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[Feedback] - guild quest exploit and actions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Oct 2017.

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  1. MasterMind

    MasterMind Active Member

    13 Oct 2017
    He has already been put in a coffin. You just put the nails on it. Who's shoveling though?
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  2. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    I think the pit was shoveled by the person himself...
    MasterMind likes this.
  3. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Forger the pit.

    Where is the global outcry for stolen weapons paid for?

    This isn't about tokens or perks or pearls.

    It's about paid for.

    I know of 20 different people who had legendary weapons stolen during this time.

    All paid for. Hard cash.
    MasterMind and behumble like this.
  4. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Devs Fix Fast.

    Don't be the team who said there is an exploit and punished people. And also the same team who steals hard cash.

    Pearls are not equal to a legendary big torpedo. I await a response to one developer who will say that they are?

    I tried using your pearls given back. No big torpedo was returned. It gave me worthless epic weapons.

    Your pearls don't replace the lost legendary pieces either.

    Simply put. Return the legendary weapon you stole.

    If exploit equals theft.

    Pearls for Leg Big Torpedo equals The largest highway robbery know to this game.

    I didn't receive anything of equal value.

    Not can any developer guarantee that if I spent 1000$ more I would get a leg big torpedo. Flaws of the random draw for leg. Weapons.

    My true example is extreme action taken by developers for a simple solution.
    Simply put it's screwed.
    Fix it
  5. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    If the devs can rollback a rollback how would they do it? It's like in Microsoft word there's a undo and redo button. But in reality when you redo it only works when data that's was undone wasn't overwritten. Did the rollback up to now already rewrite our data up untill the rollback. I'm afraid it might be too late to rollback a rollback. Frankly I think the devs are screwed. The players should get compensated all sugar and resources. I don't see a easy fix for this.
    behumble likes this.
  6. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    If they see proof that it was purchased with cash before exploiting. I have shown this. In code. They give me ex cannon. And same with other players if they can show what they purchased...devs should act.

    I admit I am not an app maker or tech. But considering this great game They made. It can't be that hard.
    Or they could change the rollback date to the day they made the global announcement. That would be a fair alternative
    yellowocean likes this.
  7. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Sorry typo. Leg. Big torpedo. Had ex cannon on my brain for some reason
  8. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I think it's easy to rollback, but impossible to roll forward. As we play we are overwriting the data from before the rollback. I think the only thing devs can do is to manually consult and mediate. Which is impossible. I don't think there is a easy fix to this. The rollback cannot be undone from what I understand. Should they credit weapons lost it would be on a individual basis after consulting. Their team is tiny. They screwed up real bad. They're not gonna be able to handle this. It's over, Rovio don't try to tackle what you can't do. Why not try punishing yourselves for screwing up so hard. There are limits to what you can do to compensate players but choosing a rollback makes most of the options impossible. Please punish yourselves, and have MIKA come out with a personal apology. It is the least you can do.
  9. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I was pissed. When exploit first came to light. Nothing changed.
    behumble likes this.
  10. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Also..i haven't violated rules by posting miikas. Words. Not should u do the same to mine.

    Clear violation.

    Lastly. I was told directly by miika. I COUPD PROCEED AND FARM TILL THE FIX.

    So...we are still back to a player by player basis. This isn't about farming or not now.

    So rubber duck. Seriously. Low.

    This is about I have proof of I bought an leg torpedo before ever farming. Give it back.

    And for all those who keep changing topics to unneeded. I know u to be. Trolls. And will be reported.

    The topic is solution. Fix bad mistake. Go player by player if necessary and return items taken. Simple.

    Not this token or farming bullcrud.

    Getting old. Non farmers. U do realize u won right? U do realize that this forum is for those that got punished to say something right? So non farmers. Respectfully. Take a hike
  11. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Also. I myself said I am willing to be banned. Consistent. And I will state here rubber duck you didn't have my consent to post any thing in a private message. Lowest of the low.
    yellowocean likes this.
  12. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    See how far non farmers stoop? This player policing players. has to stop. Devs give back what u stole. Theft is theft

    Moderator. Please ban rubber duck from the remainder of this forum. He took my private message without permission. Lastly. I have never posted Miikas. Private message here that could tear this thread a new one.
  13. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    U do realize u keep posting the same thing as do i in response. It is for feedback how how they could have done better....like the post u posted that 1 time that wasnt about YOU as issues involving u should be submitted direct. Be informative on ways they could improve punishments overall man.
  14. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Ill gladly remove if its a issue
  15. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    This forum the moderator said to not post private messages of any type.

    It is an issue. My stance has always been consistent. Fix exploit. And if told by developer that I personally can exploit. Which I was. Nothing has changed. And yes I have always been for a go to type ban.

    I have written it n vip. But never take my private message without permission. You have now stooped low. For the good of our community. Stop getting on this particular forum regarding how far devs punished. It's not helpful. Or constructive. U have yet to offer one good solution to the problem farmers have faced. So leave
    yellowocean likes this.
  16. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    If u have an improvement for them post it. If not exit.
    Mine is give items back. And think of a light ban for 1 to 5 days. They did it for Tpro.
  17. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    I do have an improvment then, it appears not many ppl on here are happy about thier punishment and for those that dont agree and wana complain more because they broke the rules that are stated before u download the game, and esp for ones that demand a direct answer and if they dont get it they gona do it anway u should just issue a perma ban. Again this is MY FEEDBACK ON THE ISSUE THIS THREAD TALKS ABOUT. For sake of those ppl tired of me stating the plain simple facts ill leave this thread with no more comments and only MY feedback on how it should have been handled.
    #Permanent ban
    Last edited: 15 Oct 2017
  18. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Didn't crop.it that just all.I got in my screen shot . it would have took several screen shots so I just shot what I considered the most important its still in the thread I took it from
  19. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    The rollback CANNOT be undone. The devs decided on this punishment and we accepted it. But now THEY NEED TO SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES. Devs need to do the right thing and correct the issues by giving back what wasn't part of the Exploit. If they CANNOT do even that then the LEAST they can do is have Miika come out and offer a SINCERE AND HONEST APOLOGY to all the players who farmed because of his words. The players have been punished, but it's the DEV that deserves the most punishment. If Rovio incurs severe financial loses it would be wise to fire Miika for this. Completely unprofessional and repurcussions occured and will continue until you guys take care and Punish YOUR EMPLOYEE.
  20. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Give back what wasn't exploit. 1000%.

    And issue apology
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