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[Server Update 01.06.17] Changes to draws and leagues

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 1 Jun 2017.

  1. Bo Oetjen

    Bo Oetjen Member

    7 May 2017
    And here is why the draw system is flawed. We drew and I lost the point of infamy because a speeder with like 20 health stayed away. How about if there is a draw, whoever has more capture percentage or more remaining health wins the game, rather than it being based on total infamy (since people like to bring in significantly low infamy players into match with them, which skews the matchmaking). There was no way for this shooter to catch the speeder.

    The draw system needs to be looked at again. I'm fine with the team with more boats winning, rather than drawing. But, the remaining boats should be awarded for game play (capturing) , not cowardice (running away).

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    DaveRay35 likes this.
  2. Bo Oetjen

    Bo Oetjen Member

    7 May 2017
    Yes, it's based on total infamy of the team when it comes to a draw. The team with the lesser amount of total infamy is awarded the +1 infamy point and the higher infamy team -1. Draws have always worked in that manner.
  3. boagente75

    boagente75 Member

    1 Jun 2017
    So the season ended, had 4156 infamy for season end as highest achieved during the season. And then I decided to try another kind of ship. After lots of games, my infamy dropped to 3583 but no problem since new season will start with same level of infamy for everyone right, which is 4000? It didn't happen unfortunately. My new season start still shows me at 3583 infamy. This was not my understanding of the announcement stating "no need to camp your infamy".
  4. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    You clearly made a miss-interpretation. I think the OP made it fairly clear that you would PLACE in the league based on your highest infamy. It does NOT state anywhere that you infamy will jump up to match that bracket, nor that everyones infamy will drop down to match yours.
    eg. If you hit 4k+, you can keep playing without being scared that if you fall below it (like you did to 3583) you will still get placed in Nightmare. You will still have to work your way back up to stay there next season though. It would be silly if they gave you 500 infamy points for free.
  5. Hodges

    Hodges Well-Known Member

    4 May 2017
    It resets if you are over 4000 infamy but if you fall below you have to build back up.
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Thank you for extending axe 1 from 3500 till 4000 while keeping the rewards the same.

    Wouldnt have any upcoming scum anywhere near the legendary item pieces eh.

    Goalposts moved again :(
  7. Ender1721

    Ender1721 New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    It would be nice if you're only one player survived that you earn less points lost for your team
    ThirstySeal likes this.
  8. Victormarziali

    Victormarziali New Member

    25 Jul 2017
    Buenos aires
    [QUOTE = "Zeus, post: 10812, member: 9"] Hola los batalladores,

    Estamos haciendo algunos cambios en la liga de pesadilla y la funcionalidad de dibujo, estos cambios son todos del lado del servidor por lo que no tendrá que descargar una nueva versión.
    • Si el tiempo se agota con ambos equipos con al menos un barco vivo, el equipo con más naves vivas será victorioso. Si el número es igual, todavía se producirá un empate. Este cambio entrará en vigor hoy.
    Cambios en la liga
    • Pesadilla liga comenzará ahora en 4000 infamia, efectiva para la temporada a partir del 19 de junio y en adelante.
    • Su colocación final de la liga usará ahora su infamia más alta de la estación en vez de la infamia en el momento del final de la estación al determinar su posición final y recompensas. Esto significa que usted no tiene que "acampar" su infamia más, pero que son libres de tratar de empujar lo más alto que pueda sin miedo a perder la infamia de las recompensas de fin de temporada. Eficaz la próxima temporada
    Hola zeus todo bien pero q pasa con este juego llegue a 1839 de infamia ahora estoy en los 1100 no puede ser q siempre que entró a jugar me tocan equipos re desparejos y pierdo siempre en ves de subir bajo y bajo.. arreglame eso x favor
  9. SpottedMartyr397

    SpottedMartyr397 New Member

    19 Aug 2017
    We played a battle and sank 4 rivals and one ship was sunk. After the finish, 24 points were deducted and our opponent got 24 points. Still, why did not the opponent shoot 1 shot and get a gold star.[​IMG]

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    Last edited: 19 Aug 2017
  10. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    *Cough*There's something called a capture circle*Cough*
    Bo Oetjen and SAME DIFF3R3NC3 like this.

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