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makes no sense + news on upcoming updates?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Bunta, 17 Aug 2017.

  1. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    i already wrote it somewhere, i agree and i say that this game needs more "bang for the buck"
    especially for legendary items which are basically almost cash-shop-only items, they should rescale all of the legendaries items to give out more benefits, weapons included, or scale down epics\rares etch...
    Bunta likes this.
  2. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    I don't think they need to scale down epics.
    The more you advance in the game, the more health boats get.
    I think they need to rescale the legendary items and make it worth it.
    Remove the limitations which is a total waste for every classes item, and make legendary perks for legendary only items as well.

    Legendary are supposed to be the "ultimate" items in the game but due to restrictions, it's so useless.

    I really hope the devs will consider things, since a lot of players don't know why they should be getting legendary (beside weapons) items.
    Make it the ultimate items and they would make a lot of $$.
    DeeMeester likes this.
  3. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I agree on this. Some items shouldn't have a tier 4 or 5 if there's no extra use. If a tier 3 legendary frost blaster gives you the 4 perks and max frost effect there should be no tier 4 or 5 for that item. Same with rudder, lube, turbo etc
    DeeMeester likes this.
  4. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Hi RNG Bunta!

    If your items are good enough you can then spare to pick different talents and perks while still retaining the maximum effect. For example many of the rudder boosting talents are on the same levels as flare gun talents. This means if you play with flare gun you need to compromise on rudder performance unless you have a really good rudder and you don't need those talents to max out your turning. You can also fit ship hitpoint perks to the remaining slots if your item is able to max out the stat without perk effects.

    It depends a bit on what are you freezing. Speeder with maxed out overboost already is faster than what maxed epic frost blaster can freeze to minimum limit, and if the speeder also has a nitro then even legendary is not enough to go all the way down to minimum speed. With overboost and nitro the speed goes to all the way to eleven (pun intended).

    Btw, the min speed is 0.33. I remembered it wrong earlier when you asked it, sorry!

    Hmm, what do you mean by this? T5L never has less health than T5E unless there is somewhere a bug we have missed.

    What do you mean by +20%? The effect goes all the way to triple digits and all that speed is allowed to go over the max speed. The effect of the last 10% might seem insignificant when driving alone but the difference is very clear if you you are chasing (or be chased) by another fast ship.

    Sure definitely. But that is why there is always at least some kind of a benefit from higher level items. I admit it's smaller/different with Turbo/Rudder/Gear lube than with other items but it's there still.

    I have a maxed out T5E overboost and at least I would love to have a T5L. When I only had T4E it was frustrating that Orpheus was always running away from me and I couldn't ever catch him. Now I don't fall behind at least anymore but would love to be able to actually catch him in any situation.

    All items do have deminishing returns in performance-per-price ratio at the top end (like pretty much everything in life) but I'd hardly call anything becoming worthless. Your T5L OB is better than T5E, your T5L shields are better than T5E etc. The only exception to this is turbo, gear lube and rudder but even with those items you then get to pick talents more freely and use other perks in them increasing other stats.

    Time seems to be flowing faster there. :) It's been exactly 1 month since previous balancing update and less than 2 months since previous client update. Our statement has always been that we aim to bring roughly monthly updates. There has been 15 releases in the past 17 months so we have almost been able to keep with that pace. Unfortunately the summer vacation period is always a huge challenge to a small team like us and we can't make releases if not all the needed team members are at work.

    Good feedback, thanks for sharing! Hopefully my answers helped explaining at least a bit why we don't think that upgrading any items becomes at least totally useless.
  5. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    For ur 1st part I honestly didn't know about that the devs put cap on the max u can go on blue or yellow items but I think it's a good thing there should be caps like
    Max leggy item u can take up to is tier 2 and max pic item upto tier 4 only and rare upto tier 5 it would help to balance out the game. So that u small percentage does not become god of this bay and u know it will help to balance out the game a little.
    And as for the lot of money u spend to get those items u should get refund for it like in form of trading as marauder mentioned because whoa that's a lot of money u spent on it.
    For ur 2nd part I think developers could do few things there.
    a. Team up with youtubers like porthos wave lower and war net etc they have good viewer base and they can provide a pretty good idea about what needs to change in the game.
    b. They could hold q&a sessions to directly answer our queries and ask what we need.
    For that discord could be an option.
    3. Ur ETA pt makes quite sense.
  6. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017

