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Lets try and finish this wiki!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Ian, 27 Sep 2017.


How Useful would a complete wiki be?

  1. Very helpful

    18 vote(s)
  2. Alright, but not very necessary

    0 vote(s)
  3. Why do we even need this?

    0 vote(s)
  1. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    So its my understanding that a lot of newer players look to the wiki (or at least I did) when starting out, however a lot of information is missing!
    I have already done a couple pages for weapons and I think if you guys could, you should too :)
    How to do it?
    1. Make an account
    2. Click "Edit Source" (the one at top right of page) on an already existing/complete page, and copy and paste all that code into the page you want to complete
    3. Make changes to the page source, use logic to figure out how to change it. You can click preview to see what your changes did

    List of items: https://battlebay.gamepedia.com/Items
    Heres a list of perks: Link
    Last edited: 27 Sep 2017
  2. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
  3. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    The purpose of a wiki is to provide information, not opinions. New players that go to the wiki should be made aware of their options and the possibilities that the game offers, but never be told what to choose. All the best game wikis I've used have had a very concise, statistical approach. Something like:

    [picture] Missile Launcher
    * statistics
    range: [...]
    damage: [...] x [...]
    cooldown: [...]
    spread / area / other property: [...]

    * applicable perks and interaction
    - all item cooldown perk: normal interaction
    - all item HP perk: normal interaction
    - all item range perk: increases the maximum range of the missiles and reduces the spread at any given distance

    * crew training
    - [...]
    - [...]
    - [basically a list of crew training buffs]

    * additional notes
    - Due to heavy reliance on extra missiles obtained through crew training, this weapon is relatively weak compared to other weapons at the start of the game.

    This allows you to find any information about the game easily and quickly, without having to read through a large amount of text, and without relying on the opinion of whoever wrote that particular wiki page.

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