the new Guild until the next Rivalry season.
    - You get whatever Rivalry reward your original imprinted Guild earns.

    1. Exploit is no longer possible.
    2. People aren't completely punished for leaving.
    3. Getting kicked (justly or unjustly) is no longer devastating. (Removes Troll-power from bad Guild leaders)
    4. People can choose for themselves when they want to swap Guilds, no need to force them to hop within a small window.
    5. People can leave, help other guilds, share videos, whatever they want, and come back and still get the rewards they deserve.
  11. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    This is similar to what I said earlier:

    "A timer or buffer period is not going to work. People will still exploit this. The system needs to be more robust than this...
    1. There needs to be a minimum number of people in order to start a guild war. 5, 10, 15. Whatever.
    2. There needs to be a limit on how much a guild's infamy can increase during a war. E.g. A guild that has 5 people all at 1000 infamy cannot suddenly go to 25 people totaling 65,000 infamy.
    3. People need to be allowed ONE guild entrance per week. This allows you to change your guild one time."

    This does still punish people for joining a new guild.
  12. Desirè

    Desirè Member

    30 Jul 2017
    Does not matter 12 or 24 hours. Its still a timer lol
  13. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Hold on. Let me make sure this is understood clearly here.

    If you switch guilds at any time, for any reason, including being kicked, you will not get the rivarly bonus from either your old or new guild for that week?
  14. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Correct. Brilliant right?
  15. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Let's be honest here, if the past exploit fiasco had proper Communication to begin with, there wouldn't be much of an issue today either.
  16. Desirè

    Desirè Member

    30 Jul 2017
    @Spinners71 Great idea of imprinting. That would solve so much. Earning rewards from the guild you are imprinted to.....unless like my old guild.... it no longer exist.
  17. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    So because I was kicked (was a friendly kick as a joke) and rejoined a few seconds later, I get my hard earned rewards taken away.

    You said this was to promote loyalty and to rid of exploits.

    Let's see here...

    Exploits: none

    Disloyalty: none

    Rewards: none?

    Great job
    behumble likes this.
  18. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

    Here's my knee-jerk answer: "If you switch guilds, you get the old guild's rivarly bonus."

    We can make a more complex one, where your new guild gets transparently compared against the old rivarly board, and if your new guild completes more quests, you get the matching reward as if your new guild had been competing in the old infamy. It needs work, obviously, but if I can come up with that on the spot ...

    Edit: I see this is a common sentiment, @Spinners71
    Spinners71 and D3X like this.
  19. Desirè

    Desirè Member

    30 Jul 2017
    I was in my current guild within first 30 minutes of the new week as was most in my current guild yet we ALL got no rewards even though we did 48 quest.....
  20. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    I merely merged all threads that popped up for the same topic (duplicates) - and I already answered the question in this current thread that the rule affects people who got kicked.

    Regarding communication - agreed that an announcement in game would have been good. :oops: That's on me so you can throw the eggs in my direction .
    w@x and FloydTheDuck like this.
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