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Guild quest issue

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by AcapulcoGold, 5 Oct 2017.

  1. AcapulcoGold

    AcapulcoGold New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I'm vip on battle Bay. I thought that when I leave a game where I have just been killed and if that game is won by the rest of my team, I would win the corresponding amount of objective gained for the guild quest during that game. But I just tested it to be sure, and it seems not....
    My question is: is the game designed like that, or is it a bug? For me, the objective should count when my team win, even if I leave the game before the end cause I have been killed...
    Any answer is welcome.
  2. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Are you sure you have chosen that guild quest you completed in that battle before dying? I ask because I seem to get those kills and wins even if I skip the rest of the match. I actually get those boosted too so I haven't seen any problem there when leaving the game early.
  3. AcapulcoGold

    AcapulcoGold New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Yeah I'm sure, I had the "win a game as a fixer" qu'est activated, I wrote down the count, played a game died before the end, then left the game. Waited for the game to finish, when game finished I checked the battle log, the game was won so I checked my count of game won as a fixer on the quest but I didn't move....
    To be sure, I then played another game, just shut down the game to lose this one (sorry for my mates during that game...), then I logged back, checked the game was lost, then thought the game just before this one (the one I won) would count, but no.... I'm a bit disappointed about this...
  4. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    Do you have a specific time-stamp/time zone and your in game user name for us? I could pass it on to take a look into it.
  5. AcapulcoGold

    AcapulcoGold New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Hello the Grim Repair,

    I tested it today, Thursday 5 October at 10:15 (+1 Greenwich time), I won the game but died before the end so left the game before the end then played another game a few minutes later and left it to lose it just to see if I needed to play another game for the result to count but it didn't...

    I chatted on the vip chat in game, someone told me that indeed quest don't count if you leave before the end (as opposite to sugar and gold that are still taken in account like it should)

    He told me the problem has been reported to your dev team. Hope you'll fix it, we don't want to stay an entire game to be sure to win the guild quest objectives.

    Please can you keep us in touch about that issue?

    Ps: my ingame nickname is AcapulcoGold
  6. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    Thank you! There will be a hotfix later / this week and the team is aware of this issue happening at times.
    We will share a detailed list on what has been fixed this week as soon as the hotfix is live - so keep a look out for that.

    Sorry for the frustration on this one !
  7. AcapulcoGold

    AcapulcoGold New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Thanks for your answer grim repair, I will look after it, hoping you'll fix it quick cause it's really frustrating lol
    The Grim Repair likes this.
  8. AcapulcoGold

    AcapulcoGold New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Hello grim repair.
    Just saw there was a new hotfix update in the game. I downloaded the client (android version) and I tested the problem I mentioned before, and it still doesn't work: if I leave a game where I died in the middle of the fight and my team win, guild quest objectives are not updated with my objectives.... (I left a game and we won, and my fixer win objective didn't update with the game won....)
    When will it be fixed?
  9. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Please DO NOT change it.
    Think about it..if players can exit a game after dying and STILL get guild quest contribution..it WILL encourage suiciders to race at the enemy..die..exit game..start new game..race at enemy and so on.
    We've seen enough of this with infamy droppers before guild quests..let's not make it worse.
    Great work on the hotfix btw:D
  10. AcapulcoGold

    AcapulcoGold New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I don't get the point. It's already like it regarding sugar and gold rewards if you leave the game before the end and if you are vip and your team win you get full reward. Should be the same for every numbers regarding a game, especially guild quest objective, so that we don't play for nothing.
  11. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    I will get back to you on that one.
  12. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    If you exit the game before the end..it doesn't add to your normal quests.
    My point is..IF they change it so you CAN get the contribution to guild quests if you exit before the game ends..it WILL encourage suiciders..without a doubt.
    Say..if you're on board 4 or 5..and you need wins with a certain boat. It would be a LOT easier AND quicker for everyone in the guild to choose that boat..even if it's mk1..enter a game..suicide..exit..etc.
    Like I said..suiciders were a problem before guild quests..being able to do it to get tokens will make the problem worse.

    Your VIP gets you VIP chat..sugar/gold bonus without watching ads..and more selection for guild quests..it doesn't give you the priviledge of gaining guild rewards if you exit the game early.
    Last edited: 11 Oct 2017
    The Otherguy likes this.
  13. AcapulcoGold

    AcapulcoGold New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    What you say it totally wrong. If you leave before the game ends, it add to your normal quests but later, when you launch another game. So, why would guild quest not behave the same?
    BasedCarpen likes this.
  14. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Why would anyone be stupid enough to suicide then hope their team can win handicapped without them
    Rafael00X likes this.
  15. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Because people WILL exploit it as I mentioned above.
  16. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    To complete Guild Quests..simple as that..to drop infamy to get easier kills..easier damage..infamy isn't important anymore to most. I've seen it happening already..players using mk2/3 at 2000+ when they have mk5. And yeah..as you know..there's a lot of stupid people who play this.
  17. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    You are correct.
  18. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    It is still unfair for VIP users as one benefit of the subscribtion is getting rewards and quests done without spending rest of the match as a spectator. It is abusing our subscribe as we can't get all out of it now. If people are that stupid, it can't be helped but also do not take away something what people pay for.
  19. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    It says nothing in VIP subscription about getting Guild Quests done without spectating the rest of the match.
    Yes..you get gold and sugar rewards..fair enough..BUT my point is..IF they allow Guild Quest contribution to be added..VIP or not..it WILL encourage suiciders/players using low lvl boats. Is that fair on the rest of the players who are playing to win?
    Anyways..my point is clear enough..maybe they will add it to VIP to encourage more people to subscribe..but at the end of the day..allowing players to exit the game and STILL get Guild Quest contribution..will lead to more intentional suiciders..worse gameplay..more reports/threads about players..and more problems.
  20. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    No reasonably intelligent person would suicide hoping their team wins. People suicide to lose infamy not to save 3 minutes and join another match, it's just not an intelligent strategy that would yield results. It's absurd you are even holding on to this idea
    Ahtserhs, Rafael00X and TheRedSpeeder like this.

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