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Defender is poor

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by AVID, 17 Oct 2017.


Defender Stucked - should have some changes

  1. Yes

    21 vote(s)
  2. No

    33 vote(s)
  1. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Need some changes for defender.
    Defenders are getting stucked at infamy and in games too..
    Unable to turn nor go speed...
    Should be increased turning nor speed...

    i have talked to plenty of defenders..after reaching to 2k they are getting stucked for more than 3 months..
    i am also stucked from 4months...here..
  2. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Ever encountered a nightmare defender with over 17.000 hp with tier 5 epic weapons? Even 5 nightmare players together have trouble destroying a defender like that without losing 2 ships themselves.

    Ever encountered a fleet with 2 defenders with over 17.000 hp? 2 hp monsters like that have no trouble killing all 5 enemies by themselves.

    If you're talking about mk4 defenders... Well, mk4 defenders just suck because they still only got 2 weapon slots.
  3. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Yeah, it's pretty bad. My mk5 couldn't even keep up with mk4 shooters cycling 4 weapons on my blue boat and now everyone and their dog has mk5 shooter. They're way too OP and mk6 shooter gets more slot points than any other ship in the game.
    Please help. Give us another blue slot point at mk6 to run two big shields or 1000 more hp. I don't mind ;);)
    Last edited: 17 Oct 2017
    Mr. Chompers and ViscountSniffit like this.
  4. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    i am mk5, i have many of them mk5 defenders....we all have almost 6k to 7k hp
    all of them stucked at 2k..
    we are unable to move and getting hit faster by betras and speeders attacking us well..
    if we remove shield only 5k hp..all are getting crit well and we are unable to turn...
    5k hp is nothing in 2k infamy...they can easily killing defenders...
    7k infamy we are unable to move...even using tire 3 turbo...its slow.
    now all are shifting to enforce....i see plenty of enforce and fixers after update.
    me to shifted to enforce..but i like defender....much. its my lovely ship...
  5. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    No comment.
    behumble likes this.
  6. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Been over this already in joeya`s thread, enforcer, defender and fixer need buff(in short shooter and speeders are well balanced).

    Although among all mk7 ships, mk7 defender is highest used ship (kitterini's post). So defender is super strong for whales.

    So, buff of defender would make it OP endgame. Although i would suggest some tweaks in HP at mk5, by increasing a blue slot OR A slot point (double big shield use)
    Cyn and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  7. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Yeah. Only good defenders are mk7 defenders and maybe mk6. Below that, 5-6k hp just flies in some sniper crits. Defenders are meant to be slow moving tanks. They are indeed slow moving, but not tanks. +1 blue slot point at mk5 should be added for big shield and people will actually start using lubes and rudder without sacrificing much hp.
  8. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    that would make lube,rudder,and turbo alot more viable which also means alot more variety of blue combinations!!HOORAYYYYY:D:D
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  9. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think shooters are definitely the problem. There is nothing wrong with having two guns when you’re fighting speeders, enforcers, and fixers. That’s a totally reasonable amount of firepower.

    But friggin shooters with 5 guns at mk5! It wouldn’t be so bad if they were fragile, but they’re also huge tanks, and they’re fast... sometimes I can barely outrun them in my speeder.

    Shooters are also the source of all the stupid mortar and torpedo spamming.

    I honestly just wish they weren’t in the game, it’d be so much better with just the other 4 ships. But instead they’re EVERYWHERE!

    I really hope they get a nerf soon, so people stop playing them so much.
  10. Zusay

    Zusay Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Totally agree with you! Hard to take down a defender above 18k hp, a few can also hit 20k hp while they are mostly rocking explosive cannons which allows them to just go through teams and hit multiple targets. My speeder has 2 weapon slots and it takes a while to take down such a defender
  11. obscenery

    obscenery New Member

    18 Aug 2017
    i feel for ya kid. hope the dev give you want u want.
    btw, why is defender is your lovely ship?
  12. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Finally someone said this which I was wondering of for so long. But you it will not happen even though they nerfed speeder they won't nerf shooter purely because its money spinner and 70-80% pool of players use them and nerfing this class will just push all those players to quitting the game.
    Riddlerpaji and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  13. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    okay lets not derail the thread into shooter dicussion.And those who say shooter is overpowered dont know how to use speeder,its not a boat for noobs(i m a speeder noob),requires skill(orpheus tackled 3 shooter single handedly in hungry shark's video,MUST WATCH).Using speeder is all about awareness of surroundings(not biased to wards any boat,used all 4 mk5 boats)


    @ViscountSniffit once you get speeder to mk5,you will see the real potential of that speeder(And your build is perfect,so no worries there)
    Last edited: 17 Oct 2017
  14. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Shooter is like the "warrior" class in every other game. No matter what, it will always be the most popular class. Don't ask me why, because I don't know lol. Overpowered or not, for some reason the majority of the people always choose warrior.

