I just searched General and it turns out, I'm the
only person who has ever called the Big Torpedo the "Bigpedo". By extension, I'm also the only person to ever say "Tripedo", and no one has uttered the term "Swiftpedo" even once. This is utter madness. This community is failing in the coolness department, the intelligence department, the humor department, the imagination department, the torpedo department... just... everything. You guys are failing at everything.
I've taken the liberty to come up with a slightly shorter version of every item in the game. Faster than the full name for the most part, but less lame and confusing than acronyms. What's not to love? Just read on, and you will see my genius! (from left to right in order of their appearance in the shop):
- "Cane"
- "Blacken"
- "Snappen"
- "Expy" (alidocious)
- "Carrots"
- "Greens"
- "Stortar"
- "Loiter"
- "Parker"
- ":0"
- "
- ">:3"
- "Rain"
- "Silo"
- "Mini"
- "Flay"
- "Blaze"
- "Steel"
- "Bigpeel"
- "GO"
- "Goob"
- "Fins"
- "Adhesive Medical Strips"
- "Flash"
- "Asterisks"
- "Tilde"
- "Raster"
- "Frosty"
- "Rox"
- "Airblast"
- "The Duke"
- "Pair Bolt"
Now, I'm sure, with the exception of "BERTA", you could use any one of these new names and everyone would instantly know what you were talking about. Except now you will now have the added bonus of sounding hip, cool, and ahead of the game. Just try it!
And please don't take down the post for the obvious jokes I'm making about the torpedoes...Click to expand...