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I'm done

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by ThatOnion, 19 Sep 2017.

  1. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    The game isn't fun anymore, I have a list of reasons why too;

    MM: Not the MM its self, just the way it handles certain situations, like why should a mk4 with 2K hp and t3 rares be matched with people who have 4-5K hp and t4-5 rares and epics! Just match me with other mk4's! I don't care if que time is longer, I just want fair, fun matches!

    The P2W: Oh god... I get you have to get money, but make it so you don't have to spend thousands to be able to compete above 1K infamy.

    RNG: Again, I get it you have to make money, but spending weeks waiting to get ONE DUPLICATE is insane, there are so many easy ways to make this issue disappear.

    Might add to this as thoughts come, you'll still see me around the forums and Discord. But don't expect me to play beyond collecting my stuff.
  2. Gipsy Danger Jaeger

    Gipsy Danger Jaeger Member

    21 Jun 2017
    " Try new weapons you might like them " or something like that, oh well, they could do that you can buy " only one "
    But if you get from the star crate an rare blast cannon for example, You still CAN buy "only one from shop"
    But you can't...
    So "try new weapons you might like them" ok go **** yourself, with only t1 max level weapon I can go only on toilet with it..
    On battle will be like a bee..
    JustPlainSowad and ThatOnion like this.
  3. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    [Laughs in free2play]
  4. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Why? Because they are your *match*. That is the sole purpose of matchmaking, to find people you have 50-50 change winning against. What you are describing is not that you want fair fights, what you want is easy fights. And I understand, I don't blame you. A lot of people would want to win more than lose. But in a symmetric multiplayer game it's not possible. For every easy win somebody needs to experience an overwhelming loss, always. And if you would be playing against lesser skilled players with same gear than you have exactly that would be happening.

    Over 100 completely F2P players in nightmare might disagree on that.
    I also tried creating a new account to see how it is at the lower end and on the first day with mk1 ship and T1 uncommon items I already got to 600 infamy. Mk2 and T2 uncommon weapons would been easily enough to get over 1k.

    But what would be the alternate? Let's say you get one duplicate per day. It's fun for a week or two and then you get bored because there is nothing new to gain anymore. Commons/uncommons are like that, gaining duplicates is really easy and fast, but there needs to be long term goals also, which is what epics and legendaries are.

    It's easy to always blame "devs are greedy" but the fact is that games have been hard and time consuming since games were invented and it has nothing to do with money. Many old console games were super hard core. In MMO games even before microtransactions you had to grind for you gear even longer than in Battle Bay. In Eve Online maxing out all your skills takes 17 years (last I checked) and you can't even hurry them. Only when developers started to provide the convenience to actually skip some of the effort with money then it became greed to make games require time and effort. Which slightly baffles me personally because at least I actually want the games I play to pose me a challenge and give long term goals for years.
    Mr. Chompers, JJf, _devill and 13 others like this.
  5. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    What he said.
    Mr. Chompers, retryW and The Otherguy like this.
  6. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    1. Good point, but getting hit for 1.5K dmg with 2K Hp doesn't EVERY MATCH isn't fun. At the end of the day I don't care if I've won or lost, I care wether or not it was a good/fun fight and getting 2-shotted and watching my team fight a 5v4 isn't fun . Yeah, a massive loss every once in a while helps, but it shouldn't be every 3 matches. Same thing for easy matches, except those should be a lot rarer. Just matching Mk5's against Mk5's and Mk4's against Mk4's could make the game more enjoyable. (Sorry for the mess that was, brain is still getting fired up)

    2. Somebody with thousands of battles starting a new account doesn't constitute *accurate data* . A newbie with >100 battles won't get that high

    3.Those people most likely have played since soft launch, even over the course of the past 3 months, infamy ranges have changed massively, MK5's are now consistently below 2K infamy.

    4. I don't want a dupe a day, I wouldn't mind paying something like $.99 to get a garunteed rare when i combine, hell, it could be higher, but knowing there's a alternate to just waiting or buying crates while still not knowing if i'll get what i want helps.
  7. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    I dont want a dupe a day. But i get tons of dupes i dont use. And the ones i want I wait months for. Wheres the fun in that.
  8. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Patience is a virtue, but I too believe maining a Fixer was a big mistake.
    Now I only play for the Daily Quests and that's it.
    Forums is much more fun than moron teammates.
  9. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Try diff items? They may be fun? Sure sounds good untill u wana lol them up...i got a mk5 shooter with 3 napalms, a t2 epic, t2 rare , and a t4 uncommon....with 5 more uncommon on standby....yes uncommon is easy to get with daily boxes and stars but rare and up.....had a guy the other day say he's been waiting for months for a 2nd epic bandaid ....i myself have been waiting for months for a 2nd big shield...and befor that I was waiting months for a 2nd OB...finaly got it to t2 max...still waiting on a 3rd....and that's with p2w...iv dumped around 1k into this so far give or take a few hundred...most on epic containers!
    JustPlainSowad likes this.
  10. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    To reiterate how accurate this statement is:
    I was playing as mk4 at above 2k infamy for so long that I got used to ONLY versing mk5 and occasionally seeing a mk6. These days if I ever see a mk4 (same level as me) on the enemy team, I pretty much 'evil laugh' to myself and think "Oh boy! Easy pickings today!!!" The matchmaking is fair enough. Games will always seem fair if you lose or they have a stronger ship or weapons, but at the end of the day you're being ranked on your skill + mk + weapons. The ONLY thing I would change about matchmaking is possibly capping it so that you can only play with players 1 mk up or down from you, so you can't have mk4 matched against mk6 (even though I've won a few of those) or a mk2 against a mk 4.
    Last edited: 20 Sep 2017
  11. Captain Gilligan

