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(Suspended) For being creative. Prevent getting reported = 100% win rate?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Miku Da Yo 39, 23 Oct 2017.


Do you guys think it was right for me to get suspended?

  1. It was Bias

  2. It was Just

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  1. Procrastinator

    Procrastinator Member

    10 Aug 2017
    That doesn't mean he should be banned for this. Banning someone should be reserved for someone who breaks rules not for using in game item.
    Disguised and Spinners71 like this.
  2. SeadraJ

    SeadraJ New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    I would automatically assume you are a troller, thus report you.
  3. SeadraJ

    SeadraJ New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    Did I ever say he should be banned?
  4. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Should I change my name to "Duct Tape Fixer" then?
    You can't report until the match is over, which after watching the match you should be smart enough to adapt and realize that I'm not trolling.
  5. SeadraJ

    SeadraJ New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    Not all people will assume that. Since you have been suspended, clearly more people were not happy with you triple tape build.
    battlebaymembers likes this.
  6. Stonebanks

    Stonebanks Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    I don' think this is fair. I think that the fixers work is healing your teammates, but come on, you just can't simply ban an user for its build. But it is fair, its my error cause i believed that every user at BB had common sense...
  7. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Does "not happy" = "trolling"? If so then yeah I should get suspended. So what do you think? Am I trolling? It doesn't matter what people thought, that's the past, we need fresh opinions and spread of knowledge so as to prevent this on the future.
  8. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    When tons of people think this way, then this adds up to a massive problem.
    It's one minor inconvenience for you in one single game (which you might even win).
    But if every teammate he has thinks this way, he gets suspended.

    What about the day where YOU want to experiment with something?
    What if YOU got insta-reported because you were using some tactic or strategy that wasn't fully endorsed by the masses?
    Should YOU be suspended just because others don't take the time to think about how your unique contribution could be valuable in the right circumstances?

    The extension of your thought process is to punish anyone experimenting on anything outside of the "accepted norm".

    The hypocrisy here is astounding.

    I have a dream that my five little ships will one day live in a Bay where they will not be judged by the items they equip but by the content of their tactical contribution.
  9. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I am sure this is what you are getting reported for, charging the enemy team. If say 25% of your games you are getting slaughtered with focus fire, your teammates I'm sure are reporting you. Because nobody expects a fixer to charge the enemy team. We expect the fixer to stay and heal the rest of us. I'm sure in 75% of your games, your strategy works, but unfortunately in the others, you are probably getting reported for the play style without regard to your triple duct tape build. This would be especially true if you are doing it BEFORE your teammates are within range to hit the enemy boats as you're attracting fire.
    I think your build is awesome and have seen some youtube videos of people using the triple duct tape quite effectively. Maybe they were of you. I'm saving up my rare duct tapes now to try this build once I hit MK6. It looks fun. Good luck! Hope they rescind the Ban if it was for the duct tapes.
    Disguised and Miku Da Yo 39 like this.
  10. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Okay if any of you think he was banned for using three duct tapes, you are wrong!!! This is a team game and if you are the reason for Ruining experience of 4 other players, it will get you banned. Miku da yo learn your lesson. I hope by the time you are unbanned you won't be using this unreasonable build
    Cyn likes this.
  11. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Stubborn as a rock.
    Describe exactly how i am ruining others experiences. I explained in detail how I play, how you cannot see the dmg I'm tanking for the team, how I go for low hp kills, how I'm NOT what people assume to be suiciding. Yet you still unreasonably say I ruin the experience just because I don't heal.... Bro, at the end of the game nobody gives a damn so long as they win or see that I am not last on the board. It's maybe 25% or so games that I lose because of getting bursted in 1-3 hits that give ppl the impression that I'm suiciding that I got banned.
    Can you honestly read the whole thread and try to be a bit more understanding. If you wanna disagree at least have more constructive criticism.

    Also you know your statement self contradicts? Yeah! 3 duct tapes is not the reason eh?
    "I hope by the time you are unbanned you won't be using this unreasonable build"

    Last edited: 23 Oct 2017
    Disguised and BomberRspn like this.
  12. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    It seems unlikely they'd ban you just for using a strategy that irritates people. I suspect you're not telling us the full story here, but if you are, I disagree with the ban. That being said, Rovio claims to review reports manually, so a ban would almost certainly only happen if you either were losing intentionally or your strategy and/or play style is bad or poorly executed on a level that looks like intentional losing.
    Cyn and Kalbs like this.
  13. Bradley Thorinsson

    Bradley Thorinsson Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I found a salt mine in this thread
    behumble and A55A51N like this.
  14. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I think getting killed right off the bat for 25% of my games is pretty good reason for banning me. But how am I to know who carries high tier burst weps?
    I take caution and activate healing prior to peeking and most of the time it's ok. The goal of intentional losing is to drop infamy. I'm steady at 3100 so it's not me but the teammates from matches I lose reporting me.
    Last edited: 23 Oct 2017
  15. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    It is, by virtue of his sustained infamy rank, NOT unreasonable.
    I would just ask that you, and everyone else, to seriously consider: how do you want to be treated when you experiment with a new build idea?
  16. Procrastinator

    Procrastinator Member

    10 Aug 2017
    Then what do you think the report button does ?
  17. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Thanks for all the comments everyone! I appreciate the feedback and constructive criticism. When I finish matches many people have added me. For matches where we win no one complains and moves on. Occasion when I clutch, people add me and say how cool I am. When I lose, people add me and swear at me for trolling. It is a mixed reception and I can't really do anything about it. But I want to stress that the opinions of people who lose is not the majority overall. They are probably the only ones reporting. Anywho, I'm gonna let the devs deal with it through support. Good luck on the bay guys!
    Disguised and BomberRspn like this.
  18. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Not me, but you are stubborn. LOTS of people are disliking this build already on forums and 70% players aren't even in forums. Yet you are stubborn enough to use a build people don't like
    It was personal statement from my side for hoping you to get unbanned in future and using something that's reasonable and something that won't you leave reported. Anyways you want to take it the wrong way, well i don't care!!! Then Be selfish.
  19. Boomboombram

    Boomboombram New Member

    23 Oct 2017
    That would just be stupid why would you even want to do that? But its true i would report that.
  20. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Ill have to vote no u didnt desrve it (as long as u were not suiciding) i cought alot if hate for my 3x napalm shooter as for him to do his job he had to rush into range to start cutting off the field with napalm, that being said if my team did not get up to the fight with me i would die alot and very quickly( looks like suicide). But on the other hand.....for the teams that played into my beld and took advantage of it we won with flying colors! I say if u know how to use ur build and it works great then do it! It is a team game and its not your fault if the team doesnt assist you and ur build BUT u also need to consider working with the team and not for yourself (idk if u do or dont do those things)
    There are many games out there with "fixer" type classes and i think to many ppl assume they HAVE to help the team but to be honist a self healing fixer can be op if used right in many game! (Idk if bb is one of those games iv never tried the build) for example world of warcrafts shockadin build is a holly pally(class ment to heal) but is built to pump out insane dps amd focuses on healing himself over others.
    Disguised and Spinners71 like this.
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