    Hello Miika,
    Glad to see you here. :)

    That's the thing though, shouldn't a legendary item be better than an epic item (weapons still not included) ?
    As in, why should a T5L need to add other perks (universal health perk for example) since it's being a T2/T3 already max out everything else ?
    Wouldn't that beat the purpose of trying to go all-in, in the legendary route ?

    Turbo being a perfect example : Shouldn't a T4E turbo be "slower" than a T5E ? Slower as in, ship being slower and not just in the Turbo UI stat. :)
    Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of upgrading items if we knew there would be a limit ?
    For example, when I started playing this game, I've seen the item stat charts by classes and I wanted a fast ship. When I saw the legendary T5, I wanted it so bad to get that "speed".
    Once I've reached T2, i saw the limit and didn't want to have another one. Bad luck happened and I got to a T4.
    Same for other items and I'm sure a lot of new players think this way.
    They see something amazing and then, their "dreams" shattered when they realized it wasn't worth the extra money/time.
    If i swap my T4L turbo for a T5E, I'm sure i won't feel any differences.

    Got hooked by that frost blaster legendary as I thought they wouldn't have a limit (you pointed it to me much later when I realized it was the same since T2).
    To me, -93% = 7% of speed (without OB/Nitro).
    If you take 7% of 1.74 speed of a MK7 speeder, it would mean a speed of 0.12 (OB/Nitro not included).

    As of now, my "setup" is basically done for a MK10 (lol).

    When you compare those items to the weapons, weapons at a higher tier (any classes), they actually have a meaning.
    As of now, my current setup (and a lot of epic setups as well) is being limited, which, compared to weapons, is kind of useless.

    This is what that doesn't make sense to me. Beside weapons, now I wouldn't want to upgrade until MK10 since I would be limited and I'm sure a lot of players feel the same, regardless of their classes (Mostly epic and legendary since Rare items have more rooms to improve).

    It's like buying a Ferrari but having a limiter that can only drives at 20mph. It looks shiny and awesome but it's useless (Kids, only on German autobahn LOL. Drive safe !).

    When I battle, I have lots of speeders. When we go neck to neck, I'm not faster nor slower than them. You can call a "speeder drag race". After the game, I check their setups, and it's a T5E, which made me realize maybe there also is a speed limit on OB, since i'm not faster than them.

    I've shared my Big shield with RNG Eric who has a level 49 Epic. Same epic perks. He has 250 less health. If he upgrades, it will give him 50 additional health. Meaning a T5L has 200 more health than a T5E.

    It's minimal and it might contribute in the long run, but the price to performance ratio is so minimal, it's not worth it (considering how much it really costs to get one). Especially compared to weapons.

    Maybe there is a bug, maybe not, there are only 2 players in the games who have T5L, so gathering datas is very minimal, if not, near impossible.

    Regarding the updates, what I meant was an actual updates, not a "balancing" updates that piss everyone off lol. But you do know my view on those, and it's necessary.
    I think, the players would want more a "Big update coming this/next month. No ETA for now" than speculating and spreading false informations over the VIP chat, forum, group chats, etc... (cough cough Pewpewdie cough) :)

    And again, congrats of making this game a reality. It's an amazing game and you devs know it. You deserve more gratitude than other hating on you guys.

