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7-15 mortars per game 2400-3400 inf ... it SUCKS

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by HighHammer, 26 Sep 2017.

  1. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    Tneres a reason why you can’t carry 4 ak47’s when playing a game like COD of battlefield etc etc ... Because it’s OP as F ...
    Yet this game allows people to use 5 mortars on a ship ... and at no expenses, like using over 2 mortars must cost the player 1 more slot point to get the third one equipped ...
    Constantly getting hit by mortars over and over again for ages now and there’s no intelligent changes to it, well they don’t even consider looking at the issue ...
    Out of all weapons in this game, Mortar span is the most annoying one and absolutely ruins the game as mortars basically need no skills other than being able to lead the shots and let the splash damage do the rest and repeat over and over again ...( at least any other weapons in the game requires some skills to hit the target like torps, snipers, stuns, etc etc

    To those who will try to be the smarty pants, here are your answers ...

    1- I use turbo on my shooter and trained my shooter to the fullest for the captain level I am in (35)
    2- I’m skilled enough to dodge a mortar or even 3 but there’s no way out of it when 7-8 of them coming your way as a shooter and there’s a thing called LEADING THE SHOTS so even speeders won’t be able to get out of it in one piece.
    3- Nope I’m not gonna try a different ship like speeder or so, just because the game refuses to fix such an annoying issue in the game, I’ve dedicated my crew training to make my shooter as strong as possible for my level so I’m not gonna waste all that for a problem that game devs must address.
    4- if you’re a nightmare player or above 3500inf and don’t see this issue in your league then please save your breath and move on reading other threads and comment there since you are not to put up with this nonsense mortar spam every time you log on to the game and starting a battle ...

    5- Note that there is 5 players on each side of the battle so if you wish to face a player with 4 mortars to rek him in close quarter battle than someone must snap you out of your fantasy world because while you’re getting a pounding by mortars there will be 4 other ships trying to take you out ( and they most likely have 2-3 mortars too ) and if your teams follows you and stays close to you than the the whole team gets punished as you’re being bombarded by mortars ... and I’m talking about getting hit with 4-8 mortars all at once or even more ...
  2. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    Why is it that every thread you make is always whining about mortars or matchmaking? You said it before multiple times, you don't have to keep spamming it over and over. PM a mod if your so interested in changing the way the game works.
    Shadow Moon!, Wishaal and ThatOnion like this.
  3. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    Because that’s the issues I have with the game and this is the place to discuss about these issues, Incase you haven’t noticed ... unlike you and your silly name callings ... try reading the whole thread next time, it will give you some hints here and there ...
    Sewah likes this.
  4. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Napalms and firebombs and mortars, oh my!
    HighHammer likes this.
  5. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    Please do me a favor and quote exactly where I was using "silly name callings". Is me simply stating that you are "whining" considered "silly name callings"? I can quote a post by you that is far worse and more malicious, don't play the victim act in this.
    I have read 100% of your thread and it is all about mortars, what else is there to say?
    Shadow Moon! and Wishaal like this.
  6. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    By that I’ve meant, you’re absolutely wasting my time and your comment is not constructive and helpful at all ... First of all you don’t have a point here nor you have any argument other than calling me whiner when Im absolutely doing what people supposed to do on a forum ( from your perspective it’s whining ) ...
    Get your glasses on and read 4- ... I’ve already predicted sore people like you, you’re welcome!
  7. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    And please stop being so funny and ruin a thread just some people give you likes ... being a well known player means absolutely nothing so yea you know what I mean ...
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    If you are being hit, dude, get better. Because if you are being hit at THAT infamy, it isn't a spam, it's predicted, focused fire.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    And nope. There should be no change here. Mortars are OP at start, UP at end. So, well, I think it's a fair balance. At least you probably won't run into mk7s packing huge firepower.
  10. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    You didn’t get my point, I never asked for a nerf, I’ve just ask to limit the amount of mortars one can have on a ship (3+ mortars cost 1 more slot point ) ... same must go for the rest of weapons as well ...
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Why tho? If they are useful in the first 30 seconds, let them. The rest of the time, mortars are out of play....ryt?
  12. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    Try saying that while you’re getting pounded by let’s say big Berta that deals over 1000 damage per hit and the splash damage would be around 600 and combine that with fire bomb and napalms ... then just look how much health you have and than you must realize that it take about 10 second to take out a shooter with over 4600 hp using mortars only ...
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I hear you. Have you tried working in cover when the match begins? I mean, I see your infamy is in the 2-3 k s, but I will still say it, bro. If you have ppoint damage weapons, stay on an anti mortar point, and oscillate. Shoot the living daylights out of the mortar spammers from inside the capture at Depot, or play hide and seek from behind a wall at Crash n burn.
  14. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    So I'm not being constructive at all? You are wasting all of our time by breaching forum rules
    It specifically states
    "There is a good chance your question has been asked and your concern has been answered already. Before creating a new post, take a moment to search the forums for your topic. Opening multiple threads spreads relevant info all over the place, making it more difficult for future battlers to find it, and for current battlers to keep track of the conversation"

