Infinity, the only problem with this, is that yes, it might satisfy the top 20 guilds in the game that have super active guilds. But it will be extremely difficult for this to apply to the next 200 guilds that might have a few super active members and the rest are just casual players. Can you imagine the difficulty coordinating this 10 vs 10 event? And what if you are a low-infamy player on your guild. Your leader will never select you for the team.
Here is another idea, which might allow more people to participate:
1. Have a tournament that takes place every Saturday and Sunday and Wednesday nights(you must incorporate a weekday, so it keeps people interested throughout the week)
2. Make a new *Exclusive* battle map just for the tournaments.
3. The SHIPS and Weapons are completely even for all players(for instance, everyone plays with MK5 level ships with Tier 1 epics items)
4. When you enter the Tournament Lobby, you select your ship type and select your weapons/items.
5. Then you move into the Tournament Matchups. From this screen you can either "join a 5 person random team", or select "start a new custom team". From the new custom team, you can invite 4 players of your choice. Once all 4 players you've invited join the team, you then move into the battle against another team(it could be a random 5 people, or it could be another custom 5 person squad). Because all weapons are EQUAL, you can fleet with whomever you want, this is all a skill-based tourney, it doesn't matter if you're a whale or not. If you can't get 5 people to fleet with, you can just have 2 or 3 or 4, and then have a button to select other players randomly.
6. Allow 30 seconds of CHAT for each team before the battle starts
7. There is no re-spawning, the battles are played how they are now. The tournament game however might add bonuses for multiple "ship kills" or for fixers (if you heal a player under 1000 HP and that player subsequently makes a Kill, the fixer also gets credit for that Kill)
8. You can play as many tournament battles as you like.
9. After each tournament (One on Wednesday, One on Saturday, and One of Sunday) there are tournament rewards. From the tournament lobby, there is a leaderboard for multiple statistical categories, and everyone can follow it to see who is in the top 100 and your own ranking.
10. The categories for tournament rewards are: (almost all of these should be based on % or averages, because otherwise the people that play the most will win everything.) And have a 10 or 20 battle minimum to qualify for rewards. Like the top 20 for each category get special badges added to their names tags during battles, and maybe 1st place gets some exclusive badge or custom boat(like all black) to use for a week.
-Win/Loss ratio % (it must be based on winning %)
-Average Damage per battle
-Average HEALING per battle for fixers (if you want this reward, you must play fixer for the whole tournament, otherwise your average will do down by playing shooter or speeder,etc)
-Average Kills per Battle(or kill assists for fixers)
-And maybe most important (Average Overall Battle Ranking) This would be a system similar to how they reward STARS at the end of each battle. You are giving a ranking 0 to 100 for each battle, which is a formula of Kills/Frozen Damage/Fire Damage/Healing/Wins. This would be a type of ranking that would tell you the # 1 overall Player for the tournament.
- etc (maybe another category that speeders would have the advantage)
I think the EQUAL power boat/weapons is a much better idea, so that everyone that participates is equal during the tournament.
One way I see for the DEVELOPERS to make money during the tournament is to allow for the use of PEARLS in the tournament lobby to buy the following:
-Custom Colored Boats (the more exclusive the design, the more pearls) and the custom color can be used throughout that day's tournament
-Charge 5 or 10 pearls per battle per person for the ability to join the "5 person custom teams".
-From the tournament lobby, charge 5 or 10 pearls for a player to have 30 minutes on the Tournament Map by themselves. This way we can test our boats on the map and the weapons and develop locations for mortars/mines/torpedo. And the developer can make a few $$ for our ability to do this.
Just my thoughts.
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