    Edit : RNG Eric has a Level 47 Epic. Not 49. My bad. + minor correction.
    Last edited: 17 Aug 2017
    DeeMeester likes this.
  7. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Problem is, they offer us a way to have better items so they can get more $ on this game. Fair enough, it's a business. But the concern a lot of us have (not legendary necessarily), is after a certain point, there is no point to upgrade since there is a limit. To Rovio, it means less cash flow if there are no points in upgrading due to limitations. To them, it's bad, and to us, it's kind of like a lie. You buy something but it's totally different.
    Thing is, there aren't lots of T3/T4 legendary in the bay. Beside weapons, there are less than 10 people i'm sure of it. Having a big more speed, does not equal more skills.
    For me, @Miika build is weak, and yet, he can kick my A** any day of the week lol.
    Balancing is fine but when they offer something better, it's hard to balance something, especially when something is supposed to be better.

    For my 2nd point, I think they just need to keep us in the loop.
    Tell someone (Porthos) or add it here saying an update is coming "soon" and be done with it.
    Q&A would be very nice. Thanks for that.
    Crashedup likes this.
  8. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Side note :
    I would like to thank everyone in here for being nice ! It's pretty awesome having a decent thread where minds can interact with each other instead of clashing everyone.
    THANK YOU, everyone !

    (FREE GIFT CARD ! JK ! :p)
    DeeMeester likes this.
  9. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Well, can't speak much to the items... I'm far from maxing out my stats on any of my stuff.

    It is kind of silly with the turbos and rudders maxing out top speed / agility before you max the item out. Don't quite understand that. *edit- just read Miika's reply above and found it most enlightening on this topic.

    I do agree with the boring statement tho. I'm pretty bored nowadays, and goof off a lot more than I used to. Tired of the same ol' same ol' and I see a lot of other old players doing the same thing. My Mk1 fixer with lvl 1 common items has been spotted on the bay. You can one-shot-kill it if you are lucky. ;)

    It's been forever since an update (*edit- or at least it feels that way), and super forever since a content update (*edit- by content I'm referring to something that adds something truly new and exciting to the game). I know it's a small team, but it would be cool to see a roadmap for the game and what they plan to do. Even if it takes a while, at least then we can dream while they develop and feel like we are a part of the process. Being entirely in the dark is no fun.
    Last edited: 17 Aug 2017
  10. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Hello Porthos,
    It's such an honor to have you here !

    You've said it all. Nothing more to add !

    *contemplating one super star*:oops:
  11. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    This... I think most people don't understand this statement. With Legendary or Max Epic items you then have the luxury to afford to reconfigure your Captain Skills / Levels and Epic Perks to do other things as opposed to speed. So Lets say you have a Maxed T5 Legendary Turbo (T5L) , you no longer need to configure your Skills (Captains) to add speed/ turbo increase or load in Turbo Effect Perks to achieve maximum speed, since the T5L Turbo would be maxing out without them.

    Rather, you can start configuring them to other skills along with loading in ALL Weapon effects Perks that would raise the ship in other things other than speed
    . This basically applies to all the other items ship specs like Turret speed and Rudder.

    As for boring, I agree.

    Should just allow for Guild Friendly Battles with no Infamy, let us create a game and we can choose sides and compose the teams ourselves. So that takes little to no Matchmaking whatsoever. Little to no development required other than the team management screen, a button that appears in the Guild Chat to join the guild match, and ability to choose the map we want. This would bring so much more meaning to Guilds and increase the fun factor without the stress or rage/frustrations of poor teamplay or matchmaking. This makes repetitive gaming actually fun because you play with friends all the time (who doesn't like playing with friends?)
    with that completed, this puts a foot in the door to allow for E-Sport to figure out how to cap items on the Game Match Management screen (ie; cap all weapons to T3, cap all captain levels to 20, cap all ships to MK5) etc. And basically it just takes your gear and lowers them to the caps.
    Last edited: 17 Aug 2017
    KilleWh4le, Star.Nova and Daidem like this.
  12. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Hello D3X,

    Although i do agree with your point of view, the fact still remains that any Epic/Legendary items that maxes out your boat abilities, at a "lower" tier, is a flaw, nonetheless.
    When you look at the item stat (the one in the shop), you are too believed it would add that additional %, HP, etc..., without the need of perks.
    The fact that you need to add other perks for another items, render them kind of useless in the way, it was supposed to work/be.