    From this

    You can see that you have posted threads about mortars 3 times. That is already breaking the rule of not posting things over and over again. I have already posted "constructive posts" in your previous topics. Me being a well-known member has NOTHING to do with this.

    On topic: You have to learn to single shooters out and rush them. If that's not possible, stay out of sight and get behind enemies when possible. Are you happy now?
    Wishaal likes this.
  15. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    I have given an explanation in several other topics now on how to deal with mortars. Don't tell me you have never read it even once.
    Last edited: 26 Sep 2017
    Excism likes this.
  16. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Shooters have to deal with mortars. Learn the map and find spots you are covered. If you have a good speeder on your team people running all mortars are like a wounded animal to them.
    TheAntiSnipe and _devill like this.
  17. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    I do all that and more, yet it’s not a 1vs1 game and it requires a team work and with all that amount of mortar spam on you, you last roughly 10 seconds so if you hide the rest of these will get slaughtered and you you push the you will be taken out easily ... I mean in this kind of matches all you can do is deal as much dmg as you can and hope some miricales happen (like a torp hit the whole bunch of unfriends so you could finish off some before they get back at spamming mortars)
  18. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    I’ve been around long enough to know ever corner of any map and where to cover and when to push and so on ... so yea I know what countered mortars and how to do it but nobody has a chance in most maps when they get bombarded by tons of mortars over and over ... repeating it for the million times now !
  19. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    How to not be bothered by mortars:

    1) equip turbo
    2) equip rudder
    3) dodge mortars

    It's not any more difficult than that. Most mortar complaints are because people see red circles everywhere and instantly think "OMG this is so OP!!!!!11!11!". That's utter nonsense because a red circle doesn't mean huge damage. If you're at the edge you only take a bit, so when there are multiple mortars overlapping, it's up to you to do smart positioning. Which is why you need turbo and rudder, so that you can turn and move fast enough to position (or get out entirely) before impact. Tbh you can also go double turbo and laugh as the enemy fails their predictions, but the rudder combo always had my preference.

    Also, ask yourself the question, if there are 8 mortars being fired at you, would you have been any better off if you got hit by 8 sniper shots? Or 8 torpedos? You'd be dead faster than with the mortars I can tell you. It's not a mortar problem, the problem is that you got yourself into a position where the enemy is firing at you 8 times.

    The argument about nightmare players not having a say in this is stupid. All nightmare players were at 100 infamy once and fought their way up. I'm 3400 infamy now, but I can tell you, when I was between 1k and 3k there were just as many mortars. Occasionally I still see them, 4 mortar shooters. I'm just not bothered by it, because it's not half as powerful as people like @HighHammer want to make you believe.
    Uerguy, _devill and Wishaal like this.
  20. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    @Miathan just gave a really good explanation, So I myself don't have to bother with that anymore.

    If You're getting targets by multiple mortars all the time, then clearly You're doing something wrong. That just means that you don't know how and where to position yourself. So first work on that before you start another topic where you complain about mortars.

    But I have another tip for you if Miathan's tips weren't good enough.

    If you're playing on iPhone or iPad, go to home screen, tap and hold the battle Bay icon untill it starts shaking a little bit, and then tap the "x" in the top left corner of the battle Bay icon.

    I can promise you that this will solve your mortar issues, or any other issue you have with this game;)

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