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Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Gamesmith420, 8 May 2017.


Will fixers ever receive compensation for a job well done? And do you think they should?

Poll closed 18 May 2017.
  1. Yes

  2. Maybe? Should definitely be considered!

  3. No

  1. NosTermite

    NosTermite New Member

    8 May 2017
    I'm lvl 10 cap if you want a "pocket healer"
  2. Synchronicity

    Synchronicity New Member

    12 May 2017
    At the least it would be nice to have it as part of a more detailed personal stat sheet for the battle. I have been playing exclusively fixer and you can't track progress with the way it's set up now.
    Mr squiqqle likes this.
  3. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Yeah, hopefully they add it to the game.
  4. leonard tan

    leonard tan New Member

    12 May 2017
    For all you new fixers, this is not an easy path for you to take... Because (i) Many players will make it very difficult for you to do your job by NOT staying together; (ii) Not protect you; (iii) Expect you to follow them like a dog; and (iv) take your heal boxes with full HP.

    It gets increasingly harder above 3500 infamy where most players are somewhat seasoned captains whom will target you non stop. The matching making is designed more towards damage and you will realised that as a fixer without firepower, you tend to lose more often.

    Nonetheless, the secret to being a good fixer is good coordination, aim and sense of awareness. All these come with hours of practice.

    A word of advice, the best fixers are box fixers, which can instant heal fast. In order to do that you need very very good aim. If you choose the path of lame pulse pulse pulse healing, you will never attain the max heal output a fixer is capable of. Lastly, to all you people who even suggested duct tape for a fixer, you don't have any farking brains and should delete your fixer immediately. Your job is first to heal others and at the same time heal yourself. Unless you are Leonut with incredible God like aim, you can do whatever you want and no one can say anything about you. Peace. =)
    Maskrik, rlxgenerate and Mr squiqqle like this.
  5. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Well said brother...I'll take that into consideration when I get up there.
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Such strong opinions!
    Id love to see a screenshot of your Fixer setup & infamy ;)
    Almost every mk5+6 Fixer runs double Pulse - Its not solely because they cant aim with Box, Pulse outshines it as soon as your team is under pressure & puts out significantly more hps.

    For a Mk6 Ill agree with you on Box>Tape for the 3rd healing item, you carry enough hp+healing from double pulse at that point.

    For a good mk4 player (25-2900'ish infamy) Ill make a strong case for Duct Tape - You are facing top mk6 boats and need the Tape to survive and be mobile, a dead Fixer aint fixing anything.

    Best thing about global being down is that you dont have to listen to the know-it-all Shooters that are 5levels ahead of you while sporting 1k less infamy ;)
    In short, I disagree with you - Id like to say respectfully disagree, but your approach to arguing your case makes that hard.
  7. leonard tan

    leonard tan New Member

    12 May 2017
    Reach nightmare and see for yourself. I don't give free lunches.
    Duct tape lol. You are one of the fixer wannabes that should delete or switch to another ship early...
    Akagi of Renegades likes this.
  8. Akagi of Renegades

    Akagi of Renegades New Member

    12 May 2017
    He is Leonut of Renegades one of the best if not the best fixers out there. I wud suggest you heed his advice because he is one of the very few who has been a fixer from the start. As for items and infamy, my boy has T5 epic everything and his infamy is always above 4k.. And using a duct tape in any case will cost the team to lose indefinately. In any case if you are last man standing ,whats the point of self healing and surviving when you probably cant finish off the remaining opponents by yourself.
  9. WildVicar

    WildVicar New Member

    9 May 2017
    This is soooo true!
  10. KnightOfZ

    KnightOfZ Member

    8 May 2017
    What does duct tape do anyway?
    I assume it heals you over time with slightly more heal than pulse and 1 more second of duration, but the cool down is longer ~5s.

    Which means there's 10s between reusing ductape and ~6s between reusing heal pulse so in the end the 4 extra pulses most likely healed more overall.

