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speeder upgrade

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by peaceful monkey, 17 May 2017.

  1. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    if sppeder is upgraded why is its speed decreased it doesnt make sense its job is speeding so why would it loose speed please make it so it gains speed when upgraded
  2. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    All ships loose abit of stats when leveled up - Its more than outshined by more hp & item slots + crew leveling & better items in general.
    The high stats on low level ships is more there to prevent starter games from being a superslow snoozefest I think.
  3. Jonathan Lin

    Jonathan Lin New Member

    12 May 2017
    I mean, you lose speed but you gain weapons, slots, hp, and speed. Could you imagine trying to kill a mk6 speeder with 3 epic turbos?
  4. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    but till mk 3 u dont get much
  5. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    for some reason i preferred mine mk2 speeder over mk3. now it slow and sluggish like a defender. and the turret cant even keep up now with my and enemy movements

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    As you upgrade your ships, all specs except HP actually drops but made up with additional slots for gears.
    I can understand the theory of bigger ship slower speed but slower turret speed is a bit puzzling for me. haha
  7. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    exactly. i dont what the devs have been smoking...
  8. HappyEvil

    HappyEvil Member

    7 May 2017
    Breast milk
  9. KellEl

    KellEl Member

    15 May 2017
    I agree. When a defender upgrades it gets more defendey. When a shooter upgrades it gets more shooty. When a speeder upgrades it gets less speedy. I'm not saying it should get more speedy because at a certain point it would just be too much speed to handle. But it certainly shouldn't loose the thing its built to do. To prevent abuse maybe make it so that you can only have one turbo equipped to a boat or some other limitation.
  10. KnightOfZ

    KnightOfZ Member

    8 May 2017
  11. KellEl

    KellEl Member

    15 May 2017
    I think the point of this thread isn't about asking the question so much as hoping for a change. Maybe speeder should lose some speed as it gets bigger, but it feels like too much.
    And adding an extra overboost or nitro doesn't fix the problem. The value of those items is based on a percentage of the base speed of your ship if I'm not mistaken. So as you upgrade your ship, you reduce your base speed, and therefore reduce the effectiveness of the speed items equipped. Now i need to upgrade those items more and they don't actually get better, they just get back to where they where before i upgraded the ship. It really makes building for speed a challenge and not very rewarding.
    By contrast a defender upgrades and loses speed, but who cares about speed on a defender. Its a slightly slower turtle and the extra health is way more valuable. A slow defender=who cares. A slow speeder=not a speeder anymore
  12. KnightOfZ

    KnightOfZ Member

    8 May 2017
    I would agree but viva voce from people on the forums is that the reason why the top people are speeders is because they are already hard to hit. I haven't really checked but assuming they are right then that means speeders are doing their job and speeding past the bullets at higher levels.

    Ill check right now...

    Looking at the top 20

    Only like 1 was a defender, about 5 were shooters, 1 was a fixer, about 3 enforcers, and the rest were speeders.

    Maybe defenders are just an unpopular class for whatever reason despite them getting the best bang for the buck for upgrading, but regardless the ~10 speeders seemed to be doing fine up there at whatever the base speed is for an mk6.

    Of course those speeders probably put in way more time and money than the average person, but I'm sure so have those other classes.

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