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Best loadout for shooter mk.2?

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Lookas, 9 May 2017.

  1. Lookas

    Lookas Member

    8 May 2017
    Hey,just upgraded shooter to mk.2.
    I was wondering how's my loadout?
    -Uncommon Cannon lvl 6/7(not upgrading bcs after I fight around 20 matches I'll get a rare cannon from mission)
    -Uncommon Sniper rifle tier 2( aka lvl 11 )
    -Uncommon Napalm (not upgraded yet bcs still looking 4 a better option)
    -Rare Plate (not giant one,the 1-slot smaller version) lvl 5
    Rare plate,got it at earlier lvls,it gives me a decent 220 bonus hp, which is quiet helpful.
    Sniper is my favorite-insane range,accurate shots,high projectile speed,relative low reloading time -I use it as a combination of primary and secondary.
    Cannon bcs why not.Good reloading time,decent damage~made some simple maths and it's better that blast cannon~lower projectile speed&overall lesser damage/time(Reloading time) ration + the projectile path isn't straight, so I mostly shoot it over waves,where I would never be able to land a shot with sniper for eg.
    I was thinking about Napalm because It's an annoying piece of sh*t.If I can learn to master those shots,I think it will be good.
    Anyway,what do you guys think?Is any weapon worth more than napalm/cannon/or even rare plate (sniper iz love,won't get it out)?
  2. Ins_PT

    Ins_PT New Member

    9 May 2017
    I run similar.

    Blue Cannon (lv.6)
    Green Sniper (lv. 12)
    Blue Blast Cannon (lv. 4)
    Blue Shield (lv. 3)

    Did have a railgun instead of the blast cannon and also ran Sniper, Blast Cannon & Sniper but found the first setup better for sustained damage or being a sitting duck once used all 3 weapons.

    Got me to 1050 infamy so far, started 3 days ago. F2P (got v.lucky so far I think :D)
  3. Lookas

    Lookas Member

    8 May 2017
    Woaw,very nice.
    As I said,I'll get my blue cannon soon,around 15 more battle to fight...but heh I have a f*****g math exam tomorrow so probably I won't play so much today.
    I got a green blast cannon to lvl 6 or 7 I think.I'll try this loadout,1000 infamy is goal 4 me.
    Thanks for the help,appreciate
  4. Ins_PT

    Ins_PT New Member

    9 May 2017
    General idea is sit mid field and pew with cannon and sniper. If a speeder comes in just unload all 3 in his face and he should die. Likewise - runs about 1150 hp on my current setup - can just charge in and take out 1-2 before going down in a blaze of glory if you use waves correctly haha
  5. James Ness

    James Ness New Member

    6 May 2017
    I run a level 10 cannon, level 11 sniper cannon and a level 5 Big Torpedo.

    The torpedo is pretty good for clustered groups, does a lot of damage. Also good if you're chasing a guy or fighting in close quarters combat.
  6. Captain Wiz

    Captain Wiz New Member

    6 May 2017
    I use rare cannon level 9, uncommon blast cannon level 11, uncommon rail gun level 10 , standard sheild level 10. Works pretty good for me
  7. PerShot

    PerShot New Member

    10 May 2017
    Media content
    Okay Cannon has very fast reload, medium dame.
    Blast Cannon has big dame, but medium reload, ugly range and low speed and you can miss the shot.
    Sniper Cannon has medium reload, cool ranger and super critical damage.
  8. Silent Shot

    Silent Shot Member

    10 May 2017
    This is the set I run and as you can see it's helped me get first place in my league atm. I run double sniper because I have low health. I let me teammates do most of the distracting while I hit them hard from a safe distance. My old set was the same but instead of the blue sniper I used the epic grenades. The double snipers are just part of my play style.(which is where my username was born)
    Also, the reason that I don't use torpedoes or mortars is that they are less accurate and all mortars (in my opinion) are very bad for close range battles (which tends to be the cenario once there's fewer teammates left and the enemy team is coming after you). While the snipers are high in crit damage hits and aren't limited to short or long range. If the enemy gets close, you unload both snipers and a cannon in their face. I also prefer the bandage over the shield because I can usually hit with both snipers and get behind cover while they reload. This allows me to regain my hp in case I got counter hit while sniping. Plus I can regain more hp than what the shield bonus actually provides.
    Good luck! (=
    Screenshot_20170510-055738.png Screenshot_20170510-055751.png
    Last edited: 10 May 2017
    Ayush, Oldmandragon and Bar1 like this.
  9. Zambler

