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[Feedback] - guild quest exploit and actions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Oct 2017.

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  1. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Welcome to the real world where a simple personal and sincere apology for a misdemeanor can mean the difference between moving on and getting taken to court.
  2. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I'm sure he will address us soon, and he's human.
    Don't forget who made this awesome game that you're clearly passionate about.
  3. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    @*JAWS* i am assuming ur done as no response for a bit, i thank u. I have deleted my comments directed at u like i said i would and hope we can keep things to informative ways that the "exploters" believe what has already been done could have been handled and we all keep in mind we can only suggests, and they do not owe us a thing. If anyone wants to correct me on what they believe they "owe" u i refure u to some of my previouse posts and ill gladly repost them again but no one seems to want more of that....and otheres dont wana hear the so called exoiters BELIEFS on whats owed. We wana hear generalized ideas that overviews players as a whole, not YOU as a individual.
  4. Hodges

    Hodges Well-Known Member

    4 May 2017
    You seriously come up with some garbage posts, why are you continuing to talk out from your bottom.

    Your input has been nothing but OMG refer to this TOS post thingy, please continue to make youself silly but if you were smart you would quit now.
    *JAWS* and *Rubber Duck* like this.
  5. magician

    magician New Member

    24 Aug 2017
    i still want a token debt for all farmers
    i don't want mika i want a debt for all farmers!
    lucky2431 and Evilchicken235 like this.
  6. Arrow-->

    Arrow--> Member

    20 Aug 2017
    Can Devs look into the battle log and add:

    1) Sugar & Gold “earned” from legit matches from 2nd October onwards.

    2) Add a compensation for tokens “earned” from first season onwards? Not just we lost tokens we worked for from first season but also for the current season.

    I think this will be a fair decision to implement.

    P.s I love Mikka, don’t fire him!
  7. Hodges

    Hodges Well-Known Member

    4 May 2017
    NO, you wanna know why ?

    Because this is,
    1: To hard for the devs to do, why ? Because they will say we have a small team. Making some sort of excuse.
    2: They dont take any ownership in the flawed system they created in the first place so they blame the players instead.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Don't insult other players please.

    And I agree. If you paid for something, you clearly should get it back. I mean, 5k$ legit hard cash?

    Ya. You totally deserve that bigtorp back. Just my two cents.
    Babablacksheep and *JAWS* like this.
  9. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Lol @ the exploiters want
    1) lol at wanting a thank you, it's not the exploiters who gave us 42k tokens, it's the devs
    2) "non farmers" will move on as soon as farmers stop whining about getting fair punishment and move on. This is a forum, it's made for discussion. That means people from both sides. If you don't want this, then, like people have said many times before, stop posting here and contact support.
    A55A51N and The Otherguy like this.
  10. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    You had to bring it up, now that everyone was moving on.....
  11. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    dear exploiters,
    first of all i would like to say i am a non exploiter and i don't represent any one side of the community and secondly i just wanted to ask a few questions from you thats all. if some of the questions are repeated then i am sorry the forum is long and i cannot read every answer just point me to the the page where you posted the answer for the question asked.
    • first of all a lot of people are saying we lost our legendary weapons and some perks we wanted for a long time due to too the rollback and we bought those fair and square by either money or farming gold. My question is did you guys honestly didn't use any pearls and legendary parts or only you got from selling perks to get that legendary weapon/perk? for ex: you only opened big chest from pearls that you bought from real money to get those legendary weapons and not a single raffle pearl or part was used to get that weapon? If not then i fully support you and your claim to that weapon or perks and if yes u diid use the pearl money or parts from raffle then you don't deserve that weapon.
    second pt there are some innocent exploiters in the game so pls rollback to the date the developers released the notification. My question is that since all of you were-active in forums then too then why did u decide to exploit the system even after knowing the issue? many of you said we stopped the exploit after the announcement but why not before you all are respected members of your guild and forum people would have listened to you while some of the non exploiters like kiterini chose to fight it why didn't you joined them and helped them? and about some innocent exploiters who went with the flow of the game and exploited i would like to point out a case study : this thing happened recently when the second largest populated country in world decided to roll back the currency in order to curb corruption and terrorism. The government decided it should be done by people exchanging old money for new notes in banks. there too innocent and honest people had to stand in line for hours to get there note exchanged. did innocent people deserved it ? no. They all did it for making system fair and square that being said i don't think innocent people should be punished.no they shouldn't be punished that why i have demanded compensation for them in my post's end.
    • Games are meant to be beaten and player should take advantage of every edge/ exploit was on developer part. yes the games are meant to beaten and its cool even if you use cheat codes to win the game only if it is a non competitive or offline game for mmo games this is not true that why there is a dev team in first place to keep the game fair for everyone otherwise there was no need for dev team.
    punishment suggested by non exploiters
    • don't roll back the account just a. give us more negative tokens or give us temporary ban giving you negative tokens means you guys will lose more of your will to complete the guild quest and the ones who will be punished will be your guild and moreover why should guild members help you in your punishment as the raffle earned by them will be counted towards your punishment too secondly temporary ban for the exploiters is not a good solution as the no of players who did the exploit were large and the people who will suffer the most due to this temporary ban will be non exploiters as the matchmaking will take a huge hit and we will get affected and moreover the amount of raffles pt earned by you guys makes you guys during these 8-10n says are way more than what can be earned in a month or two months time and a ban will be for 14 days max so then also its not fair on us.
    • second pt like innocent exploiters there are people who were told this was an exploit and they laughed it about and did it anyway these include big names in the game too there was an instance posted in forum where a person addressed to these people that this was an exploit and they trolled him by making a new guild with his name to do all easy quest. what should be punishment for these guys?
    compensation & punishment fairness
    • in all fairness rovio did a huge mistake by not communicating to the people about the exploit at the earliest so they should provide compensation to them for the amount of gold & sugar they farmed and if they did get their weapons/perks the legit way as i have pointed out in my first pt pls return those too to these players as they earned them fair and square.
    • second pt as i have already said in my previous post too devs pls remove the negative tokens from punishment as it is too harsh and unfair they have already got their punishment with roll back which was a fair decision on developers part and only those who continued to exploit the system even after the announcement should get negative token
    humble request to all exploiters pls if u want that their should be no rollback for yourself pls demand that all the non exploiters should get about 75% of what you earned to keep the system in all fairness
    PS: 25% less because after u did help in farming those tokens/prizes.
    if have been rude or offended anyone pls point it out i will remove that pt or tone down the language

