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[Feedback] - guild quest exploit and actions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Oct 2017.

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  1. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Couldn't agree more.
    What the devs did for the community (quests/tokens) is something not to take for granted.
    You get to evolve in a much rapid pace.
    And like you said, an error is judgement isn't the end of the world.
    Just cool off and everything will be ok.
    The Grim Repair likes this.
  2. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    It wouldn't be an exploit if his program had an automatic highlight function ! =P
    It may looks bad but it seems more "natural" to me.
    I do have to say his arrows are terrible tho...
  3. MasterMind

    MasterMind Active Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I bored you, yet you responded. All we ever see you do is whine and cry in vip when things don't go your way. U cried for months that your frost wasn't good enough and it should be better considering how strong it says it is.... Have you thought it might've been a skill problem rather than a game problem? From a skill standpoint you aren't even that good. You ride on Ellitest back every chance you get and that's why you climb.... You solo and you go crying about the results.... You got the Devs by the balls, WE( yes WE) know that. Cry about frost it gets fixed, cry about farmers getting no punishment and then they land a thor hammer on 70% of the players cuz you cried. Keep crying cuz thats the only way you'll get what you want.

    We were surfing on battle bay waves now we surfin on bunta tears.

    Give your gear to any of the other frost speeders like YSL, Infinity, Corazon, or Smile and they'd challenge for mid 6k infamy routinely. strap yourself with their gear and you barely are ace caliber.... Go cry about how MK7 isn't doing you any justice and maybe they'll let you spend another 100k euros to get that mk9.

    You said it sucks to be me? Why's that?
    You had to spend 100k euros to make ur gear carry you. More like it sucks to be you. People can spend a 1/100th of that and outplay you. I've seen numerous players make you look like childs play 1 on 1 and some of them were f2p players. Sucks to Suck! Get outta here and go cry for more help to the devs to get you to that 6k infamy goal u been trying for ages to get closer to.
  4. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Sir, you made my day. A brilliant statement to all those who are angry and on the verge of quitting. Guys how can you be worse than what you were 10 or 12 days back and the guild quests are still there you can still earn everything back.
    The Grim Repair likes this.
  5. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    Regarding the comments on earlier statements from our crew members before the situation "spiraled out of hand":

    This was our first situation of the kind - and because we care a lot about our players we went back as a team and had a discussion on how we could handle this as fair as possible.
    Looking back on who said what when is not helpful - as we are of course individuals and we learned a lot from this. Personal messages are personal opinions and not official information. Those should generally be given as Inbox messages or in the forums.

    Back to the main point: The decisions we made we made as a team. After careful review and listening to all concerns brought up over the past days we reconsidered the entire circumstances and the impact it developed.
    We are in the end all but human - still, we believe, this was the fairest way to handle things.
    The announcement statement should really cover all points regarding admitting fault and why this does not mean an exploit can go without consequences.

    Something to take into consideration: Publishing any private conversations will only lead developers to discuss less casually directly.
  6. Shvitz McGergen

    Shvitz McGergen Member

    14 Jul 2017
    Credit to the BB team for quickly addressing the issue in a transparent way. Outstanding.
    mammoth1946 and EyeOfDoom like this.
  7. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Nooone is whining or crying, you are the guy with negative feedback. Frankly, i got punishment more than what i deserved, but when i READ BUNTA'S COMMENT(ABOUT AKAGI) i couldn't help but feel guilty of what i did (but i don't deserve this blanket rollback). Maybe instead of being bitter and negative guy, provide something constructive so that us mild cheaters can cling on to this game. Because currently i have lost all hope and reading feedback of likes of yours sickens me.Be harsh yes!!!, but at least have some constructive points
    _devill and Wishaal like this.
  8. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Thanks for 42k tokens also! :D
  9. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    You didn't get more punishment than you deserved; you lost progress gained while cheating. That's it. In other words:

    mammoth1946 and Miathan like this.
  10. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    It wasn't what i was trying to explain, but guess you are another danyal khan:)
  11. Concerned Citizen

    Concerned Citizen Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Everybody that's commented on this issue has been biased based on what results they chose and which results they wanted to see. But you guys have asked for feedback, so I contribute this so that hopefully you can understand a little more of what has happened within your community. This is not the moral issue many have made it out to be, it's an economic one.

