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Play style and builds

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by CheekyDevilGod, 19 Aug 2017.

  1. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    There are 5 classes in battle bay and each and every ship can be built and played in different ways. Each one suitable in certain scenarios, extremely unfavourable in others.

    If you have a unique build and style with which you can rock the game, please share so others can learn to play it the same way.

    Here are some builds and styles that I've seen, heard of or tried in game that were cool.

    Shooter Styles and builds:

    Mortar shooter: Let's start with the most popular one in the current meta, mortar shooter is a mid to long range beast, I call any ship with 3 or more mortars as a mortar shooter. One if it's greatest specialities is shooting from cover, worst nightmare to any team that's grouped together. Mortar shooters aren't just amazing at causing tons of dmg but also fishing ships out, crowd control and splitting up teams if used in the right way. Their biggest drawback is their inability to function in closed spaces, with roofs and are useless in close range. Mortar users should consider using napalm to fish out targets from covered spaces and aid in crowd control. Very risky to play in open without any cover. Works best when you fleet with a ship that uses frost launcher.

    The gun slinger: Probably the exact opposite of the mortar shooter in play style. These guys use all close to long range guns which either fire straight or arc slightly. They use anything from blast cannon to railguns, extremely useful in closed spaces if the enemy runs mortars. Problem with the build is you can almost never use cover cause it's a point and shoot weapon, you need some decent speed and turret agility to run this build.

    Close range shooter: Extremely rare to find this one, I've only even heard of it, These guys use weapons like blast cannons, explosive cannons and standard cannons. Sounds like a very risky build to play with but apparently slightly less riskier than the mid range shooter. Not sure about how effective this style is cause very few people play it. It obviously needs tons of skill to pull of. It is highly recommend that nobody use this style until they get 3 blue slots, a high level, high rarity rudder, turbo and lube. You need tons of speed, agility and turret agility to pull it off.

    The mid range shooter:

    Apparently the riskiest role to play, most highly targeted player in the team. You are neither too close for them to not attack you, nor are you too far. You are in the sweet range where everybody can beat the poop out of you. These shooters use all mid range weapons like grenade, missile, std cannon and etc. Despite the risks they face, these are the only shooters which can do tons of dmg to enemy ships in cover without delay. This style and build is amazing to play with as it functions equally well at all maps and scenarios, within roofs, closed spaces and etc.

    The torpedo guy: I wouldn't really call this a "style" but merely a build. Very effective against ships in narrow place. Use big torps in crowds and swift torps if they are close enough and you want a sure crit. The big torpedo is hard to see coming and you won't even guess that the swift torp is a swift torp till it hits you and you die. Triple torp spits 3 torps which diverge outward. I've never heard of anybody play a full torp mk5 shooter but I really want to try it out.

    You can do a lot by simply spamming lots of torpedos lol. Works best when fleeted with a guy who runs frost launcher and blaster. Also helps a little with crowd control of you want them to stay away from a line.

    Long range shooter:

    Everybody knows this, uses sniper, railgun, long range mortar, torpedo or any other weapon with a huge range. Stays at the back of the team and keeps firing. Never really as out of the range as he or she hopes and not as safe to play as expected. Half the weaponry might be useless against a speeder or enforcer in close range. Good idea to spend resources on a good turbo to help get in position, do not waste any on rudder or gear lube. Works kinda decent.

    Standard shooter: Probably the most popular shooter style, this one follows no "routine build" it covers all ranges and arcs. It's a safe build, doesn't give any advantages in any scenario, doesn't get weak in any scenario either.

    The mine pooper: The least popular shooter build and style, a ship with either mostly mines or all mines. I think mines are best for speeders and a mine on a shooter is a waste of a slot. But in this case.

    I actually think this could work, unfortanately these ships play it in the worst possible way to play it.

    They literally keep pooping mines everywhere they go as they sail. Sad to see they think a ship some 25 units in front of them is going to be sailing into a mine you pooped behind you.

    If you play mine pooper or wanna try it out, do it the speeder way. Lose the shields, go full turbos, use a bandage or rudder if you want and place mines strategically.

    If you build a line of mines, very obviously your enemies will be able to see the mines and won't even go near.

    Place 2 mines in the very corners and 1 mine in the dead centre, tempting them to go past the line and die, chances are they won't even see the mines near they edge of a cliff, turning or corner.

    Always place mines at the edge of all corners. Cover the whole map and poop mines in strategic spots instead of leaving a trail of mines behind you.

    Only build a wall of mines if you WANT them NOT to ENTER an area. Use your speed, keep moving, never get close to the actual fight cause if yu do, you dead.

