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[Feedback] - guild quest exploit and actions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Oct 2017.

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  1. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Cry more about losing your cheated gains. I thought you were quitting, why are you still here? Get along to hello kitty. Either way, I've yet to see any proof of Rovio ever even hinting that this was okay. I've heard/seen the devs call it a clever exploit, but never once say that it was okay, in particular not on any official channels. Nothing was lost that anyone paid for, only things that people who abused the system got. Seems perfectly fair.

    I'm well aware of what we're talking about; I know how a rollback works. However, I can't bring myself to find any pity for them. Everyone who was farming tokens like this knew it was wrong, or at the VERY least incredibly sketchy, and knowingly did so anyway. Some of the biggest whiners currently are the ones who were on the boards loudly beating their chests and going on about how "Rovio isn't going to punish anyone!" just a few days ago. But the thing is, in the interest of fairness, it had to be done. The ones that got away with just a token debt are relatively fortunate; they got to keep their gains and got a very mild slap on the wrist. The worst offenders lost it all, and rightly so. Anything they lost as collateral damage should serve as a reminder: cheating doesn't pay. They wanted an unfair advantage, despite knowing there were players on the other side doing things the right way, and they got what they deserved for it. They should be grateful they aren't banned.
  2. Zusay

    Zusay Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I am a 100% your opinion! Have played tons of hours the last days/weeks and also got tons of guild tokens from revenants and therefore many perks i got without hopping, all were deleted! Pretty angry with you this time! Lack in communication and then roll back the work we all put into it! Not happy and surely won't spend any dime in the next time. Idk yet if i'll continue playing. I wouldn't have spent any second farming guild tokens if you guys stated it from the very beginning that it will have consequences!!! Have always been happy with your work but you definitely need to learn to !!!!talk to your community!!!!
  3. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    In every game that releases an update, there will be bugs and holes to some degree. The players will find it and some will take advantage. Now that is clearly the devs' fault (as they also admitted).

    They could've just sent a specific warning to stop doing it and everyone who continues to do it will be punished instead of something vague like "dealt in due time".

    Worried about the balance? Since they can view who "exploited" and who didn't, they could just have given non-guild hopping players more rewards (maybe the average of what was earned by hoppers) and then patch the hole.

    Both parties happy, all players happy, loophole patched and everyone can continue playing.
  4. Zusay

    Zusay Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I am a 100% your opinion! Have played tons of hours the last days/weeks and also got tons of guild tokens from revenants and therefore many perks i got without hopping (for example: got an epic fire burn duration perk yesterday), all were deleted! Pretty angry with you this time! Lack in communication and then roll back the work we all put into it! Not happy and surely won't spend any dime in the next time. Idk yet if i'll continue playing
  5. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    The problem is, there were hoppers generating hundreds of thousands of tokens daily. Injecting that many tokens into the economy all at once would throw everything so far out of whack that the damage could likely never be un-done. Rolling players back was a far less messy solution, and one which only negatively impacted the cheaters in the first place. Setting a strong precedent like they have with this is important to dissuade cheating in the future. This was necessary and right. The only alternative would be to make any future implementations of 'nice' things all but worthless just to avoid people finding a way to break it like people did with this. As you said, there are bugs and imperfections in any software system. Getting upset because people exploited them and were punished for doing so is just silly.
    Bill Miller and A55A51N like this.
  6. Sir Fix-a-Lot

    Sir Fix-a-Lot Member

    6 Jul 2017
    I don’t have an issue with losing tokens or the results of those earned while moving from guild to guild. I do however have a few other issues:

    1. Communication: this was done very poorly through the entire process. Took almost two weeks to announce anything officially, despite the development team clearly knowing there was an issue. Additionally, while you’ve been planning your rollback, we have been working hard, completing personal quests, guild quests, leveling up our items, only to have it all taken back, well beyond the period of the exploit.

    If I had known I couldn’t earn sugar, or gold, or tokens for the last week, I wouldn’t have spent the playing the game. I also wouldn’t have invested in purchasing pearls over the last couple days.

