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Leveling up: Crew vs Gear

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by FirnenAhead, 25 Sep 2017.


Which is the best option?

  1. Don't stop training Crew NEVER

  2. Stop training Crew when needed to gear up

  1. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Since the day I began to play BB, i've never stopped training my captains. However, since I reached level 29 (i'm currently level 33) I'm stuck in League Ace III (between 2k-2.5k infamy). IMO I have made good decisions in my crew talents, and they're focused on my current gameplay (Bhurt+Isak+Swift+Buzzkill). Since I've never stopped training my crew, I've leveled up my Gear slowly (because of the sugar).

    I have currently a lvl 30 Grenade, a lvl 30 Blast cannon, a lvl 32 Standard Cannon and a lvl 30 Tesla Shield in my Enforcer MK5 (all rares). I have the items and the Crew training to evolve them. If I stop training my crew, I can turn them into lvl 40 items relatively fast. However I'm not sure if it is worth it to waste Crew Training Time, since I could still gear up slowly while I train my crew and get closer to an MK6 Ship...

    What should I do? I don't wanna be the guy Level 37 at 2k infamy
  2. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Captains are the only Linear non-RNG levelling system in this game. Levelling the captains have direct impact and growth of your account, and you progress on a linear controlled scale, IE you know how much is necessary for the next step. Direct impacts such as increasing damage, healing, range, speed, etc and unlocking higher Tier items and MK Ship levels makes you more capable.

    Gear via Boxes and other shop items are not, they are completely random and by dropping pearls into it, the results can vary drastically. You could be spending thousands of pearls and end up getting crates of stuff that you don't need. It will often require luck of the draw, and the biggest bottleneck.

    If you're under level 45. Which is likely 99% of the player base:
    Levelling Captains > Levelling Gear
    _devill and FirnenAhead like this.
  3. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    Make sure to refresh gold quests and possibly even low sugar payout quests (<50k) and also, if you can, play a little more when trying to level up an item since you will still need some gold for parts. Just my thoughts
    FirnenAhead likes this.
  4. Masterlao

    Masterlao New Member

    25 Sep 2017
    You should see if there's other talent trees that would benefit you down the line, but you haven't leveled up yet. It'll cost less sugar, and you won't waste valuable training time
    FirnenAhead likes this.
  5. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    I think answer to following questions might solve ur problem do u think u r not contributing enough towards ur team at ur infamy lvl with gear u got u think u have been carried to this infamy?
    Then it's time to focus on the gear upgradation otherwise go for crew then gear upgradation
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I feel bad when I'm level 27 at 1k ish infamy. But I'm just waiting for better gear. Lv 27 rare blast, lv9 epic bt, and lv15 rare OB, epic lv 10 turbo. This is what I have on my speeder. Also, lv20 unc. Nitro. What can I do? I want an excannon, because I'm weak in speeder vs speeder. Any advice? Just askin, pm me if you have any.

    I don't want thus thread to go offtopic, but...
  7. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    I actually think I do a lot in most of the games within 2-2.4k. At that point I just can't climb up anymore. Under 2k I control most of the matches doing a lot of damage and taking enemies down...
    My point is I've been in this infamy range almost for 2 months and the crew training seems to be not working to make me stronger.
  8. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    For the most part I agree that you should very much focus on crew training as bigger better ships are the biggest ways to progress in the game. However, I've now hit level 30, unlocked my Mk5 speeder, and instead of training any of my crew, I've focused only on my weapons. The reason being I've got almost all the crew perks I currently need, and the only ones that will benefit my setup are no at least 3 tiers higher in each crew tree. In the last week, with no crew training, I've leveled my rare Big Torpedo from T2 to max T4, overboost from T1 to T3, Tesla Bolst from T1 to max T3. I am now dealing about 3000 damage per BT/Blast cannon combo I get off, as well as being able to pull off really good plays with my 8.6 second stun duration.

    My point being, since reaching my Mk5 milestone, I have found it far more beneficial for my progression (from a mental, and infamy point of view) to upgrade my weapons instead of my crew.
    Now that all my gear is almost max T3 and T4, I'll be going back to training crew.
    FirnenAhead likes this.
  9. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    I've never used BT but i'm sure it's pretty hard to manage, IMO 1v1 can be impossible against Enforcers or Speeders if you don't equip a frost item or they just screw up. Which other blue item do you have? It made a lot of difference in my speeder when I started using a Bandage (and leveled it up) instead of a Standard Shield. I would recommend trying another yellow item instead of the Nitro. If you want to be supporting your teammates damage and want to keep your Torpedo, you should use a frost launcher or a frost blaster. If you want to manage 1v1 and keep using long cooldown cannons (BC or EC), you should use Tesla Bolt. Tesla Shield is also a pretty good choice, but you would need to change your gameplay and get a high level Tesla Shield.

    I hope this helps :)

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