    Of course, I can't and won't argue with your point of view since everyone wants to customize their boats as they would like.
    If I want more health, I can add a few universal perks and be done.
    If I want more speed due to the nature of the said item, I can't because of its limitations.

    I'm sure you do understand both ways =)

    Keep up the brainstorm, we need more of that ! Hehe

    Edit : correction
    Elitist likes this.
  13. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It's not my opinion or my point of view. Just clarifying what @Miika explained up top with an explanation. Basically i'm saying it's not particularly a dead end with the limitations and that having a higher rarity turbo would still be desirable.

    As you know, I'm a speeder too. I of course want to be faster, but going beyond max speed may have implications that would make the speeder overpowered again. Something they already balanced since last update, if you're saying to remove the limitation, they may nerf the Overboost to reflect. However that would affect more than one ship class since fixers and enforcer can use OB too.
    WarCream likes this.
  14. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Hey D3X,

    I'm not saying it's a dead end since I am considering doing the universal hitpoint perks as @Miika suggested. It may work out well after all.
    Limitations are there to balance to game and I agree (did said so in the original post), but I don't get why a few items have to be "rerouted" from their original purposes.
    Besides those, there aren't many items we can do that (Missiles Launcher / Frost blaster / Frost launcher comes to mind).

    All in all, I believe it's a design flaw in a way that, if you add a good turbo on a shooter, that shooter will get a bit more speed due to the level and class of said, turbo.
    Don't really need to nerf the banana boat if ships get faster. And this is kind of a biggie to me though, I hate the enforcer dance. If they get more speed from a turbo, would make my job much harder to hit them. Imagine a fixer being faster because he has changed from a T5R to a T4E. Of course, we wouldn't want to add 5 turbos on a defender, making them faster than a speeder on nitro lol.

    It's not just the banana boat getting an upgrade, if said item becomes better, it affects every boats. Having a better class turbo would give you the advantage but, how many people rock a T3L (since the average "high end" turbos are T5E at higher level) ? Not a lot, if not, no one. The difference wouldn't be here since no one has one. Almost everyone would be on the same playing field. Making the items more useful, thus, trying to get them to higher level / higher class. Making Rovio more money in the process.

    I'm sure you know where I'm getting at =)
  15. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    I agree with everything but I'm not sure if it's a good thing that all speed and agility limitations are lifted.

    Then you can keep building on them till you reach a point where you'd have speeds of what 3 or something?.

    That's your average nitro speed bruh, you can't hit any ship with that much speed, isn't that op?. Too much agility would be op too.

    Everybody would ditch all other items and go for super speed of super agility and that'd be chaos.

    As for frost blaster. Why do you even need more slow than 90%?. Main reason people use frost is to slow ships down, hit them easily and get crits from mortars and torps.

    You can do that easily with 90% or even much lesser, more slow wouldn't make a difference at all.
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.
  16. Zeus

    Zeus Developer

    4 Apr 2017
    QA Lead
    Helsinki, Finland
    Hi guys, thanks for a refreshing thread overall. A very good read.

    Miika outlined most points already so i won't be going into depth in that, but i'd like to point out a few things when it comes to design and balancing.

    1. Turbo: So if we didn't softcap speed, you could essentially be unhittable with 2 or 3x turbos. I don't think that's what anyone wants. Is it possible we could have designed turbo better or *gasp* even not add it in the first place? Definitely.

    2. Rudder/gearlube: Kind of same thing as above, you'd essentially be zigzagging everywhere, or be a turret with no delay.

