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20k heals and only one star

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by FFSletmeHEALu, 28 Sep 2017.

  1. FFSletmeHEALu

    FFSletmeHEALu New Member

    28 Sep 2017

    This isn’t the first time I’ve been dogged.

    I erased the top 2 enemy teams damage output, securing my team the win and I’m barely rewarded for my efforts. I measure a Fixer’s effectivmess by comparing their total heals to how much damage the opposite team’s top damage dealer did.

    I’ve had really poor healing games (erased the 3-4 dealers damage) and done a small bit of damage 800-1k damage done, and gotten 2 stars. There no consistency to how these number are calculated, it seems.
    Nikkie! and FracturedSarcasm like this.
  2. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    I have nothing to add to this other than that your username is absolutely perfect for a Fixer main
  3. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    From what I understand, for some asinine reason, the 'contribution' of a healer is significantly larger when they're healing their team's higher damage dealers. Not that that's made any sense to me ever, because it seems like a point of damage healed is a point of damage healed; granted, you're keeping different (less contributing) people in the fight, but the simple fact that you're doing that keeps one more target for the other team to focus on, and allows your good damage dealers to avoid focus fire.
    Nikkie! and Miathan like this.
  4. FFSletmeHEALu

    FFSletmeHEALu New Member

    28 Sep 2017
    That’s ridiculous if it’s true, and I really hope isn’t the case. I’ll try to pay attention to this going forward.

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