    The flame thrower:

    The up and coming trend in battle bay, all burn weapons and weapons that take advantage of burning. Flare gun, fire bomb and blast cannon with burn perks are a must. Sniper and napalm might be added. Works kinda well, The same build with a napalm instead of a sniper functions as an amazing "support shooter".

    You help with crowd control, give burn dmg AND you make them weak against other weapons with burn dmg. Helps lot to get 3 stars.

    That's it for shooters, if y'all know any ither shooter styles and builds, please post them here.

    I'll post builds and styles for other ships later.

    Please make corrections if you note any mistakes and make contributions of your own.

    Thank you very much.
    Last edited: 19 Aug 2017
    Neptune_Gaming likes this.
  2. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    My enforcer mk4 build is a close range high damage build. I use grenade, swift torp, overboost, nitro, turbo and small shield. I usually stick with my team firing torps and nitro dodging. If i see a foolish ship under 1k hp who dare leaves his pack i break away and get the jump on him from behind(or boldy in front) and chuck a grenade at him (hopefully he catches fire) then i drive away leaving a goodbye present (my torp) to finish him off. I also tend to drive around the map behind unfriendlies and undetected to drop torps and if Im close enough grenades
    CheekyDevilGod and The Otherguy like this.
  3. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    I use same thing! T2 rare does 430 something, and t3 uncommon torp does 600 something. Except on the speeder with a big torp and a tesla bolt instead of OB. Love it close one on one.
  4. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Please explain strength and weaknesses.
  5. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Enforcer playstyle and builds:

    Speeder Enforcer:

    The most used enforcer style (in the lower leagues). Speeders are awesome ships, they're super fast, super agile, they aide in distracting and all. Very useful. However the enforcer has 1 ability where it is undisputed againt any other ship. Reverse speed.

    Somebody figured out that the enforcer plays the role of a speeder somewhat better than a real speeder, probably the creator of "The Enforcer Dance".

    Building a speeder enforcer is real simple, turbo, bandage, overboosts and nitros, notably my least favorite enforcer build and style but who cares. Please note that it is suicide to get close to your enemies with this build. Stay away, keep doing the enforcer dance and keep shooting at them.

    While you distract, your team fights. Use close to mid range weapons.

    The dog fighter: Now this one is kinda cool, turbo is must, you can use shield or bandage for the second slot, meh. For control items, tesla shield and bolt is must. This enforcer can pretty much take out any ship as long as it's solo.

    Stay with the team, you find a solo ship that's far from team, charge in real close and keep shooting/stunning till it dies. Abort mission if aid shows up. Kinda thrilling to play but kinda situational. Use close to mid range weapons.

    The supporter: This is my personal fav kind and the one that I'm building, no shields, no overboost, no nitro. Grab a turbo, shield or bandage, frost launcher, blaster or tesla bolt.

    Exploit the badass turret agility and go wild. Freeze ships, stun, do your thing. This style works as an anti speeder, anti flanker and amazing support too. Use weapons like mortar or torps to take full advantage of freeze.

    My knowkedge about enforcers are limited as I don't play them much so this is all I can tell. Thanks, please add more or correct something I missed
    Kraptastic likes this.
  6. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I changed to overboost tesla bolt. The weakness of the ob nitro was speeders. Hard to predict their movement when theyre nitroing and boosting everywhere and i cant out run them if i tried. Overboost tesla allows me to counter them nicely. Tesla allows me to stop usage of all items while givimg me time to retalliate or make an escape. The weakness with this one is i cant dodge multiple mortars. Strengths is that its fantastic in 1v1s especially if the terrain is in your favor
    CheekyDevilGod and The Otherguy like this.
  7. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    I use T2 rare does 430 something, and t3 uncommon big torp does 600 something on the speeder with a tesla bolt and nitro, and bandage + turbo or big shield. Love it close one on one. But mostly I use it to dash past and hit the with torp+grenade+tesla the nitro.
  8. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Got a style and build you wanna throw out there?.
  9. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Speeder styles:

    Several builds here will be similar to enforcer builds due to how similar the 2 ships are.

    Pure Speeder:

    Not a style but a build

    This ship uses nothing but speed enhancing items, turbo, rudder, overboost, nitro, dual cannon combo. Very fast, hard to hit, Very weak, can die easily.

    The flanker:

    Goes around the map the long way and then flanks the team from behind, you either distract the team, draw aggro, or you get ignored and keep hitting them till you kill somebody. A bit risky and certain suicide if enemy team has an enforcer.

    Works well if the flanker and targets the same player.

    The assasin:

    2 really powerful short or mid range weapons, tesla bolt and nitro. Wait for an enemy ship to lose a lot of hp and is backing off.