    3. Frost items: I'm not sure who coined it (i think it was blacktail?), but essentially when you could nearly make a ship immobile, you could use triple torps+mines+big torps to reliably ALWAYS hit them. This was a huge issue and an extremely bad experience for the player who got the wrong end of the stick. That's why we implemented minspeed, increased mine arming time and increased tritorp spread. You can still use torps+frost, but the other player has some leeway to avoid it.
    WarCream, Ultrah, KilleWh4le and 4 others like this.
  17. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Hello @Zeus @CheekyDevilGod

    I do understand and I wouldn't want any boat having a speed of 4.00, that would be ridiculous !
    Maybe lift the limitations but limit the use of having 1 item (turbo, rudder, gear lube) per boat.
    A max out T5E would yield around 80% more speed (with epic perks). Considering a base speed of 1.21 for speeder, 0.92 for shooter (MK7), 0.9 for Enforcer, 0.83 defender and 0.91 for fixer. would give more or less 2.18, 1.67, 1.62, 1.5 and 1.64.
    When you think about it, it's not much more than what we already have (beside speeder).
    Currently, boats are like this (MK7) :
    Speeder : 1.74
    Shooter : 1.5
    Enforcer : 1.42
    Defender : 1.42
    Fixer : 1.5

    Maybe decrease speeder boat speed a little so there won't such a huge gap.
    Would give more speed when in frozen state as well, rendering torps / mortars much difficult to dodge while frozen.

    Balance would be even better in those areas. Might make the shots a little more challenging too, especially boats using the waves to increase speed, but isn't that the fun of this game ? Point and shoot on "statues" is kind of boring if you ask me. :p

    What doesn't make sense (including the frost blaster), is the % of the items, giving you one data on the stats but due to limitations, gives in reality, something different. That's the part that makes no sense. =)
    It's like buying a CPU that clocks at 4.0 Ghz on the box but in reality, it clocks at 2.4Ghz when at full speed.
    I don't think you would be too happy, since you would be buying that specific CPU for a specific task.

    I do have to agree with @Zeus. It's refreshing thread so thank you, again, everyone. :)
  18. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    I completely agree with @Zeus.
    But what @Miika said makes a good pt to some extent because lets say I use speeder and have tier 5 legendary turbo and max speed skills on swift I wouldn't get the benifit but I don't use carronades too and so no pt in my switching them over and that's not good.
    But what @Bunta said we should be able to use one item per boat is not good too as it would bring disbalance and would favour player with higher end weapon legendary items equipped player will have stronger faster ships as compared to rare equipped ones.
    My suggestion is rovio should need to balance it all out.
    For ex for turbo and speeder
    Make it so that after training Swift for all speed and equipping all perks epic ones I should be able to reach only max speed defined by game i.e the max cap.
    For this too happen rovio needs to find balance with different items for instance after all training and perks a rare tier 5 should be able to get max speed and only tier 4 in case of epic and tier 2 in case for the legendary items.( There could a little difference as tier 5 rare is a little shy of reaching max speed so in order to make legendary feel like it)
    Remove unwanted levels from items like legendary can go upto only tier2 max not tier 5.
    As for earning money rovio can always add new items into the game which will do 2 things
    1. Provide rovio with money.
    2. Refresh the gameplay and change meta of the game.
    3. And provide us with some new toys and keep the game from becoming stale
    EDIT: All the figures stated in the post are just there to provide an example they are not set in stone and will depend solely on judgement of rovio iff they do go through with this suggestion
    Last edited: 18 Aug 2017
  19. Star.Nova

    Star.Nova Member

    22 May 2017
    Nice bro
  20. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Hey Crashedup,

    Doesn't a T5E turbo with 3 epic perks maxes out any ships ?

    The problem I see with your maximum T2L, is that they would become completely useless.

    If a T5E = T2L, why would anyone want to try to go with Legendary items?
    It's much easier and cheaper to buy epic weapons. You have one additional perk slot compared to a T2L
    If they do that, their business model would completely crash.
    No point in going for T2L if it's weaker than a T5E.

    Also, you talk about imbalance which is, arguably understandable, but, Rovio offered a way to the players to "purchase" a better set of items : Epic and Legendary.
    How can you (players in general) blame people to buy those if they want to and then call it unbalance ?

    Adding more items will only increase their sales growth, which is a good thing for Rovio, but you can't just render legendary items useless by limiting them to T2.
    I know, I have a big torp T2L and I never use it. Why ? Because my T5E is better in every way.
    It would apply to everything in the game.

    Edit : "Bug fix" =)

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