    It seems pretty crappy for a self heal when an aoe heal is p much the same if not better, much less once you factor allies who also benefit.

    I try to find uses for everything but this looks like scrap even if it's legendary.

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  11. JJf

    JJf Member

    22 Apr 2017
    I don't know about the others but for me the items I use depend much on what I've found. I am using double lvl 30 rare pulse on my MK5 fixer. I'd like to test one pulse and double boxes because I liked to use box launcher in my MK4 fixer. Anyway, I've found only four rare box launchers so I could use only lvl30 pulse and box launcher and one lvl10 box launcher. I guess that wouldn't work. So far I've found only one epic green item and it was a duct tape. Fortunately it happened when it was possible to sell items so I received about a million gold by selling it and was able to upgrade my ship.

    I don't know if I'm just unlucky but I must play with given hand and try to be as good as possible. The double pulse is also nice because with good timing and aim you can fix several ships with one pulse.
  12. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @KnightOfZ In a world where both used [2] Green or you had unlimited green slots then that is true - Noone is suggesting using a it over Pulse.
    @Akagi I love that he referred to his own skills in 3rd person then, what a douche :) Oh well goes to show that social abilities aren't required for high infamy!

    Despite the pathetic personal insults I'll go again: Mr Leonut I'm sure Box was great on a mk4 ship when you started out & noone was floating around in mk6 boats with T5 epic items -- The game for a new mk4 is vastly different now. & again, I'll agree that Box is the correct choice once you hit mk6 - But my experience at mk4 (till about last week) was vastly different that yours.
    So for newer players - Once you get to mk6 re-read what the mr arrogance wrote above. At mk4 do yourself a favour & give both Box & Tape a try, I'll bet you can maintain higher infamy with Tape
    Mr gets em and Whistler like this.
  13. leonard tan

    leonard tan New Member

    12 May 2017
    I used box since mk3 fixer. You only get good from using it from ground level up. You know nothing so I suggest you STFU before you embarrass yourself even more.
  14. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    The issue isn't duct tape vs pulse because pulse has 2 slot points. It is tape vs box or pulse vs 2 box. The itemization scheme the way it is makes it hard to fairly test all of the fixer combos. It's difficult to have dupes at the appropriate levels to adequately test.
    Mr gets em likes this.
  15. RESQMI

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    Wow... chill guys.... lets not take things personally. This thread is suppose to be a discussion for fixer user.
    Regardless of what set up you use there will be pros and cons. For me personally I'm like jjf, just use what ever I have available on hand.
    JJf likes this.
  16. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Also, the repair box launcher is difficult to use I think we can agree but that is part of skill of the game I suppose.

    One issue I think is with the physics engine of the game that makes it a bit counter intuitive. If you are following a ship at a constant velocity and launch box it does not seem to gain the relative velocity of your fixer so the box lands behind the ship. i.e. you seem to aim at a fixed target regardless of other boats moving and your own boat moving combined with limited range makes it difficult to hit a moving target unless they are coming at you.
  17. RESQMI

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    That's where experience comes in with repair box, you can anticipate where the player is moving to launch the box in front or behind it.
    For me personally repair boxes set up works well with turbo and over boost. Usually i rush infront of the target to drop off the boxes so that it can pick them up.
  18. Steven

    Steven Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Got 750k to buy a rare something....any suggestions? Heal stuff? Bigger gun? Bigger turbo?

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  19. Whistler

    Whistler Active Member

    2 May 2017
    If you feel the healing you do is enough for now then I'd go for a speed upgrade
  20. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Although I've been warned by the humble fixerking to not embarrass myself anymore, I'll be brave & answer ;)
    My suggestion would be to buy Repair Pulse first -- You'll be using that one until you've found 7-8 epic Repair Pulse's. A Turbo or Overboost might become obsolete if you come across an epic version.
    Last edited: 17 May 2017
    Mr gets em likes this.

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