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Upgrade Dilemma - bandage or std shield?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by DaveRay35, 29 Sep 2017.


You should upgrade:

Poll closed 6 Oct 2017.
  1. Bandage - it's the friend that keeps giving

    9 vote(s)
  2. STD Shield - you need to be bigger and bluer

    14 vote(s)
  3. Neither - don't waste resources on blue items

    0 vote(s)
  1. DaveRay35

    DaveRay35 Active Member

    18 Jun 2017
    I've seen so many posts about how Defenders should be HP beasts. I play mk5 Defender but only have one big shield in my blue slots. The rest are taken up by two bandages and one turbo.

    I've got a std rare shield which is ready to be upgraded. I'm particularly interested in upgrading it because I intend to slot it on to a mk5 enforcer if I ever have the discipline to save the gold for it:

    But I can also upgrade one of my bandages to lev40 instead:

    So, here's the problem. Everyone here says "shield". But the maths says that a shield has to be 1200 hp to match up to my bandage before it's upgraded if I last a minute after getting tapped ( 60 x 60 / 5 ) and that std shield isn't getting anywhere near that.

    So why is a shield better?
  2. iRSS

    iRSS Member

    12 Jul 2017
    Rio de Janeiro
    Why not upgrade your big shield since you have one spare?
  3. DaveRay35

    DaveRay35 Active Member

    18 Jun 2017
    I think I've got about 7 days of Brock training until I can upgrade my big shield. I've got a spare ready.
  4. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    A thick post with multi-layers of hidden questions. I like a challenge!

    You ask why is shield better? It depends on your play style. If you rush in then shield is better. If you hang back, you will get more from your bandage. Also depends on how often you have a fixer on your team, and if you have one, how often you stick with them.

    You are also kind of asking if you should use 2 shields (big and std) and one bandage or the other way around. Check your battle logs to see how much hp in general your bandages are giving you and if it is more than the shield, then you should keep the bandages.

    Why are you not leveling the epic big shield which you can get to lv30? It would surpass your rare 30 there.

    I feel you are looking at the standard shield only because it might be applied to your other ship. That is a different decision all on its own. Level whatever you can and then grind some more. It is a lot cheaper and you get more out of leveling low level stuff.

    Good luck with your decision(s).
  5. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    The bandage hits once every 5s, and will heal 60hp. That's 12 pulses per minute, for a total of 60x12=720hp, not 1200hp.

    467/60 = 7.78, so after the 8th pulse (40s) the bandage is more valuable than the standard shield at its current level. I would hope you're still alive for 40s after taking initial damage in a match; if you're not, maybe you need to slow your roll and not be a YOLO defender. ;)

    Excellent idea. You'll have to do some math to figure out how much of that healing is coming from your lower-leveled bandage, it'll be about 3/7ths - a little less as your other one has rare perks. If that bandage isn't getting time to do its thing, swap it for a shield.
    benguin8 likes this.
  6. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    It also has Some kind of psychological effect. People usually don't want to target a ship with lots of hp. Kinda ironic that by having more hp you will lose less hp. This gives you some time to go up in front and focus your Fire on a weak target.

    This is an effect that can't be seen at the result screen.
  7. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    I tried both you know just because you urge on hp. T3R big shield on my speeder it gets me around 3300k hp but I usually have to fight 1v1 so I found my T3R bandage more useful 60-65 hp per 5 seconds.
    I tried both for 10 matches shield gave me 4 wins 6 loses out of which 4 battles were 1v1 I won 1 lost 3.
    Bandage gave me 7 wins 3 loses 6 1vs1 all wins.
  8. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    You're a Speeder though, you have an entirely different playstyle than a Defender. If you're hit, you're supposed to run away. Defenders need to be able to outlast the damage, because they can't just dip out whenever the heat is on.

    Plus as @Wishaal mentioned, a big Defender is not only intimidating but a low-priority target to the enemy team. You have to deal 10,000 or more damage just to take out three guns from the fight, vs. needing to do 3,000 to a Speeder to take out two guns. The faster you take out the enemy's guns, the less incoming damage I have to patch up.

    In addition, if that Speeder is getting ready for a drive-by-shooting on my team, a 1000 damage crit is a pretty strong incentive for them to change their mind. Which means they're effectively not in the battle for the time being, and my team gets a brief advantage.
  9. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Till mk 5/6 speeder, bandage + turbo is the only way to roll. :p (How is that rudder working for you @TheAntiSnipe )
  10. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    I voted for shield in this pole. I would also suggest a shield on defender because mk5 can reach upto 7k hp easily with shields maybe 6.5k with a turbo or rudder. I was just sharing the thing I tried.
  11. DaveRay35

    DaveRay35 Active Member

    18 Jun 2017
    Omg i cant believe i messed up how many secs there are in a minute :rolleyes: Another good reason to get more than one pair of eyes on a problem!

    That brings the std shield much closer to the bandage, ta
    The Otherguy likes this.
  12. Zusay

    Zusay Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I actually prefer more hp on defender and i hate going against a defender above 18k hp with my lil speeder! Also a defender gets right into the fight (of course only if the team supports him) and faces ships in their face. Healing a bit every 5 seconds in that time doesn't help me as much but ofc depends on your playstyle. Hope it helps a bit and its understandable what i tried to explain :)
    DaveRay35 likes this.
  13. DaveRay35

    DaveRay35 Active Member

    18 Jun 2017
    1- i tend to hang back, assess then pick my moment to muck right in. I play with a torp (long shot, short and sharp), berta (controlling the field of battle) and sniper (v long hits, fist pump on crits)
    2- i generally last long
    3- ive got a spare rare big shield so i know i can take that to lev40
    4- keeping one eye on my enforcer goal is stopping the grind wearing me down!

    Thanks for the input!
    The Otherguy and benguin8 like this.
  14. Jdm7

    Jdm7 Active Member

    14 Jul 2017
    But still 720 per minute once dmg is taken is pretty solid
  15. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Around 3500 infamy even a standard canon may deal more than 720. Of course most shooters don't use a standard canon, they use weapons twice as strong... On top of that they got 5 of those weapons, and on top of that, they are together with 4 other enemies.

    So no, 720 a minute is kinda worthless at higher level.
    Last edited: 29 Sep 2017
    The Otherguy likes this.
  16. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    *On top of that*
    Every 2 sentences there is on top of that:p
    Jdm7, The Otherguy and Wishaal like this.
  17. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Your point (2) answers your question, since you already last long by hanging back and dealing suppression damage, bandages will give much more value than a standard shield. I main a defender myself, and I don't use standard shields but bandages in their place. Most matches each of my bandage can give the equivalent hp recovery of a big shield or much more, so it's an easy choice.
  18. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    If you hang back most of the time, maybe pick bandage. But defender’s role is mostly being in the front and especially later, they lead the attacks. So maybe develop the std shield too, though when you get to enfo mk6, you can fit a big shield ;)
    DaveRay35 and The Otherguy like this.
  19. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    One shot from a decently leveled Repair Bolt heals that much and then some. Bandage might be useful in a no-Fixer match, but if you have one on your team, we would really, really rather you have the extra HP. Just focus on tanking and spanking - we'll patch you up.

    Unless you suicide charge into the enemy lines or pick up our boxes at full health, then you can go right to hell.
    Jdm7 and Wishaal like this.
  20. Jdm7

    Jdm7 Active Member

    14 Jul 2017
    Well for me I'll never be close to that infamy lol so it's not a problem

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