    Close in and finish them off. Works really well as a clean up. You will rake up a lot of dmg. Kind of useless till enemy team has a dying ship.

    Dog fighter:

    A bit more tricky, use tesla bolt, tesla shield, 2 powerful weapons which work on long term. Turbo and rudder or turbo and bandage may work best.

    Attack with 2 weapons, stun, use shield as stun is about to wear off. Attack eith 2 weapons, stun, repeat. Can possibly 1v1 any ship aside from enforcer. Useless in team fights.

    Support speeder:

    Uses no nitro or overboost, only tesla bolt and freeze blaster builds, uses 2 mid to long range guns and supports. Can helo get more stars and wins but Does less dmg and kills, Cannot carry the team. Useless if you have stupid teammates, need to rely on team to deal dmg and win.
  10. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Not going to lie I tried several setups and spamming mortars and firebomb works best for me, especially when unfriendlies stay grouped around a fixer and there's an obstacle I can strafe back and forth behind

    Grenades for when people get too close, I'm good at leading them

    Attached Files:

    CheekyDevilGod and The Otherguy like this.
  11. • Percy •

    • Percy • Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    9th grader
    A hospital
    I don't know what you call this build but I'm a mk 4 speeder. I've won countless one on one battles against speeders, shooters, you name it. I have the classic flare gun blast cannon combo with all turbos and nitro and ob. I find this technique to be most useful. Strengths are that you almost always win one on ones but weaknesses are you can't stun a player and take out the other, basically 2 or more on 1. I want to work on mines or grenades and keep my blast so yup, that's my speeder build/play style
    CheekyDevilGod likes this.
  12. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    You're around my infamy because I know I played with you a few times recently
  13. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    my enforcer style is perhaps dogfighter...
    blast/flare/grenade - teslabolt/teslashield - turbo/shield
    captain build "specific" :
    wanted all reduce heal => flare gun can reduce, and teslabolt can stop heal, now i train bhurt for fire perk too.
    wanted a good speed with turbo => T4 for at least 1.15 speed
    wanted a good hp pool => all HP improve i can up in captain build

    => con (easier to find than pro...)
    no heal
    no speed for avoid mortar
    no ran away, no possibility to ran after a speedy speeder or fixer (but a good teslabolt stop the use of nitro of ob, so can really help)

    really dangerous at close/middle range,
    good amount of hp 3.6K at mk5
    sure to kill a boat with same HP
    sure to kill a fixer even alone
    sure to kill a lowhp boat even if a friend come help him (teslabolt on friend...)
    good for attack a group:
    the idea is to switch target as often as possible...
    make fire dot on everyone, stun boat with regenHP, attack lower hp, turn around, move back,... in the most chaotic movement you can do.
    work against group, speeder come an run away...enforcer come and turn around... horrible for focus.

    why this build? i hate regenhp, i hate camper... in this build even if my team camp i can do a lots of chaos. If opponent camp, i make chaos too.
    CheekyDevilGod likes this.
  14. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Hit 'n Run
  15. • Percy •

    • Percy • Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    9th grader
    A hospital
    I tried the assassin and hit and run in a couple of matches and boy was it fun! I dealt like 3000 damage in each match my average is 2500 I'm happy. I'm going to continue with this play style and keep my loadout
    The Otherguy and CheekyDevilGod like this.
  16. • Percy •

    • Percy • Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    9th grader
    A hospital
    I don't remember you but I'll find you in my battle log ;)
  17. Kraptastic

    Kraptastic Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Nice work Cheeky Devil God. I have a feeling this Thread will continue to get attention as people keep figuring out different ways to play the game. I'm back to a Tesla Shield build on my enforcer, and have found that it is really helpful protecting fixers from mortars (sometimes). Protector Enforcer?
    CheekyDevilGod likes this.
  18. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    I haven't really found much use for yellow items other than speed, overboost and nitro but from watching porth0s videos they seem to be a lot more useful at higher levels when players are more organized and the action is much faster paced
  19. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Aye, I hope so. Haven't added defender and fixer styles yet, will work on that later.

    A team fighter enforcer isn't something I've thought of despite it being really popular in higher leagues simply because I am not aware of the build required aside from tesla shield.

    If I'm not wrong, you need dual tesla shields, however you only get enough slots to run dual tesla at mk5. If you run this build then you cannot dog fight, support or do anything aside from tank. You don't get another yellow slot till mk6 where you can add an overboost.

    Running tesla shields, shields and playing defender enforcer was a style that was popular before the tesla shield nerf. 4 second stun is no joke.
  20. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Have you seen the selfish fixer style?

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