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Im At A Standstill

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Shvitz McGergen, 28 Sep 2017.


How do you get to the next level?

  1. Buy Giant Chest of Pearls for Epic Containers

    2 vote(s)
  2. Buy Giant Chest of Pearls and focus on speeding up training

    2 vote(s)
  3. Max Gold by purchasing smaller chests and upgrade ships (Mk4 to 5 and 5 to 6)

    5 vote(s)
  4. Keep playing constantly, at higher infamys your Friends are better, therefore improving your chances

    14 vote(s)
  5. Sorry you're hopeless and just suck at BB. Maybe stick to Angry Birds.

    9 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Shvitz McGergen

    Shvitz McGergen Member

    14 Jul 2017
    Here's my quick prelude. This is not about complaining about BB, Im a huge fan and have thoroughly enjoyed the living daylights out of this game. I think at this point its more about feedback from the community that Im looking for.
    I'm at a point in the game where I'm totally not going anywhere. My infamy hit a high of 2300 about a month ago and I've been hovering between 1500-2000, winning probably exactly 50% of my games. I consistently hit 8000-12000 dmg, finishing tops by far, and losing. In fact, I started to notice that it actually doesn't matter what I do, and that's the problem.
    When I hit 2300 and got to the Ace league, I thought I was in the clear cause of the increase in resource gains (goes up to 110%). Thing is, the Ace league is seriously more difficult than the Master, so during those 2 weeks I learned that i wasn't profiting any more in Ace than I was in Master cause of the difficulty delta.
    I've even been considering shelling out $100 for 14000 pearls to get a boost. But that doesn't even get you that much, if you think about it. Maybe 30 Rare items that wouldn't help out my rare level 40 big torp. I couldnt improve on my level 40 overboost, i need to hit tier 5 for one of my training guys. Chances are, even with the potential for 30 Epic pieces doesn't help my cause too much cause, at best, I'd get 3-4 dupes and have years of leveling up Epics ahead of me to get a noticeable boost.
    I have an MK5 Speeder which is awesome, and other boats that I cant use cause they're MK4 or under and they're at a huge disadvantage.
    I've also been farming a ton of items, for a long time. As a rule, I dont scrap Epics, farm rares and scrap at 21, and basically get rid of uncommons and commons immediately.
    So, what is the motivating factor that you try to hit? Infamy? For what? Even winning seasons only gets you a smallish pile of gold. I've been VIP for 3 months, I've purchased a couple daily pearl deals, it certainly was fun at the beginning when you could experiment with different ships and items, but now, anything I use other than my best are complete crap. I cant enter a battle at 1900 Infamy with a MK2 Defender, my team would kill me. So that rules out just trying new ships for fun. Im not gonna substitute a tier 4 epic swift torp for a tier 1 epic cannon... I need to farm that cannon for months before it gives me a competitive advantage. In fact, I think I've had that epic cannon since May.
    Do I do what everyone else seems to do and get a shooter, throw on a bunch of mortars, and sit in the back blindly launching slow projectiles from a distance?
    How do you reconcile the fact that no matter what you do, you'll win 50% of your games and seemingly have to spend thousands to get anywhere? For me, its motivation. Its a great game, super fun, but I have idea why I play it...
    Mamamyers and BasedCarpen like this.
  2. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Wait till your gear gets upgraded like from tier 3 to 4 or tier 2 to 3 rare obviously for a f2p player. I was like forever in 1200-1400 suddenly with mk5 I'm above 2000. Raising steadily. And just buying one chest won't give you anything tbh you need like 10-15 chests to build some decent weapon and again there are parts too. So my advice just be patient.
    Shvitz McGergen likes this.
  3. Elurien

    Elurien Member

    5 Jul 2017
    Yea,... its a game of patience. I know what i‘m talking about. :/
    The Otherguy and Shvitz McGergen like this.
  4. LotharusMaximus

    LotharusMaximus Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    I think it depends on what pool of players you end up in at the end of each season. I am in your same situation now. I've spent about $90 on this game over the period of 4 months or so and just recently ditched my last uncommon weapon. I ended last season at #10 in the Ace II league at about 2950 peak infamy. Start this season and BAM, I'm having trouble hanging on to 2500 infamy. I play shooter and am building a setup for a speeder as the game keeps giving me epic parts that would work with a speeder, but mine is only at mk3 and that means 4.5 million gold to get it to Mk5. I'm just grinding away like you trying not to let the new setback get to me and saving up for the new ship.
    Shvitz McGergen likes this.
  5. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    I have been using the same loadout from 2800 infamy to 3800. Also all my gear was ecactly the same level. It took me a little bit over a month to raise from 2800 to 3800. So how did I do it?

    I'm not sure about it, but I think I have just been slowly but steadily increasing my skill. While upgrading your gear will help you for sure, it will also help to improve your skill. (Easier Said than done tough)

    (Regarding the poll options... It's just so tempting to choose the last option for the sake of trolling)
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  6. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    It often happens after season reset that people drop infamy by 400-500 points. In last season I eased to 2100 but this season I am grinding at 1900. That is because better players are coming around or players with better gear are coming.
  7. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Once you get your gear upgraded you will see definite rise and by the time you will also learn skills necessary. That is why told be patient.
  8. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Btw there is new version of angry birds, angry birds evolution. Those ads annoyed hell out of me.
  9. Shvitz McGergen

    Shvitz McGergen Member

    14 Jul 2017
    Haha, someone will take the bait!
  10. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    They should make the ships look like those angry birds, if they do that, watch how fast I'll increase my infamy. (Man I really hate angry birds)
    Elena Kr and Shadow Moon! like this.
  11. Shvitz McGergen

    Shvitz McGergen Member

    14 Jul 2017
    Ok someone at B.B. officially has it out for me.

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    Last edited: 29 Sep 2017
  12. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Dude, a 5.6MB uncompressed PNG? JPEG that thing man.