    The F2P community are not spenders, they are grinders. When this new farming method became available because of Rovio's oversight it is was tough for them to deal with because they quickly saw that people could progress quicker than them and this made them really mad. I understand that getting passed up by people not playing as long as you is not fun and I totally understand why they were jealous. Some got tired of seeing themselves passed up joined in on the farming, others stayed in their place, banking everything that you would set back anybody that took the shortcuts AND retract the progress they had made. This is essentially what you guys ended up doing and you appeased that community, which wouldn't have been happy with any other outcome.

    In addition to the very vocal players above you had another small, but influential group pressuring you and that was Guild Leaders such as Rubber Duck and Whales close to max, such as Bunta. As for the Guild leaders they were so vocal because they stood the most to lose. Their guilds were at risk of falling apart and they themselves couldn't participate in any kind of farming with out losing their guild. For Mega-whales in general, it's as if they've invested thousands of dollars into a particular currency. If all of a sudden people can get to the same place and easier, it devalues their investment in that currency. So i think that really explains why he was so vocal about this.

    Now if we turn to the P2P community you'll find that a lot of the most notorious farmers came from this group. This is no surprise to me, it makes total sense that they would be more predisposed to farming because they are natural short-cutters to begin with. They pay money to not have to grind the old-fashioned way that all F2P players do. They have various reasons for doing this - they're competitive and want every advantage available, the money to them means less to them than the time it would take to grind, they may just genuinely not have the patience to play the game the free way. This is not a bad thing! You profit off of offering this shortcut, and it's what what funds everything that happens in the game.

    When the farming method became available you saw a lot of short-cutters looking at the situation and realizing that they could get many of the things they wanted without spending hundreds of dollars to do it. F2P complain about fairness, we were looking at potentially saving hundreds of real world dollars. A lot of people have made great leaps in logic to claim that this is stealing etc. and it truly is not. It was not explicitly against the rules, the messages coming from up top were very mixed as to what the consequences would be or whether there would be any consequences made at all, and so in the long wait before the announcement you had a lot of people conclude that it would be in their best interests to give it a shot. Only after the fact did people look through the terms of service and find the vague line about "exploits" that everybody is now so eager to flaunt in our face now. I'd love to know what percentage of people had actually read that line by line before this whole incident because I sure hadn't. In any case they figured that in the best case scenario they get some awesome stuff and get ahead in the game, and in the worst case scenario they wouldn't get to keep it. There is a lot of precedence for this happening in other games where developers make a mistake and the results of the mistake are exclusively on them.

    Now all this being said, I am not upset that you sided with the non-farmers. I think it makes sense and I respect your decisions as I understand there must be harmony and balance between the F2P and the P2P communities for this game's continued success. My concern is that by coming out so strongly on the side of the F2P players, you have disenfranchised many of the farmers and some of the biggest P2P players in the game. The punishment is very harsh and removes all progress and rewards earned in the game in the last two weeks, both legit and farmed. I fear that if you do not take a more moderate stance and reach out to the very upset P2P community you will not see further investment from these types of players. Taking away the rewards is fine, but stooping to the level of the trolls that are shaming and bullying the farmers now as they celebrate their victory is not cool. If you are not more diplomatic and take more responsibility for your mistake, you will alienate yourself from a lot of people that are very active, have spent a lot of money, and genuinely care about this game.

