Here's my quick prelude. This is not about complaining about BB, Im a huge fan and have thoroughly enjoyed the living daylights out of this game. I think at this point its more about feedback from the community that Im looking for.
I'm at a point in the game where I'm totally not going anywhere. My infamy hit a high of 2300 about a month ago and I've been hovering between 1500-2000, winning probably exactly 50% of my games. I consistently hit 8000-12000 dmg, finishing tops by far, and losing. In fact, I started to notice that it actually doesn't matter what I do, and that's the problem.
When I hit 2300 and got to the Ace league, I thought I was in the clear cause of the increase in resource gains (goes up to 110%). Thing is, the Ace league is seriously more difficult than the Master, so during those 2 weeks I learned that i wasn't profiting any more in Ace than I was in Master cause of the difficulty delta.
I've even been considering shelling out $100 for 14000 pearls to get a boost. But that doesn't even get you that much, if you think about it. Maybe 30 Rare items that wouldn't help out my rare level 40 big torp. I couldnt improve on my level 40 overboost, i need to hit tier 5 for one of my training guys. Chances are, even with the potential for 30 Epic pieces doesn't help my cause too much cause, at best, I'd get 3-4 dupes and have years of leveling up Epics ahead of me to get a noticeable boost.
I have an MK5 Speeder which is awesome, and other boats that I cant use cause they're MK4 or under and they're at a huge disadvantage.
I've also been farming a ton of items, for a long time. As a rule, I dont scrap Epics, farm rares and scrap at 21, and basically get rid of uncommons and commons immediately.
So, what is the motivating factor that you try to hit? Infamy? For what? Even winning seasons only gets you a smallish pile of gold. I've been VIP for 3 months, I've purchased a couple daily pearl deals, it certainly was fun at the beginning when you could experiment with different ships and items, but now, anything I use other than my best are complete crap. I cant enter a battle at 1900 Infamy with a MK2 Defender, my team would kill me. So that rules out just trying new ships for fun. Im not gonna substitute a tier 4 epic swift torp for a tier 1 epic cannon... I need to farm that cannon for months before it gives me a competitive advantage. In fact, I think I've had that epic cannon since May.
Do I do what everyone else seems to do and get a shooter, throw on a bunch of mortars, and sit in the back blindly launching slow projectiles from a distance?
How do you reconcile the fact that no matter what you do, you'll win 50% of your games and seemingly have to spend thousands to get anywhere? For me, its motivation. Its a great game, super fun, but I have idea why I play it...
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