    Captain Gilligan Well-Known Member

    16 Jun 2017
    Freelance Motion Designer
    Gilligan's Island
    I agree.
    Yes, it's technically fair. But I consistently get paired with players over 1k infamy above me and 1k infamy below me.
    Sometimes I get paired with mk7 players over 5k infamy which is almost 2k infamy above me!!!
    In every case the infamy on each side equals out. But it's still not "fair" IMO. Would it kill the system to HAVE A CAP? Like a MAX of 500 infamy difference from all players in the match? I understand that the difference in infamy can be great at higher levels. But I also would wait 10x longer for battles explained above than being thrown into chaos and destruction that is 5k infamy players and mk7 ships. (That was a fun sentence)
    Mamamyers likes this.
  12. Shvitz McGergen

    Shvitz McGergen Member

    14 Jul 2017
    In 7100+ games, $100+ I've found 33 Epic items. I have 1 Epic item that actually gives me a slight advantage (Triple Torp) that i dont even use cause its by far the weakest of any of my torps. I'd say I have 1.5 Epics that actually give me an advantage that are above average. The only reason why I still play this mobile game is because I'm insane.
    I have an Mk4 Fixer with 1 meh epic that I cant even use cause it gets slaughtered in seconds at 2300+ infamy. If i wanted to change things up and play with a Defender, perfect ship for a triple torp, I'd have to play for months just to get that ship up to par with my infamy level.
    I totally agree that you need to work hard for rewards, but I know based on my own experience, you can either play for a single legendary Piece (if lucky 10% of an item), or you can write your autobiography, film the movie-version, eat the film, and have a team of monkeys randomly type the transcript on keyboards until they perfectly rewrote your entire life. And you'll need to do that 15-20 more times until you git your legendary whatever... Let's say, for shits and giggles, its a legendary duct tape. I'm not sure what I'd do physically to my phone after that.
    Ovidmikel and JustPlainSowad like this.
  13. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    5v5 premades needs to happen in some form. One doesn't have to be a genius or even especially bright to figure this out.
    NaveFantasma likes this.
  14. JustPlainSowad

    JustPlainSowad Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Product Manager//Technology Entrepreneur
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    Well, I guess I'm a noob.

    The Otherguy likes this.
  15. JustPlainSowad

    JustPlainSowad Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Product Manager//Technology Entrepreneur
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    What about duplicate rares? Make them a little easier to get? Maybe improve the star crates a bit?

  16. JustPlainSowad

    JustPlainSowad Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Product Manager//Technology Entrepreneur
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    the 420 exp got me cracking. plus the infamy but you know what? i feel getting infamy on fixer is much easier compared to other boats. when i have a fixer as friend and battle I win 80% of the times and if the unfriends have a fixer I lost 80% of the times.
  17. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    MM can be tough sometimes it's possible to hit nightmare without paying. I've made it to nightmare with only my crappy setup and composition. Everyone hates me because of that.
    Last edited: 20 Sep 2017
  18. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I'm done soon aswell. Depending on next update I'm scrapping all my items and deleting, I don't enjoy the game anymore
    behumble likes this.
  19. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I'd hate that. I'm mk5 but I like the matchups with mk7, and it would make matchmaking worse if it weren't allowed. Wait times can be serious up here, and if they always had to wait for a full roster of mk6 they'd only increase. I don't think anyone wants to have wait times of a minute.
    retryW likes this.
  20. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    I'd like to point out something...
    If you can get matched with +/- 1 mk from your own, how about situation where there is 2x mk4's, 1x mk5. Which marks would those last two be? --> mk 6 or 3. This is because of those are + or - 1 mk from your team members' marks so this couldn't work. Which ship would tell the system which marks can be included? Nowadays system works this way already.

    Oh, and don't tell me there's mk 5 ships in mk 2-3's matches when we go below 1000 infamy matches. It's simply because of those tankers so please do not pull them to this situation. That is completely different discussion.

    This is not meant to be offensive :)

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