    Last edited: 15 Oct 2017
  12. Arrow-->

    Arrow--> Member

    20 Aug 2017
    Stop stereotyping, everyone who has been punished has different demands however im pretty sure everyone would want their fair share that has been legally earned. For more information refer to my post on page 23
  13. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    I have an answer to that and the proof that we never even thought about exploiting from second October. Not blaming what miika did, but most of us had confidence to farm after what he said, maybe he said that to calm us down, because we were in complaining league too like you all. BUT ONCE WE KNEW NO STEPS WOULD BE TAKEN, ATLEAST FOR ME, I REALIZED NOT BE A HONEST FOOL AND TAKE BENEFIT OF THE BIG OPPORTUNITY THAT WAS GIVEN TO US:)

    Frankly, the things i earned from exploit and it applies 90% of exploiters that things we found during exploit didn't make much difference, except that i was able to get my one boat to mk5 and a good deal of pearl. Legendary, NO way!

    IT WAS never a competition to beat you guys, WITH ALL DUE RESPECT I DIDN'T SEE ANY SINGLE EXPLOITER EVEN UPSET ABOUT WHY YOU ALL WERE GIVEN 42K FREE TOKEN. I THINK YOU DESERVE MORE FOR STICKING TO YOUR PRINCIPLES (NOT ALL OF YOU ARE SAINTLY THO), And personally i don't even care what honest guys get rewarded (200k full token)

    Here i m commeting, even tho i quit, because i don't want to see the game die and devs still have time to make right decisions... (which isn't always fair)

    Dipesh likes this.
  14. Arrow-->

    Arrow--> Member

    20 Aug 2017
    Take whatever has been gained via your so called "exploit" (which you rightly said was because of your own fault)

    Give back whatever has been "EARNED & paid for" this includes:

    3)Stars earned
    4)Rewards from completion of individual quests ( 02/10 - 14/10 thats 12 days x 3 quests per day = 36 quests completed)
    5)Tokens earned in legit manner for the past 2 seasons + the current season

    You want to make it fair? then do it. If you call us exploiters then you are doing the same!
  15. lucky2431

    lucky2431 Member

    7 May 2017
    Before the rollback, a backup should have been made. For the fact that in the event of an unsuccessful rollback, you could return everything as it was.
    TUT MIR LEID likes this.
  16. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    trying to post majority of the demands in one post is not stereotyping thats how you write posts or anything for that matter and secondly if u have been kind enough to read the whole post you would have find out that the suggestion u posted on pg 24 are the ones i posted in my answer do check the out. and ur pg 23 answer option do include the pt i made in my post. read stuff carefully before posting don't bring salt where its not needed

    TUT MIR LEID New Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Words, words and players with great experience continue to leave, today two more of my friends have deleted the game, because Rovio was punished wrongly, if you do not change your decisions in the near future, all my guild of 23 players will do the same.
    Last edited: 15 Oct 2017

    TUT MIR LEID New Member

    14 Oct 2017
    We are cornered and we are at a dead end, as we can not resist players with more powerful weapons at our level of play, and descending down means a penalty and a complete lack of possibility of getting stars of sugar and gold.
    Last edited: 15 Oct 2017
  19. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    i dont
    know what milka said so i can't comment on that but you say you didn't use the exploit to gain advantage over us then why you even did that? i can't think of a single idea why you did it?
    other than getting ahead of everyone. its a pvp competitive game if you gain an better item you do gain advantage over other individual. an if 90% of ur items were bad from the start why even continue doing that?
  20. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    I too exploited the loophole. But what i don't get is why oh why is everything rolled back? I think it will be fair as only the items gained from tokens were taken back not including the once from free crates, bonus crates etc. (Also items from scrapping these). I agree with the rollback but i think it should be a little fair as well.
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