    You made a mistake. We made mistakes, you waited... waited... waited... punish for all of it and more. Not cool
  7. Fred91704

    Fred91704 Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Thanks rovio for the rollback. Now i know that i dont need to spend a single cent on battlebay. Since you can just abuse authority and did the rollback when we exploit your mistake. You did not even make it clear to us that its not okay to do that until a few days ago and there are a lot of confusion going on in the battle bay society. We admit that we are wrong to exploit but dont put all the blames on us exploiters since its your fault at the beginning. If u did make the announcement early we ll go back to our normal griding. We exploiters also spend a big amount of money to get to where we are now. After today me and my friends wont spend a single cent on this game and you can enjoy having players that play for free :) cheers
  8. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    I am sorry but I have to disagree with you. Rolling back is probably the worst they could do(aside from perma ban). The solution I gave doesn't negatively affect any player and Rovio won't lose a portion of their fanbase.
  9. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    "Abuse authority?" Rofl. This is the furthest thing from abuse of authority. It's a completely appropriate response to players abusing the system to get an unfair advantage over other players. Now you guys are just salty that you don't get to keep your cheated gear.

    Disagree all you like, you're still wrong. "Giving everyone the average amount earned by exploiters" would be the worst thing they could've done, as I explained. That would be literally millions of guild tokens handed out to everyone. It would either break the economy of tokens entirely, or Rovio would have to nerf guild boards before doing so. Either one would be a much, much worse option for all the people who played legitimately. As it stands, any players lost due to the rollback are ones the game is better without: they looked for any opportunity to get ahead, even if it meant cheating, and pounced on it. Justice was served, they got salty.
    Ian likes this.
  10. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I didn't do any farming until the dev's unequivocal statements that there would be no consequences, and I certainly did none at all after their official announcement condemning it.
    I must have logged at least 72 hours of solid play time though (outside of the farms) working hard to build items legitimately (and some perhaps illegitimately) gained. All of that work and luck with items is now gone, along with my season rewards.

    Along with many others I lost a lot more in this rollback than I ever gained that day on the farm, and I think that it's a real shame that the frivolous and deceptive actions of the developers are being so viciously and delightedly applauded here by you righteous crusaders.
    Makes me feel a bit ill.
    Bill Miller, D3X, Wishaal and 6 others like this.
  11. Boaty McBoatface

    Boaty McBoatface Member

    10 Oct 2017
    last time i checked this is a forum not a game. i already quit the game fyi. and if you haven't seen any screenshots by miika saying this is a clever way and no punishment, you are either blind, tunnel vision much or mods are too fast for you that they deleted those threads already.
  12. aaazzzaaa

    aaazzzaaa New Member

    5 Apr 2017
    "Rollback" as you say is too much for those who did the exploit thing..what about the daily quest?star crates?.daily care package?.and all the progress made before "rollback" was made?.
    Honestly i did the exploit for 2-3 days and after the announcement i didn't do anythig bad..
    We, as exploiters, need right punishment. You should focus on all tokens that gained illegally only and all the gained perks, gold, materials, item piece and anything is connected with token raffles. Hope that proper punishment should be made for each individual players not this general "rollback" you made. Investigate it thoroughly.
  13. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    This comment of mine is not related to the topic and might get deleted. I'm sorry to say but it seems like you are the one being salty arguing with everyone here even after the punishment. Be nice man.
  14. Taik

    Taik New Member

    8 May 2017
    :D:D Ja. Ja
  15. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    I bet Stelmo. Was hoping you wouldnt get the roll back. Good people getting punished harshly is my least favorite thing about this whole situation.
    The roll back was lazy. The devs took too long to send an official statement. So many things couldve prevented them having to take this path.
  16. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    I'm very happy you took this serious, thank you.

    One suggestion if I may is to change the way token debt works.
    Right now there is very little incentive for players with heavy token debt to help out on guild quests.
    Maybe quest rewards could be reduced to 50% until debt is repaid?
    50% of guild quest goes towards your debt, 50% goes to your wallet.

    That way indebted players still get some reward for helping their guild out.
    Bill Miller, yellowocean and Wishaal like this.
  17. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Haha, probably would have got away with a bit of debt if we hadn't been so efficient:)
  18. PepeButtCrack

    PepeButtCrack Member

    22 Jun 2017
    Bananas likes this.
  19. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Bahaha, I'm the furthest thing from salty. I'm vindicated. And now I'm just bathing in the oceans of tears created by a sea of cheaters wailing in unison. It's glorious.

    More on topic:

    Perhaps, but I'm not sure that's likely to happen. The whole point of the punishment was to dissuade future issues, and giving any ground back in this would serve counter to that goal.
  20. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    I only got minis a few tokens so no buggy .but I never would have did it in the first place if I hadn't read this Dev's post . xomplet nomsenes he clearly state there will be no action taken against people swapping guilds back and forth that's all I did I never cleqres the first board but once . only a few quests in this first board and never started or joined new guides over and over

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