    In short, please don't make a scapegoat of your most profitable client-base.
  12. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    This is a gentle reminder to stay constructive and friendly. I am warning and deleting all comments who do not stick to this - as said in the intro to this thread.
    ninjamutantti, Shadow Moon! and Bunta like this.
  13. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Lol this gets even better you blanket rollback the worse exploiters and take tokens from the mild exploiters. Oh then you allow anyone that prospored from exploiters clearing there quests qns this is the kicker YOU REWARD ALL THOSE FOR PLAYING THE GAME THE WAY IT WAS INTENDED. Lmao
  14. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    You exploiters are whining and complaining right now. What you guys got is well deserved. Instead of barking at @Bunta, why don't you guys take a step back and realize what you did and just let it go and move on. @Bunta is not in my league so I don't know how good he is but if he's a bad player, is that something to be discussed on this thread? The crying about the punishments only make you guys sound like you still don't see your mistakes yet.
    TheCrisco likes this.
  15. Proficient Gaming

    Proficient Gaming New Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Nah guys I'm still f2p and getting sexy perks ;)
    Joey who and behumble like this.
  16. Kubikyan

    Kubikyan New Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I played the game with great pleasure. Exactly to last updated. which divided the community into two camps: some have complained about the users who have earned badges. others, like me, played the updated version, which was given us by you, the developers, and received the tokens by which we can develop ships and weapons, and could provide some competition to the players who invested in play money. again, I'm not clear about what the violation may be involved, if no game rules were not violated, not belt cheats, we used the final product you provided to us(modified or not, it's not in our control, we just end users). you have the right to do with the game whatever you want, or even roll back, as you did today(I don't know, did you consider the interests of all users, or only certain groups). the saddest part about this is that people gave this game the time. a lot of time. believing that you can get up and play the game for free.but in the end we, the players, got the rollback, and it turns out that the time spent in the shuffle. the time has, unfortunately, not back and does not roll back, as it did with the game. I hope I will hear. I'm done.
  17. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Oh I'm not salty I only got 10000 tokens in the hole all I dos was jump.around too a few guilds which once again if I hadmt read that post saying guild hopping was clever and would not bring punishment is never did the start with . I just don't get folks that only played as intended gets rewarded absolitley nothing EXCEPT WHINE
  18. Jared

    Jared Member

    26 Apr 2017
    EE7A2868-C5DF-4CA3-8EA3-BA6C51E5B9FE.png First off, horrible job implementing the update to begin with. Still blows my mind a professional team of developers could miss something so huge. Secondly, horrible job communicating and responding to the massive issue in a timely manner. As well as providing misleading announcements/ comments that insinuated there would be no repercussions or action taken against those who used the system as you allowed it to be designed. A simple stop in guild quests when the issue came up until a suitable fix Was found would have sufficed. And FINALLY , absolutely horrible job “taking action against exploiters”, not only did you wait way longer then necessary, this two tier solution is absolutely ridiculous. Token debt made sense should have just applied to all. Instead ppl lose hard earned resources/ items and everything else that were gathered over this time. Good job rovio.

    Didnt bother to read even half the stuff here . But apart from the post on forums saying no action will be taken (that ppl already brought up) and devs saying things like this in vip are going to confuse alot of players.
  19. Proficient Gaming

    Proficient Gaming New Member

    5 Jun 2017
  20. CaptNasty

    CaptNasty New Member

    25 Jun 2017
    This is very simple. The EULA states that users may not use “hacks, mods, exploits or third party software...”. Anyone playing the game agreed that they had read the EULA and agreed to be bound by the EULA before they were allowed to start playing the game.

    So yes the people taking advantage of the exploit were bound by the EULA, should have known that using an exploit was against EULA and if they did not know, it is nobody’s fault but their own for failing to read and understand the EULA; but agreeing that they had read and understood the EULA in spite of this.

    So to be clear the EULA means: “Even if Rovio inadvertently releases a bug that can be exploited to the advantage of the player, the player is expressly prohibited from using the exploit”. In laymen’s terms, Rovio isn’t responsible for a cheaters poor decision making even if the players actions are enabled by a system exploit created by Rovio.
    _devill and Proficient Gaming like this.
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