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Advice Needed! Pls?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by MistikaDan, 15 Sep 2017.

  1. MistikaDan

    MistikaDan New Member

    23 Aug 2017
    I’m going out on a limb here a making a thread as my second action since joining… I have been stalking for a while but I cannot seem to find much that has to do with lower infamies. I have a few questions and an idea for a map.

    I just got mk4 a few weeks ago and have been desperately trying to figure out what I should really go with. I have fun with the shooter but it feels slow and fairly low on health. I have even more fun with enforcer but the health is a huge problem especially because it’s still at mk3. I also copied the fixer idea from @GenkiGamers video on Turtle. I think it really comes down to fixer and enforcer. There are always enough shooters, especially at lower infamies. Here are pics of my current loadouts.

    Screenshot_20170915-090456.png Screenshot_20170915-090525.png Screenshot_20170915-090617.png

    I have been using the defender and speeder as duplicate storage so I have almost enough to get a tier V UC turbo or a tier V UC pulse. I have been hoarding a bit so maybe some scrapping is in the works but I used to get rid of sniper, blast and explosive cannons and all mortars. I have started keeping fire bombs and am trying to get a good UC blast or sniper going for my enforcer. All rare tier 2s are really new except the swift torpedo. Woe is me who scrapped the wrong things...

    I am also worried about my infamy… I have barely gotten past 750 on a good day. I can go from ~575-725 on any given day. I have heard rumors of a document by @Miika that tells what infamy each mk should be at but I cannot seem to find it. I think the worst thing I do is positioning. As enforcer I sometimes without thinking rush into the middle of the capture point, guns wide open, and subsequently get targeted for my lower health and die… I am fairly good at not doing that as fixer but I do have trouble switching between firing napalm and launching a repair box.

    Here's a few replays: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wJZKuTe7LER0oWM23 (Pretend you don't see my real name...)

    A MAP!!! I’ve been contemplating this for while and thought as much as I could. I was thinking a big warehouse that was broken down and abandoned per usual. It would have a lot of broken windows so lighting wouldn’t be a big problem. The biggest part of the map is the big pillars holding the roof up. It would make good hiding places but completely change the gameplay from normal because of the running for cover behind a pillar. It might be lopsided for yellow ships so having some machines or crates sticking just out of the water like a low wall would give shooters and defenders some good cover.

    I have no idea if this will ever happen but maybe Rovio can basically test a community created weapon for a short period of time and see if it actually works or not. Clash Royale (the other game I play) does this. They come up with different forms of gameplay and test it for a short time. They did this with 2v2 and it was extremely popular so they made it permanent. Is there any chance of this?
  2. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Try swapping bandage to shield on enforcer and put hp perks if you want hp boost.. here is my setup on mk4 fixer using this I got upto 1800+.. Hope it helps Screenshot_20170914-235510.jpeg and if using a speeder use there is choice which type you want to play a quick hit and run or supportive speeder or speedy assassin.
    Use torpedo and any cannon you like to support in damage dealing or 2 cannons for dealing quick damage and running away or assassin one heavy heating like BC or big torp which end a ship completely.
    Wishaal likes this.
  3. MistikaDan

    MistikaDan New Member

    23 Aug 2017
    Good idea. I swapped the bandage to a rare tier II big shield and went from 1675 to 2198. I think being over 2k is enough of a deterrent. Thanks for the quick response!
  4. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Anytime mate.
  5. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Just go with shooter until mk5, there are so many mk5's up throughs the thousands that only insanely skilled players can get up without shooter (i'm excluding fixer because that relies on decent team mates, which doesn't happen). Also, try moving from uncommons to rares, and don't bother with epics
  6. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Definitely will help your odds of survival. 1600hp is pretty fragile; if you consider that your Shooter loadout has an Epic Cannon, Rare Explosive Cannon, and Rare Swift Torp, that hit for 200, 250, 300 damage (guessing here?) that's going to shave a good chunk of your life off from just one Mk4 deciding "yeah I don't like that big yellow ship over there"

    In addition to +300HP +5DEF, Mk4 Enforcer will also give you a 3RR 3YY 2BB loadout, so while your weapon slots stay the same, you'll be able to fit a Tesla Shield in conjunction with either Overboost or Nitro in your yellows, and your Blues can be a Shield + Turbo for more maneuverability.
  7. MistikaDan

    MistikaDan New Member

    23 Aug 2017
    So basically just work on getting good items and training then when I'm higher and have better teamates then I can switch?

    True but at this level with the shield "nerf" where it stuns when broken it really doesn't work well. I have two rare frost launchers so that was my plan instead of the nitro.
    ThatOnion likes this.
  8. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    That's a good setup. Frost works well with torpedos and you've got one, so make sure you pick the "bonus damage to frozen targets" perks and talents, then go ahead and drive yourself away from my Fixer ;)
  9. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Pretty much

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