    Edit: ok, it finally loaded. You've dropped far enough to trigger anti-seal clubbing measures (-800 from peak infamy)
  13. Lucian758

    Lucian758 Member

    28 Jun 2017
    First of all remove that damn bandage and put a big shield on that ship, and with your setup skill is all you need your weapons are better than mine but yet still I'm at 3k infamy as of today. You need to improve your skill mate that's all there is to it improve skill. Here's my setup
    Btw I'm completely f2p


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  14. DaveRay35

    DaveRay35 Active Member

    18 Jun 2017
    Everyone gets stuck in the infamy steps. I'm currently in 2400-2600

    1- Watch some you tube vids and get ideas on new tactics
    2- buddy up and use team work to rise, in this game 2v1 is a massive advantage
    3- think about whether you want to plan for a new boat (I play def and I'm slowly building up my yellows to play enforcer)

    Good luck!
  15. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Bad poll, the options don't nearly cover the possibilities, so I voted the last one because it's closest to the truth. The truth is, if you have lvl 40 rare items on a speeder mk5 and have trouble staying above 2k, it's you. Get better at the game. There are speeder mk5 with that level of items that sit constantly above 3k.

    Btw, option 4 is not a possibility, I have no idea why people are voting this. It's a nonsense argument. Bad teammates don't prevent you from rising in infamy. They are on the enemy team as often as on your own, and as you play many games, you'll have both win and loss streaks because of them. It averages out. The only thing that does not average out is yourself, and your ability to influence the match. If you are permanently stuck at low infamy, you are the reason, not teammates.

    Ok this is useful. First of all, you're not getting rewards because you dropped too much infamy. More than what can be reasonably expected legitimately from anyone, so the system assumes you dropped on purpose and flags you as infamy tanker (which I tend to agree with in this case, you can't possibly drop 1000 if you were doing your best to win).

    Secondly, your build can use improvement. Why would you run double torpedo? I'm not a fan of torpedo speeder al all tbh, though a big torp is a powerful thing. But at least make your 2nd weapon a sniper, blast cannon, or flare gun then (or even cannon / carronade), so that you have reliable, more direct damage. Also, why no tesla bolt? It's about to be changed by the upcoming patch, but up till now, it was the single most powerful item you could have equipped (my guess is that after the patch it will still be great, just no longer overpowered).

    Edit: And if you're going with 2 speed items I'd recommend overboost + nitro. Double overboost keeps your speed too constant, so that anyone who can lead shots can hit you. Sudden big speed changes (nitro) can make even the most skilled opponents miss.
    Last edited: 29 Sep 2017
    Shvitz McGergen likes this.
  16. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I often wonder about this. I know people like to bang on about 'skill', but I don't know if my skills have really improved much since I was bobbing around in my mk1... I still, mostly, just point my turret at boats > press shoot. But I've gone up over 1000 infamy since then.

    Yes, I've picked up a bit of map knowladge, and learned to lead my shots, but that wasn't hard... in fact, I didn't even 'learn' to lead shots, I just found out that it was something you can do, and started doing it.

    What I have noticed is that if I play long enough, I'll have a run of good games, and my infamy will go up, and then I'll tend to hover at that new infamy, even though not much else had changed.

    If I have a run of bad games, I usually just take a break, in case it's my ping, or there is some bad infamy weather cascading through the game.

    Perhaps I'm still finding my level, or maybe infamy just naturally drifts up with time.
  17. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    step1: buy pearls,
    step2: spam the daily deal button
    step3: repeat
  18. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Believe it or not, you actually increased your skill level. You got better with leading shots, you got better with dodging shots, you got better in positioning yourself and making the correct decisions. So you did increase your skill level even tough you don't notice the difference yourself. This is because you gradually increased your skill, you can't suddenly increase your skill with a big step.

    I play at 3700 now, sometimes I think I notice no difference in my skill level... But whenever I'm matched up with players with 3000 infamy or less I feel like a seal clubber because those matches are too easy. So I guess that just proves that I actually did increase my skill level.
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  19. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017

    Same boat as you buddy. Even in my worst matchups I dish out 2000 damage which is more hitpoints then I have yet consistently there is one person doing like 200 damage at 2000 infamy, I don't know if it's intentional it's usually Asian countries so maybe they have unreliable internet but these people should not be on my level at all, it's frustrating
  20. Carl2801

    Carl2801 New Member

    16 Sep 2017
    I wrote basically the same post a couple of weeks ago and got the same responses ... watch utube videos, don’t play as much etc etc. The bottom line is no matter how good you play you are still on a team with 4 random people and even if I’m aces and they aren’t we lose. I would say 75% of my battles are either won or lost 5-0. I don’t know how people get to that next level without putting out $$$ buying pearls.

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