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How to determine if a guild member is active?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by envylife, 25 Oct 2017.

  1. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    It is extremely hard to figure out if a guild is active or not... I'd like to see some sort of activity stat for guild members to know who is active, how often. I've had a heck of a time determining if a guild has active members without this info, including my own outside of who has contributed to quests. It should be possible to be able to see other guild mate's activity and online status and be able to fleet with them without becoming friends, otherwise what's the point of a guild?

    The "Guild Quests" count on the guild info page is an accurate real-time count of the number of completed quests in the current cycle, correct?

    I suspect my guild leader doesn't play any longer, leaving my guild abandoned... seems there should be a way to take it over. If not I either need to find an active guild, or create my own... it's been difficult properly determining if a guild is worth joining.
    wtfack and EyesTv like this.
  2. Swaf

    Swaf Member

    29 Sep 2017
    The guild leader has to switch it to you and yes the guild quests is an accurate way to track guild memebers
    EyesTv likes this.
  3. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Best way I know is at the end of a rivalry guild season, click on the "top contributor" it'll then open a page of everyone's contribution that week, and you can judge if anyone seemed inactive.
    Blueee and EyesTv like this.
  4. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    That isn't always the case though..I only play Shooter atm and have contributed to Shooter and weapons I have available..but I contributed MORE to fleeting with other Guildmates with other boats to help with that quest..but it doesn't show that.

    Hopefully the Devs will add something to show how active players are..as judging it just from trophy contribution is flawed.
    EyesTv, Spinners71 and Miathan like this.
  5. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Yep, do not judge people by the guild quest contribution leaderboard, it has multiple flaws and won't accurately reflect contribution.

    If you want to see whether guild members are playing at all, the best way is to write down or screenshot the infamies every day, so you will notice if it doesn't change for someone. (Before someone says it: yes, you can coincidentally end up at the same infamy you were before, but noone does that many days in a row).
    EyesTv likes this.
  6. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    No option for that..
    but now trough guild Quests u can find it some what..
    u can see the position and trophies they earned.
    trough that u can only identify , whether he is participating in quests or not.
    but not the activity, But mostly who are active will participate in quests.

    Note: Also in my guild 2 of players are active but they are not playing quests at all...as they are loosing infamy because of quests..they are not interested to play them...if and only if they got quests with their weapons they are playing.
    EyesTv likes this.
  7. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    The quest trophies can tell you at least if people are inactive. Unfortunately, I don't believe the trophies are weighted properly. For example, 1 Quest on Board 1 gives the same number of trophies as 1 Quest on Board 3. They need to be weighted differently per board so that you don't have someone rack up a ton of trophies on Board 1 and then sit out the other Boards.

    I've been collecting my teams results in a Google Spreadsheet and then weighting everything based on totals. This gives me an accurate portrayal of who is contributing the most/least. We then kick people who contribute less than 1% of the total completions.
    Cryix, EyesTv and Spinners71 like this.
  8. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    I write down player's number of battles. But along these lines, I think player profiles should say "last time logged in" like almost every other game in the world does.
    EyesTv, BattleRascal and Spinners71 like this.
  9. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    The Guild contribution isn't accurate, because on the EASY quest board you can earn 1000 trophies by completing a single task by yourself(such as 15 speeder wins), but once you get to the HARD quest board, those 15 Speeder win result in about 100 trophies. Which isn't really fair and makes those who do the easy quests seem like they contribute more.
    I created a spreadsheet in which i enter each guild members total battle count every couple days. I've only been doing it a week, and it is a pain, but it's the only way to see who is actually playing battles and it has helped me weed out a few players.
    EyesTv and Jerbears like this.
  10. Jennyfur3810

    Jennyfur3810 Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Mcallen, Texas
    Before the rivalries started I would take a screen shot of of the people in my guilds battle count. And then a few days later check to see if they battled.. it was a hassle lol
    Maxpuma and EyesTv like this.
  11. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Personal message everyone and ask if they are active or not?
    If you get a reply in say 5-6 hrs you can say player is moderately active.
    If you get immediate response well you know what that means.
    EyesTv likes this.
  12. Infinity[on]

    Infinity[on] Member

    1 Sep 2017
    A player could be active but if they not winning it does not count towards quest points.

    I think you can determine a player distribution points to the team is a better way. If theres a big gap between the players contribution points in your guild then I will advise for an officer or the leader to talk to them. A person in my guild is half active but he's in the top 10 of contributions and finishing quest....

    #black Shark Torp
  13. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I've done all the manual things you guys are suggesting but it's just not good enough, and it's too much work for information that is readily available. If we can treat guild members as friends, the little red/green/orange is already there, and a "last on" date helps tell when someone was last on which helps coordinate fleeting since it is a worldwide audience with 24+ time zones. Guild coordination just seems too limited for a feature designed for team participation.
    EyesTv likes this.
  14. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    The quickest way is to just check the profile. If there is no 'Season Top' Infamy, not playing. Kick. Done!
    EyesTv likes this.
  15. Alfsian

    Alfsian New Member

    27 Oct 2017
    Hi i am a newbie here. Just want to know where and how can play with guild members? Trying hard to search around the game interface but dont see it. Help help how as i have some quest that need to play with guildmate to accomplish the task. Thanks alot
    EyesTv likes this.
  16. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    1. go to general chat and ask for a guild, you'll get invites
    2. go to the guild forum here and look for openings, post that you are looking
    3. search in the guild area for open guilds... some are invite only, others are open for anyone to join. The searching is blind though, typically only listing top guilds which won't work for a newbie... try picking a name you like and search for it
    EyesTv likes this.
  17. Virdis

    Virdis New Member

    14 Nov 2017
    Sorry for being a necromancer. I don't want to make a new thread because there is one who ask for this.

    I face a problem where the guild leader want to kick some of inactive members (I just a member). He only see the trophy score (which is inaccurate). Well, I'm not at bottom trophy, but this is not fair for those who contribute a lot. I open the game after quest reset timer, finish 2 quests solo (weapon like sniper and win battle). Guess what, my trophy is around 2 k which is ridiculous (last time reset only got around 900 trophy with so many mission I help around a week). Can the developer fix this because only 1 to 5 members who super active at early time and can manipulate the score and make the rest of the guilds useless? CMIIW
  18. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Plus you get more trophies for completing quest on board 1 as compared to trophies earned on board 4. It seems to based on % of quest completed. Therefore board 1 will always make you "look" very active. Fix this devs, please.
  19. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I was recently thinking about bumping this topic myself. All the issues are still valid even after the recent update, so I'll try to summarize:
    • We need a way to show activity and accurate quest contributions
    • Trophy count does not reflect accurate contributions as it's heavily weighted toward people working on early boards.
    • Add a "last login" timestamp, somewhere. If not globally visible at least put it in the guild member list.
    • Personally I'd like to see "time played" over the past couple of rivalries. There's no better way to judge activity than that.
    In other words, there's a lot of improvements that can be done in the app itself to facilitate guild management and show activity stats without everyone having to guess.
    enotSenO likes this.
  20. enotSenO

    enotSenO Active Member

    19 Dec 2017
    I agree for bumping this topic. Some idea might be, for example, to equate 10000 winning to 10000 trophies. No matter which board you are, you will get the trophies proportional to this.

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