    Zambler New Member

    10 May 2017
    I equip my shooter with explosive cannon and rail gun it actually a really good set up but you have to use the waves as cover due to reload
  10. deluxe

    deluxe New Member

    11 May 2017
    I have one epic lvl 3 blast cannon with +20 HP 4.5% dmg to burning enemies lvl 10 common sniper, lvl 8 rare blast cannon +3 dmg and lvl 4 standard shield on my lvl 2 shooter. What is the best item for the blue slot? my HP is at 1073 so I feel like I can take a beating but sometimes I feel like healing over time would be preferable...any thoughts? Newbie to the game
    Oldmandragon likes this.
  11. Silent Shot

    Silent Shot Member

    10 May 2017
    I also replied to this thread. If you look at the image I posted I use the bandage. My HP currently is like 950 and I prefer the bandage honestly. Imo it's better than the shield, it's saved me so many times before. I've got low HP but that doesn't stop me from doing good damage.

    Attached Files:

    Oldmandragon likes this.
  12. Ry5

    Ry5 New Member

    15 May 2017
    I was using double uncommon sniper, but got a rare railgun so started using

    After upgrades the railgun on paper should do more much more damage than my sniper, but it seems like out of the three the sniper shot still does the most damage. I want to figure out what's going on, but it's hard to test things in game. I'm considering going back to double sniper if this keeps up.
  13. Oldmandragon

    Oldmandragon New Member

    5 May 2017
    Have been using cannon, sniper, explosive sniper, and turbo
    Just changed today to the shield. Increased life a lot. Saw about 100 point increase in infamy just today.
    But I like the idea of the banadge usage. I've scraped so many of them though thinking they weren't that valuable. Lol

    But I do like silent shot's set up. And the way if should tactically work, very nice.
    Last edited: 15 May 2017
  14. Silent Shot

    Silent Shot Member

    10 May 2017
    I disagree, the sniper has a cool down of 10 or 11 while the rail gun is at 22. Sure the rail gun does damage but not as good as two sniper shots. I personally would like to have two sniper shots than one hit from a rail gun. Which is why I run double snipers.
    Oldmandragon likes this.
  15. Silent Shot

    Silent Shot Member

    10 May 2017
    Thanks, I actually recently switched to the big torpedo and my results were amazing. I highly recommend learning how to use the big torpedo. Since I switched to the torpedo I increased 300 infamy in a day. Personally I think it's a lot since once your get to higher levels it gets more competitive and harder to increase.
    Oldmandragon likes this.
  16. Silent Shot

    Silent Shot Member

    10 May 2017
    Changes my mind about torpedos. Well actually I've only used the big torpedo but I really like how it combos with the snipers. Just shoot them to where your opponents are gathered and watch them turn their focus from shooting to running away. Even if they don't run, they have to get out of the way. Otherwise boom, 500+ damage from big torpedo comboed with a sniper shot which has high crit and easily could do 400+ damage. We're talking about an instant kill to a lot of mk2's.
    Oldmandragon likes this.
  17. Oldmandragon

    Oldmandragon New Member

    5 May 2017
    Interesting. I was looking at the triple torpedo just tonight and trying to factor it in.
  18. Silent Shot

    Silent Shot Member

    10 May 2017
    Try weapons out as much as you can in the beginning to find your style. Maybe a weapon less commonly used will be your strength (= you never know
    Oldmandragon likes this.
  19. SoroSpyte_SGT

    SoroSpyte_SGT New Member

    23 May 2017
    yeah me too i got first place in the league but not because of my shooter, its because of my defender mrk2 build
  20. Or3o

    Or3o New Member

    26 May 2017
    Here's my set up open to ideas

    Attached Files:

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