    (This is coming from someone who always plays mage in other games. I only became shooter because I was always teamed up with retards that can't aim, thus can't deal decent damage. That's why I figured that I have to be the damage dealer if I want to climb.)

    That being said, is shooter overpowered? I don't think so. For a shooter it's really, really hard to take out a defender 1 vs 1, unless the shooter got significantly stronger weapons than the defender.
  15. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Golden words,i cant agree more.This and this solely is the reason why i switched from enforcer to shooter.
  16. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    The balance of boats in the game is different at different MKS
    One ship is underpowered at certain mk lvl but is op or well balanced at many other lvls.
    Well balanced from start to end.
    Shit till mk3 at Mk4 a little decent or at okay lvl at mk5 they start to take off as a good and balanced boats.
    Shit till mk3 at Mk4 and 5 really good and balanced at mk6 slightly underpowered
    Great end game boat but at intial lvl shit.
    At initial l shit mk5+ a good solid boat.
    How this problem can be solved ?
    By giving people extra slot maybe but better idea is to do clever changes in the talent tree.
    For example in Isaak we have enforcer health increase talents at the intial lvls and at the end lvl too .
    Let's say there are two talents both giving 5% ho boost to enforcer and are at lvl 13 and 26 respectively.
    My idea is instead of giving 5% boost to go at both talents shift it to 6% at initial lvl and 4% at later lvl i.e lvl 26 that way we don't make any significant changes to the boat and still make these boats viable at lower and middle lvl infamy.
    And it doesn't affect the top as no addition to health has been made same can be done with speed too.
    PS: I not disagreeing with addition of slot changes nor agreeing with them too m neutral on that and addn of slots is a long term project for which devs need to do a lot of beta testing and all and it will take time whereas this idea can be implemented rn and it will help a lot
  17. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Defender buff....should be as follows.

    Every mk. Defender ship, up the turret rotation ability. The defender should be the 2cd fastest turret second in game after enforcer.
    Why? The defender is the tank on the bay. Tanks are all about their turret. And rotating it and firing.

    As for speed. The defender should be the slowest on the bay. Again we are the tank.

    As for mk5. Issues with the defender. They should up the mk5 lightly buff it. To 3 red slots. Or give it the extra blue slot the mk6. Defender has.

    The mk5 defender is the weakest ship on the bay.

    Whereas the mk6 defender is happening. And holds it's own. Right now I am 4700 infamy with a mk.6.

    And a mk.7 is a a strong fortress.

    My big idea is just a higher turret speed buff. To go with the natural story of battle bay And liken it to tanks or even big destroyers with a rotating turret. Ther big guns are based on how quickly it can aim. And fire.

    The ships itself don't move quick. But the guns do
    Spinners71 likes this.
  18. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I have, actually, managed quite a few solo kills versus shooters, but it’s difficult to say how much is me being able to use my boat, and how much is just them being bad at using shooter. Given that people in mk5s still try to hit me, point blank, with torpedoes... I expect it might be a lot of both. Yet these guys are at the same infamy as me, so go figure?

    I understand that things change after mk5, but the lower mks still exist, and it is all shooters down there (and mostly down here too). I think that might be a strong enough case for a review, on its own.

    (Must... not... salty... the... thread... o_O!!!)

    ... I don’t want to derail the thread moaning about shooters, HOWEVER, if we’re going to have a serious discussion about the defender (circa mk4/5), then we can’t avoid talking about it in the context of other ships.

    Enforcers and Fixers are probably the biggest problem for defenders... said no one ever! (heh), so if someone is talking about defenders needing a buff, then they’re probably talking about a buff relative to shooters and speeders.
    Riddlerpaji likes this.
  19. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Defenders rock. Bring your A-game thoughts about improvements that can be made
  20. Riddlerpaji

    Riddlerpaji Active Member

    5 May 2017
    Exactly. :(

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