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New Fixing Item Idea

Discussion in 'The World of Battle Bay' started by Wyatt N., 15 Aug 2017.


Would this be a viable item?

  1. No it is way too OP

    1 vote(s)
  2. No it is extremely underpowered

    1 vote(s)
  3. Yes but it still needs some work

    12 vote(s)
  4. Yes, it is great how you've presented it

    1 vote(s)
  1. Wyatt N.

    Wyatt N. New Member

    15 Aug 2017
    Recently the repair bolt was launched and is now a viable item with the recent balances. This made me realize that there are currently two single teammate fixing items and one area fixing item but it has to be used at close range. Yes the repair pulse does loads of healing if you add up all the healing it does per second but it has no range at all. The fixing item I'm proposing would be similar to a ranged repair pulse, and don't reject the idea just yet.

    OVERVIEW-This green item will be similar to a mortar in how it arcs and has a radius that appears on the map. Another quality this item would have is very similar to the fire bomb. This mechanic is that the closer to the the center of impact the greater the effect of the item and therefore, greater healing the closer you are to the center of the blast radius. The healing however, won't be a timed amount like the repair pulse instead, the the healing will be point healing similar to the repair bolt and repair box.
    RANGE-I believe the range of this item should be less than that of a standard mortar but a bit more than a grenade. This can help discourage fixer camping but still allow the item to be ranged. I think that the range should be limited so that the fixer can't shoot straight up at oneself to do easy fixing. This keeps the item from being paired with repair bolt to make camping fixers because if they are damaged they won't be able to easily fix back up which also encourages the use of duct tape which the Devi have found underused and are trying to reintroduce.
    PROJECTILE SPEED-When you think of a mortar you must also think of the different projectile speeds amongst them. This item must have a slow enough projectile speed that it requires skill to properly lead team mates but fast enough that it is still a viable option. As a level 26 speeder I am not much a fan of mortars and therefore have no idea what a good projectile speed would be because I also don't know the speeds of other mortars.
    AMOUNT OF HEALING-I believe that it should do less healing than the repair box and repair pulse because it is a ranged item so it needs to have its downfalls like how the pulse requires the fixer to be close to teammates to get good value out of it. I personally think it should do 70% ofthe healing that the repair box does if not lower due to the area effect. Keep in mind that the most healing, the 70% occurs right in the center of the radius.
    RADIUS-I believe that the radius should be similar to that of the repair pulse so too much value isn't gained from the item however, it could be a little bit bigger if necessary if it ends up being underused (if it becomes a real item in the game).
    COOL DOWN-This item could potentially end up being very spammable which ends up meaning it requires a longer cooldown. I enjoy using the big torpedo so I have experience with its cool down. To prevent spam this item from being spammed I think the cooldown should be the same length as the big torpedo because that decreases the likelihood of this item being used for all three slots in a maxed out fixer.
    SLOT POINTS-Another way to prevent a maxed fixer from using all of this item is to make it a two slot point item. Plain and simple.
    OTHER POSSIBILITIES-Perhaps the animation for fixing items when they land could change so center green or red circle could change to be a circle but the negative space would make a "+" like on the side of the fixer boat. Or it could be white. Another cool animation possibility is that a ring of "+"'s emerge around it as it hits the water and the ring rises into the sky to finally disappear. A final suggestion to make it less OP is that if an enemy catches the item right in the center it could stop prevent the effect from occurring in certain places of the radius such as the two outer rings.

    P.S. I appreciate any feedback and suggestions you have and if you could get the idea to the devs that would be great as well.

    P.P.S. Thank you Bastone from YouTube channel BernstoneTVGaming for discussing the item with me in your comment section.YouTube.com/BernstoneTVGaming

    P.P.P.S. There is still no name for this potential item so at the bottom of each of your comments please to suggest a name.
    Last edited: 15 Aug 2017
    The Otherguy and Epekka like this.
  2. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future

    realy, realy, good idea.
    but, it isn't perfect.
    I think that it is a little UP (underpowered).
    maybe 85% healing of a pulse of th same rarity/lvl in the center, but down to 50% at the edge. But, it should do HoT (healing over time) for around 3 or 4 seconds.
    I'm not sure if it should be 1 or 2 slot points though. Also, It can't heal it's shooter and has a min. range of about 4.0
    Lastly, the animation would be of a motar blast with a '+' in the center circle.

    Anyway, this is a great idea that needs looked at by the devs.


    P.S. the name would be healing motar, and there should be no healing reduction if a unfreindly is inside the blast radius when it lands. AND it would go about as high up in the air as the grenade.
    Last edited: 16 Aug 2017
    The Otherguy likes this.
  3. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    A fixer using this in-doors wouldn't be able to heal players. And I personally don't want camping fixers using repair mortar + repair bolt from spawn
  4. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    it would be kind of like grenade in that it doesn't go realy high up in the air.
  5. Wyatt N.

    Wyatt N. New Member

    15 Aug 2017
    Yeah I like the grenade like projectile arc. Also, I want it to be different from the repair pulse besides just the range so I think that it shouldn't be able to heal over time.
  6. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    well, it would probaly be 1 slot then if you took everything else that we both said.
    I still like it.

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